RTC 221 bus

Cactus / horizon ridge / boulder city, rtc 221 bus stop list and next departures.

The RTC 221 - Cactus / Horizon Ridge / Boulder City bus serves {count_of_stops} bus stops in the Las Vegas area departing from {first_stop} and ending at {last_stop}. Scroll down to see upcoming 221 bus times at each stop and the next scheduled 221 bus times will be displayed. The full 221 bus schedule as well as real-time departures (if available) can be found in the app .

The RTC 221 - Cactus / Horizon Ridge / Boulder City bus route map is shown above. The route map shows you an overview of all the stops served by the RTC 221 bus to help you plan your trip on RTC. Opening the app will allow you to see more detailed information about the route on a map including stop specific alerts, such as stops that have been closed or moved. You can also see the location of vehicles in real-time on the route map so you know when the 221 bus is approaching your stop.

RTC 221 bus Service Alerts

Open the app to see more information about any active disruptions that may impact the 221 bus schedule, such as detours, moved stops, trip cancellations, major delays, or other service changes to the bus route. The app also allows you to subscribe to receive notifications for any service alert issued by RTC so that you can plan your trip around any active or future disruptions.

RTC 221 bus FAQ

What time does the next rtc 221 bus depart from {first_stop}.

The next 221 bus leaves {first_stop} at {first_stop_first_time}, and arrives at {last_stop} at {last_stop_first_time}. The total trip time for the next RTC 221 bus is {number_of_minutes} minutes.

Is the RTC 221 bus running on time, early or late?

You can track your bus on a map, monitor real-time updates, and see adjustments to the RTC 221 schedule by downloading the app .

When does the next RTC 221 bus arrive?

You can see the next RTC 221 bus times in the app as well as future departure times for the 221 bus.

How many bus stops are there for the RTC 221 bus?

There are {count_of_stops} stops on the RTC 221 bus.

Is the RTC 221 bus usually crowded?

You can find real-time information on RTC 221 bus crowding levels in the app (available in select cities or on select trips). You can also see predictions on how crowded the bus will be when it gets to your bus stop.

Is the RTC 221 bus currently running?

Find out the current status for the RTC 221 bus in the app .

What is the closest RTC 221 bus stop to me?

Open the app to see your location on a map and find the closest 221 bus stop to where you are.

Other RTC bus schedules, routes and maps

  • 101 Rainbow
  • 103 Decatur
  • 104 Valley View
  • 105 Martin L. King
  • 106 Rancho / Centennial Hills
  • 108 Paradise
  • 109 Maryland Pkwy.
  • 401 N. Outlets / Symphony Park
  • BHX Boulder Highway Express
  • CX Centennial Express
  • DEUCE The Deuce / Strip
  • DVX Downtown & Vets. Med. Ctr. Express
  • SX Sahara Express

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Due to a technical fault, erroneous top ups were effected on some Tallinja Cards. This means that credit was added to some Tallinja Card accounts without the card holder actually paying. These erroneous top ups are being reversed. In order to view your transaction history and check whether this has affected your Tallinja Card, please click on the link below and enter your customer number and the last four digits found on the barcode on your Tallinja Card.

  • Service Information
  • Routes & Timetables

How to use this page?

Below you will find the timetables from each bus stop for the route you have selected. For most routes, there are timetables in each direction below each other.

Bus stops are sorted by locality and you can expand each locality to view the approximate departure times on each bus stop.

Timetables may vary from weekdays to Saturdays and Sundays for some routes, so please select from the options available. Some routes have the same timetables from Mondays to Sundays.

Questions or Comments?

Customer service:, connect with us.

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221 Kingsland Park & Ride bus

  • Mon-Fri: Runs every 15 min. *
  • Weekend: No service

* For most operating hours. Exact times may vary.

You can receive alerts for this route by text and/or email. Please fill in your preferred contact method below. If you’d like alerts delivered both ways, please fill out both fields below.

Subscribe for Free

221 kingsland p&r schedule, regular fare.

For all Park & Ride Bus customers who aren’t eligible for a discounted fare.

Discounted Fare

* For students, seniors 65-69, or people with disabilities who aren't METROLift customers.

* Requires discounted fare card

Ways To Pay

METRO Q Fare Card

METRO Q® Fare Card

A contactless fare payment option – this is the form of payment used by most METRO riders. It functions as a debit card for riding METRO. You can continually load and store money on it – and then money will be deducted each time you pay your fare.

Customer tapping METRO Q® Fare Card on fare validator when boarding local bus.

Tap your regular or discounted METRO Q® Fare Card on the validator inside the bus when you board (as shown in the photo) and the fare amount will be deducted. If you prefer to go contactless, you can wave your card close to the validator as well.

Make sure the light registers green in the upper right when you tap or wave.

After the fare amount is deducted from your card, you’ll receive free transfers between any of these METRO services for up to three hours in any direction:

  • METRO curb2curb 

For transfers to Park & Ride bus service, you only pay the fare difference for up to three hours in any direction.

Paying your fare with a METRO Q® Fare Card entitles you to METRO’s 5 for 50 offer – you’ll be credited with five free trips for every 50 paid trips.

Each of your five free trips may be used on any of the following services for up to three hours at no charge, regardless of the service(s) you typically use or where you board:

  • Park & Ride bus
  • METRO curb2curb

Immediately after you reach 50 paid trips, your five free trips will be applied automatically to the next five trips you take.

METRO Q Mobile Ticket

  • METRO Q Mobile Ticket

This is a contactless fare payment option. Download the METRO Q Ticketing app to your smartphone and sign up for an account on the app. That will allow you to purchase regular fare mobile tickets to board a METRO bus. Discounted fare mobile tickets aren’t available for purchase.

Customer boarding bus with activated METRO Q Mobile Ticket.

Once you purchase and activate a mobile ticket, it will display animated colors and motion on your phone. Show that to the bus operator as you board, as shown in the photo. After you activate your mobile ticket, it's valid for three hours .

After you activate a Local Single Ride or Local Day Pass   mobile ticket, you’ll receive free transfers between any of these METRO services in any direction:

To transfer to Park & Ride service, you'll need to purchase and activate a  Park & Ride mobile ticket. It entitles you to free transfers between any METRO service of equal or lesser value.

Paying your fare with a METRO Q Mobile Ticket entitles you to METRO’s 5 for 50 offer – you’ll be credited with five free trips after you’ve activated 50 mobile tickets.

For each of your five free trips, you can choose to activate a Local Single Ride mobile ticket or any Park & Ride mobile ticket for up to three hours at no charge.

METRO Day Pass

  • METRO Day Pass

A contactless fare payment option – this offers the best value if you ride local services three or more times in a day (at different times of the day). It functions as a debit card for riding METRO. You can continually load and store money on it – and then money will be deducted each time you pay your fare.

The maximum daily amount deducted is $3 from a regular METRO Day Pass or $1.50 from a discounted METRO Day Pass. If you use the pass on a Park & Ride bus, the cost to ride doesn't get applied to those deductions. The pass is only valid on the day of activation; it expires at 2 a.m. the following morning.

Customer tapping METRO Day Pass on fare validator when boarding.

Tap your regular or discounted METRO Day Pass on the validator inside the bus when you board (as shown in the photo) and the fare amount will be deducted. If you prefer to go contactless, you can wave your card close to the validator as well.

After each of the first two times the fare amount is deducted from your card, you’ll be entitled to free transfers between any of these METRO services for up to three hours in any direction:

After the third time the fare amount is deducted from your card, you’re entitled to unlimited use of those services for the rest of the day.



A contactless fare payment option – this is a popular choice for agencies, hotels and convention groups looking to provide a disposable fare card to clients, customers or guests. The card comes preloaded with amounts ranging from $1.25 to $20. These cards can't be reloaded.

Customer tapping METRO Money card on fare validator when boarding.

Tap your METRO Money card on the validator inside the bus when you board (as shown in the photo) and the fare amount will be deducted. If you prefer to go contactless, you can wave your card close to the validator as well.

A dollar bill with a quarter sitting next to it

You’re welcome to pay with cash and/or coins.

Customer paying their fare upon boarding by placing a dollar bill in the cash box.

Deposit it into the fare box when you board the bus, as shown in the photo. No change is given.

When paying with cash, transfers to other METRO services aren’t included.

About Route 221

Park & Ride bus.

Hours of Operation

Popular destinations, transfer options.

  • Red routes run at least every 15 minutes
  • Blue routes run every 16-30 minutes
  • Green routes run every 31-60 minutes

To see locations along the 221 where specific connecting routes are available, close this window and click or tap on the Route Map tab.

Next Bus Arrival

There are various ways that METRO can provide you with reliable, estimated bus arrival times. These real-time updates allow you to stay informed and avoid delays.

  • Next Bus Texting Text your stop ID and bus route to 697433.
  • METRO ONE to Ride app Estimated arrival times appear along the bottom of the screen.
  • Digital Signs Estimated real-time bus information is shown onscreen.
  • METRO Website Track your bus using the feature found on the homepage.
  • Automated Phone Line Hear the estimated arrival times for the next bus at your stop.

Text message window displaying how to use the next bus texting tool.

Receive the next bus arrival time directly to your phone. Text your bus stop number  followed by a space and your  route number to 697433 . You'll receive a text back with the  estimated real-time arrival (RT) and scheduled arrival time (SC) of the next buses at your stop. 

Screen displaying how the METRO TRIP app shows real-time and scheduled time of the next buses.

See the next bus arrival times   by using the map to select the location where you'll begin your trip . Select your bus route from the routes shown along the left side of the screen and then choose the direction you're traveling in. Estimated   r eal-time arrivals are shown in green and s cheduled times are shown in white along the bottom of your screen.

METRO's digital signage at a bus stop.

See estimated real-time bus arrival information on digital signs installed at select METRO bus stop locations and transit centers throughout the region. Screens also feature service alerts, detours, stop closures and other METRO announcements. Digital signs will continue to be added as part of the METRONext Moving Forward Plan.

The Track Your Bus or Train feature on the homepage of the METRO website.

Track Your Bus or Train directly from the homepage of the METRO website. Select your route, destination and  stop . Click or tap on Track Now and you'll see the route number and estimated wait time for the next bus.

Image of a phone.

Reach METRO's automated next bus arrival system by calling Customer Service at 713-635-4000 . When prompted, enter your bus stop number followed by your route number, or press the pound sign (#) for stop number lookup. Estimated real-time and scheduled times of the next buses at your stop will be recited.

Select Another Route

If you’d like to explore other METRO Park & Ride commuter express bus routes, select one below. Otherwise, you can scroll down to view Common Questions about riding a Park & Ride bus or access Rider Tools to plan your trip.

Common Questions

How much does it cost to ride a park & ride bus.

The regular fare to board ranges from $2-8. So a round-trip can cost $4-$16.

The discounted fare to board ranges from $1-4. So a round-trip can cost $2-8.

Fares vary by zone. To find out what zone you’re in, visit the Park & Ride bus page .

The following passengers ride free:

  • Children five or younger, accompanied by an adult
  • Seniors 70 and older who have a discounted METRO Q® Fare Card
  • Disabled or decorated veterans who have a METRO Veterans Pass
  • METROLift customers with a METROLift Freedom Q ® Card, and up to one assistant

What can I use to pay my fare?

You can pay your Park & Ride bus fare using any of the following:

  • M ETRO Q® Fare Card
  • METRO Money card

The All About Fares page has information on where you can obtain various fare cards.

Are transfers included when I ride a Park & Ride bus?

If you pay your fare using a METRO Q® Fare Card, METRO Q Mobile Ticket (Park & Ride version), METRO Day Pass or METRO Money card, you’re entitled to free transfers between any of these METRO services for up to three hours in any direction:

Depending on where your Park & Ride bus stops along its route, connections may be available to one or more of those services.

For transfers to a Park & Ride bus route with a higher cost, you only pay the fare difference for up to three hours in any direction. 

NOTE: If you use a METRO Day Pass on Park & Ride service, the cost to ride doesn't get applied to the maximum daily card deduction. Because of that, we don’t recommend using a METRO Day Pass on Park & Ride service.

Where can I park my car?

You may park in the parking lot of the facility where you’re boarding a Park & Ride bus. Lots are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

If you plan to park for three consecutive days, you must contact the METRO Police Department to make a request in advance. Otherwise, your car is subject to being towed. 

Call #673 (#MPD) by mobile phone, or email [email protected]

Do I have to pay to park?

It’s free to park at any METRO Park & Ride facility.

Are Park & Ride lots patrolled at all times?

No. The METRO Police Department patrols Park & Ride lots periodically. However, there's no full-time security onsite and METRO doesn't monitor Park & Ride lots around the clock.

Trip Planning / Prior to Arrival

Where can i find routes, schedules and maps.

A route selector is accessible directly on the website home page, linking you directly to the Park & Ride bus route page of your choice.

Each individual route page includes:

  • Frequency of service on weekdays and weekends
  • Stop-by-stop schedule
  • Link to view PDF schedule which you can then download and/or print

You can also use the website's  Interactive System Map (best viewed on a desktop or laptop computer).

In the bus section of the map, you can check a box next to any METRO bus route and the map will draw a line showing the entire route and where it runs.

If you’d prefer a physical map, we include a map image in the printed brochure for each individual bus route. Brochures are available for free at all METRO RideStore locations:

  • Downtown Transit Center - 1900 Main St.
  • Fannin South Transit Center - 1604 West Bellfort St.
  • Main Street Square - 1001 Travis St.
  • Northwest Transit Center - 7373 Old Katy Road

Where can I see if my route has alerts or detours?

Route Alerts or detours could affect your vehicle’s arrival time and/or the length of your trip. Subscribing to receive this information is a convenient way to know before you go.

On the METRO website, you can subscribe to receive notifications direct to your phone or email for the bus, rail, METRORapid and/or METRO curb2curb routes of your choice.

The quickest and easiest signup option can be found on each individual route page.

If you prefer, there’s also a Get Text and Email Alerts page where you can subscribe to multiple routes simultaneously.

All subscriptions are free and you can unsubscribe at any time.

If you don’t wish to subscribe, you can use any of the following:

  • Routes and Schedules tab on METRO website home page - it will transport you to your route page. If there are any active alerts, a link to view them will be visible near the top of the page.
  • RideMETRO app (click or tap Service Alerts on main menu)
  • ONE to Ride app (a red triangular icon will appear on the screen if your selected route is experiencing a service alert)

You can also use our Trip Planner which is available on:

  • Various pages of the METRO website, including the home page
  • RideMETRO app for your smartphone (“Plan Your Trip” section)
  • ONE to Ride app for your smartphone
  • Google or Apple maps

How do I know when the next bus will arrive?

METRO offers a rider tool called Next Bus Texting . To use it, you'll need to know your stop number . It's posted on the bus stop sign at every bus stop location. Just text that stop number to 697433 . We'll then text you back the scheduled arrival time (SC) and estimated real-time arrival (RT) of the next bus for all routes that stop at your location.

Estimated arrival times can also be accessed on:

  • METRO website home page (“Track Bus or Train” tab)
  • Automated phone line by dialing 713-635-4000

Increasingly, estimated arrival information will also be displayed digitally at bus stop locations and transit centers throughout the region. Transit centers are sheltered waiting areas where you can transfer to other METRO routes and services that provide access to even more destinations. They’re often found at the beginning or end of a bus route. 

These digitally displayed passenger information enhancements are part of the METRONext Moving Forward Plan, to create a better customer experience.

Where and how do I board the bus?

You can access METRO Park & Ride buses throughout the region at:

  • More than 25 Park & Ride lots
  • Select METRO transit centers

If you don’t require assistance, enter through the front doors, pay your fare and choose an open seat. Please avoid sitting in the priority seating areas for the elderly and people with disabilities, marked by the International Symbol of Access (Wheelchair Symbol).

If you’re using a wheelchair, mobility scooter, or walker, wait for the operator to activate an accessible ramp which will allow you easy access through the front doors. You can then pay your fare and proceed to one of the priority seating areas.

How do I pay my fare when I board?

Any METRO fare card:

Tap your card on the validator and the fare amount will be deducted. If you prefer to go contactless, you can wave your card close to the validator as well. Make sure the light registers green in the upper right when you tap or wave.

METRO Q Mobile Ticket:

Activate the ticket on your smartphone before boarding. It will display animated colors and motion on your phone. Show that to the bus operator as you board.

Deposit cash and/or coins into the farebox when you board the bus.

No change is given and transfers to other METRO local services aren’t included.

What amenities are available on Park & Ride buses?

Park & Ride bus amenities allow you to drive less and do more . They include:

  • Personal overhead light for reading
  • Adjustable air vents for each seat
  • USB outlet and electrical outlet for each seat
  • Overhead storage bins
  • Compartments below the floor for larger items such as bikes or luggage

Rider Tools

Below are some tools to make your METRO riding experience easier and more convenient so you can drive less and do more .

Plan Your Trip

Explore METRO transit services near you

Questions and Answers

Valuable information to help you ride

Savings Calculator

Compare your cost of driving vs. what it would cost to ride METRO - and see how much money you'd save each month.

ONE to Ride App

Plan and manage your trip on METRO Local bus, Park & Ride bus, METRORail or METRORapid using an interactive map.

link to the Apple app store to download the RideMETRO app

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221 - Wolf Road

Fixed route, provides weekday service between north prospect heights, kensington business center, western des plaines, rivers casino and the rosemont cta blue line station..

Midday service operates south of the Cumberland Metra Station. Extra service to the Allstate Arena is operated for selected events. On school days this route operates two afternoon trips serving Maine West High School. Route serves Posted Stops Only along the entire route - see Posted Stops - Route 221 .

Communities served include Des Plaines, Mount Prospect, Wheeling and Prospect Heights.

Schedule & Bus Tracking

View published schedule, bus tracker (live departure times), fare information.

Route 221 is classified as Regular Fixed Route

Pace Connections

  • Pulse - Dempster Line Route
  • 208 - Golf Road
  • 223 - Elk Grove – Rosemont CTA Station
  • 226 - Oakton Street
  • 230 - South Des Plaines
  • 234 - Wheeling – Des Plaines
  • 303 - Forest Park – Rosemont
  • 330 - Mannheim – LaGrange Roads
  • 332 - River Road – York Road
  • 600 - Rosemont – Schaumburg Express
  • 603 - Elgin Transportation Center – Rosemont Express
  • 605 - I-90/Randall Rd. Station – Rosemont Express
  • 606 - Rosemont – Schaumburg Limited

External Connections

  • CTA - Blue Line , CTA - Rosemont (Blue Line) , Metra - Cumberland - UPNW , Metra - North Central Service - NCS , Metra - Prospect Heights - NCS , Metra - Union Pacific Northwest - UPNW

Nearby Passenger Facilities

Park-n-Ride Rosemont Transit Center 221 ・ 223 ・ 230 ・ 303 ・ 330 ・ 332 ・ 600 ・ 603 ・ 605 ・ 606 ・ 811 ・ Pace Connect - O'Hare Businesses

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RTC Transit Route 221

Points of interest.

  • Blue Diamond & Durango
  • Mountain's Edge Marketplace
  • Desert Oasis High School
  • Southern Highlands Marketplace
  • South Point Casino
  • The Commons at Seven Hills Shopping Center
  • Coronado High School (Henderson)
  • St. Rose Dominican Hospital Siena Campus
  • Eastern Commons Shopping Center
  • Green Valley Ranch
  • Henderson Pavilion
  • Country Club Center (Henderson)
  • Horizon Place Shopping Center (Henderson)
  • Horizon Village Square (Henderson)
  • Horizon Town Center
  • College of Southern Nevada Henderson Campus
  • Foothill High School (Henderson)
  • Nevada State College
  • Railroad Pass Casino
  • Nevada State Railroad Museum Boulder City
  • Boulder City Hospital
  • Boulder City High School
  • College of Southern Nevada Boulder City Center
  • Downtown Boulder City
  • RTC Transit routes
  • This page was last edited on 7 August 2021, at 18:20.
  • Transit.Wiki is a free guide to trains, buses, ferries and more. Content is available under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike unless otherwise noted.
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bus journey 221

‘City Line is exceptionally popular’: Spokane’s new rapid transit bus system hits 500,000 rides

After nearly nine months in service, Spokane’s first and only rapid transit bus route has topped 500,000 rides.

“We’re really, really pleased that we hit a half million rides at this point,” said Carly Cortright, Spokane Transit Authority spokeswoman. “It shows that the City Line is exceptionally popular.”

Though the Monroe Regal line takes the cake for being Spokane’s most popular bus route by sheer numbers, City Line, whose 6-mile route stretches from Browne’s Addition to Spokane Community College, is the most popular in terms of ridership per mile, Cortright said.

“City Line is right up there as being one of the highest-ridership lines, but the Monroe Regal line goes all the way from Moran Prairie Park & Ride all the way to the Five Mile Park & Ride,” an 11.4-mile route. “(City Line) is about half the length, and so when you look at it per mile, it has the highest ridership,” she said.

Still, the 60-foot, zero-emission buses haven’t been as popular as STA’s pre-COVID-19 estimate indicated.

“Our original projections were a million rides per year,” Cortright said. That means City Line should’ve hit 500,000 in January.

This wasn’t unexpected, Cortright said; ridership on public transit decreased nationwide after the pandemic.

“Our estimates, we knew, would be lower than that million rides, but we have had, really, a wonderful recovery,” she said. “Many other transit agencies are still struggling to have riders return, and we’re really fortunate that our ridership has really bounced back.”

City Line has been especially popular with youths 18 and younger, who ride free, making up 20% of the systems riders, Cortright said. The purple buses have also been a hit with Gonzaga University students.

“We have a great partnership with Gonzaga, and being able to have those students have that flexibility to go different places, to entertainment, to jobs, has been something that we’ve been really pleased with,” she said.

When City Line launched in July , a staffing shortage prevented the system’s promised frequencies.

Since then, “we’ve made really great strides with hiring operators,” Cortright said. “We’ve got the last class of operators in training right now, and so come May 26th, City Line will be fully operational.”

After that, stops will be serviced every 7 ½ minutes during peak hours of 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. to 6 p.m., every 10 minutes from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., and every 15 minutes on Sundays.

The transit signal priority system, which will signal to upcoming traffic lights to turn green ahead of the arrival of a City Line bus, is close to being fully operational, Cortright said, though she didn’t have a specific date for its completion.

“We are at final phases with that. We are testing it with City of Spokane,” she said.

Another rapid transit bus system is in Spokane’s future. STA is in the “planning and design phase” for one on Division Street.

“That’s projected to launch when the North-South Corridor freeway opens up officially, when it connects with I-90 in 2030,” Cortright said.

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Matt Durham sees himself as lucky.

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London Buses

Turnpike lane station - edgware, london buses 221 bus route map - edgware.

221 bus Line Map

London Buses 221 bus Route Schedule and Stops (Updated)

The 221 bus (Edgware) has 55 stops departing from Turnpike Lane Bus Station (S) and ending at Edgware Station (G).

Choose any of the 221 bus stops below to find updated real-time schedules and to see their route map.

View on Map

Direction: Edgware (55 stops)

Turnpike lane bus station (s), brampton park road (l), wood green shopping city (j), wood green station (h), wood green bus garage (c), haringey civic centre (bh), park avenue (bj), nightingale road (bk), palace road (bl), bounds green station (bm), warwick road (gm), cline road (ge), hobart corner (gf), lower park road (w), whitmore close (m), new southgate station (k), beaconsfield road / new southgate stn (w), bellevue road (w), st john's church (fb), friern barnet town hall (fc), colney hatch lane (fl), summers lane (fp), crescent way (fq), woodhouse college (fr), churchfield avenue (g), north finchley high road (h), north finchley bus station (p), thyra grove (n), nether street (pp), argyle road / avondale avenue (rr), sussex ring (w), singleton scarp, cissbury ring / western arm (w), partingdale lane, finchley golf club (w), mill hill east station (a), sanders lane, bittacy hill (s), rushden gardens (s), bittacy rise, salcombe gardens, barnet copthall leisure centre (w), page street (w), copthall gardens / page street (w), bunns lane bridge (w), parkmead gardens (n), flower lane / sacred heart church (h), mill hill broadway station (d), beech walk (e), downhurst avenue (f), cloister gardens (g), farm road (h), broadfields avenue hale lane (l), the drive (m), edgware station (g), what time does the 221 bus start operating.

Services on the 221 bus start at 00:08 on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.

What time does the 221 bus stop working?

Services on the 221 bus stop at 23:56 on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.

What time does the 221 bus arrive?

When does the Turnpike Lane Station - Edgware Bus line come? Check Live Arrival Times for live arrival times and to see the full schedule for the Turnpike Lane Station - Edgware Bus line that is closest to your location.

How much is the 221 (Edgware) bus fare?

The Turnpike Lane Station - Edgware (Edgware) bus fare is about £1.75.

Is there a 221 bus stop near me?

Click here to view the nearest 221 bus stop.

221 bus Schedule

221 bus route operates everyday. Regular schedule hours: 00:08 - 23:56

London Buses Service Alerts

See all updates on 221 (from Turnpike Lane Bus Station (S)), including real-time status info, bus delays, changes of routes, changes of stops locations, and any other service changes. Get a real-time map view of 221 (Edgware) and track the bus as it moves on the map. Download the app for all London Buses info now.

221 line bus fare

London Buses 221 (Edgware) ride fare is about £1.75. Prices may change based on several factors. For more information about London Buses’s ticket costs, please check the Moovit app or London Buses’s official website.

Get it on Google Play

221 (London Buses)

The first stop of the 221 bus route is Turnpike Lane Bus Station (S) and the last stop is Edgware Station (G). 221 (Edgware) is operational during everyday. Additional information: 221 has 55 stops and the total trip duration for this route is approximately 65 minutes.

On the go? See why over 1.5 million users trust Moovit as the best public transport app. Moovit gives you London Buses suggested routes, real-time bus tracker, live directions, line route maps in London, and helps to find the closest 221 bus stops near you. No internet available? Download an offline PDF map and bus schedule for the 221 bus to take on your trip.

221 near me

Line 221 Real Time Bus Tracker

Track line 221 (Edgware) on a live map in real time and follow its location as it moves between stations. Use Moovit as a line 221 bus tracker or a live London Buses bus tracker app and never miss your bus.

Use the app as a trip planner for London Buses or a trip planner for Tube, Bus, DLR, Tramlink, Train or River Bus to plan your route around London. The trip planner shows updated data for London Buses and any bus, including line 221, in London

221 - Alternative Directions

  • 221 - Turnpike Lane Station / Timetable

London Buses Lines in London

  • K2 - Hook - Kingston Hospital / Timetable
  • 358 - Crystal Palace - Orpington Station / Timetable
  • 436 - Battersea Park Station - Lewisham, Shopping Centre / Timetable
  • 89 - Slade Green - Lewisham Station / Timetable
  • 339 - Shadwell - Leytonstone / Timetable
  • 395 - Greenford, Westway Cross - Harrow / Timetable
  • 113 - Marble Arch - Edgware / Timetable
  • U9 - Harefield Hospital - Uxbridge / Timetable
  • 56 - Barts Hospital - Whipps Cross / Timetable
  • 58 - Walthamstow Central - East Ham, Central Park / Timetable
  • 149 - London Bridge - Edmonton Green / Timetable
  • 533 - Castelnau, Lonsdale Road - Hammersmith / Timetable
  • 415 - Old Kent Road, Tesco - Tulse Hill / Timetable
  • 491 - North Middlesex Hospital - Waltham Cross / Timetable
  • 268 - Finchley Road, O2 Centre - Golders Green / Timetable
  • H18 - Harrow (Circular) / Timetable
  • 230 - Wood Green - Upper Walthamstow / Timetable
  • N41 - Tottenham Hale - Trafalgar Square / Timetable
  • 1 - Canada Water - Hampstead Heath / Timetable
  • 136 - Elephant & Castle - Grove Park / Timetable

'A blessing no one was hurt': Collapsed tree nearly splits school bus in half in Mississippi

bus journey 221

A school bus driver in Mississippi made an unexpected stop after a tree fell and nearly split the vehicle in half.

The driver finished dropping off the last child of the day when the tree halted his route Wednesday afternoon, according to Jones County School District Superintendent B.R. Jones. He was not injured.

The employee was driving around 20 to 25 miles per hour when the bus suddenly stopped on the county line of Jones and Jasper counties in southern Mississippi, Jones said.

"As he looked up he saw that in the rearview mirror, of course, after hearing all the confusion and commotion behind that there was actually a tree about midway had fallen into the bus," Jones told USA TODAY on Friday.

The oak tree severely damaged the vehicle, ripping through the roof and crushing the inside, he added.

Bus was just purchased few months ago

Jones said the district had just purchased the bus a few months before the incident. The district has spare school buses to use and has plans to replace the destroyed one.

As for the tree itself, Jones explained that it was not rotten by any means but somehow collapsed with enough force to cause significant damage.

"It was just so out of the ordinary. You never anticipate or even think something like that could occur. And it's just a blessing that no one was injured and no one was hurt," he said.

The driver is doing well after the incident and is grateful for the "the outpouring of support" he received from the community, Jones added.

School bus involved in crash with 2 cars on Route 11 on the Onondaga Nation

  • Updated: Apr. 04, 2024, 7:05 p.m. |
  • Published: Apr. 04, 2024, 9:06 a.m.

School bus crash

Firefighters and deputies at the scene of a crash involving a school bus on Thursday morning, April 4, 2024 on Route 11 on the Onondaga Nation. Timia Cobb | Syracuse.com

Onondaga Nation — A school bus was involved in a crash with two other vehicles Thursday morning on Route 11 on the Onondaga Nation.

The crash happened at about 7:50 a.m. at the Route 11 and Kennedy Road.

The Onondaga Nation Fire Department and the Onondaga County Sheriff’s Office responded.

Initial reports are that no students were on the school bus operated by Peace Inc.

Syracuse.com | The Post-Standard will update this report when more information becomes available.

School bus crash

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bus journey 221

'I rode Surrey's newest bus route but it is missing one key stop'

T ransport for London have decided to rejig their bus routes - a brand new route now joins up Epsom High Street and St Helier station. I knew it was time to give it ride.

Last month I took a long and winding ride on the 439 , which was comfortable but eerily quiet. Now I decided to jump on another newcomer, the S2. The S2, introduced on March 2, has replaced sections of the old 470 and S4 route that took passengers between Epsom town centre and St Helier station in Sutton. The route is operated by Go Ahead and runs every 20 minutes on Monday to Saturday daytimes and every 30 minutes during the evenings and all day on Sundays.

Getting a measure of what a bus service is actually like is hard, as there are so many variables that can influence the length and enjoyment of the journey. That said, I thought it best to take a ride mid-afternoon to get a taste of the post-lunch slump and rush hour mania.

Read more: I rode on the futuristic new Surrey bus route but it ends in the middle of nowhere

While waiting outside my local Ewell East bus stop on an overcast Monday afternoon, I felt a pang of nostalgia for the former 470 service. While slow and clunky, the old route served me well during my school days.

However, this nostalgia quickly evaporated as the souped-up S2 came into view. The bright LED numbering and hum that come with all-electric vehicles suggested TfL was taking bus travel seriously in South London.

Once onboard you are met with a range of features designed to keep passengers occupied during their journey. The charging points (currently working) and display telling you how far you are from your destination are mod cons we will soon come to expect from all buses.

As with all new services, teething problems are common. Despite some press and handy diagrams displaying the new changes, some passengers remained confused by the change. Elderly passenger Sharon, on her ‘potter round the shops’ in Sutton, told me: “It's the first time I’ve been on it. They’ve messed it all up, I don’t know where it goes now.”

I saw this confusion unfold later on in my journey as several passengers stood by the doors of the bus, waiting for what they thought was their stop only to find out the new stop was a further 200m up the road. One disgruntled passenger mumbled: “I’ve got to go all the way back on myself now.”

However, she admitted that she had seen news of the changes online. Moreover, she welcomed the increased frequency of the new service. She said: “They’re more frequent than the 470 though, which is good. If you missed it you thought, 'oh god I have to wait half an hour'.”

Fellow passenger David agreed, saying: “I’ve seen these new buses fly past much more often than the ones before. It makes a change.” The route is largely residential, choosing to link up Sutton and North East Surrey’s stations via a network of sleepy treeline avenues rather than on the more hectic dual carriageways.

The salubrious route, plus the relative quiet of the electric engine, can make for a pleasant journey. Whilst gliding through Cheam’s affluent Sandy Lane, Sharon turns and says: “I like this bit, nice houses round here.”

However, as the service passes through Sutton town centre it becomes apparent that this is not the service for those in a hurry. While temporary traffic lights and the mid-journey driver change did their best to obstruct the service, the S2 route is far from direct.

The bus slows to a snail's pace as it passes the decaying white edifice of the St Helier hospital. Being a popular stop for visitors and medical professionals, most passengers alight at this point.

The one remaining passenger then begins to loudly cite the entire phonetic alphabet during a phone call to what sounded like a party planner. While this did provide some entertainment, the stuttered progress of the S2 meant I started to tire of her recital by the time she got to echo.

The next stage in the journey provided no relief as the bus passed through a location feared by learner drivers across Sutton and Merton. The dreaded four-lane Rose Hill roundabout.

After nearly an hour on the S2, the bus rolls up St Helier station ending the first leg of my journey. By this time the bus is empty save for me and the driver, which seems apt for the equally deserted St Helier.

Before starting on the return leg to Epsom, I ask the bus driver for his thoughts on the new service. He said the service is based out of the Sutton bus garage and is pretty easy-going compared to other routes.

He added: “It’s not been busy in general, to be honest. The buses are nice and smooth but it won’t be too long before they start getting a bit creaky.”

During the journey back towards Epsom, you realise the journey's most odious section comes when you pass through the Wrythe and its network of hilly residential roads. Things get a bit more straightforward once the bus passes through Cheam.

After leaving the bus on Epsom High Street, you are immediately struck by how busy Epsom’s main thoroughfare can be during rush hour. Its main road is teeming with school children hanging outside vape shops and weary late-afternoon shoppers trying to get in before closing time.

While the S2 is a pretty comprehensive route, taking in useful stations and popular shopping locations, it seems amiss to not extend the route that little bit further up to Epsom Hospital.

Surely a route joining Epsom Hospital with St Helier, which are joint in an NHS trust, would make sense for staff and visitors. While other services serve Epsom Hospital, it wouldn’t take much effort to extend the route.

Despite this, the S2 delivers on the whole. It gets you from A to B in comfort, and the increased frequency benefits those who relied on the previous service. Just don’t be fooled by its spruced-up appearance, it's not taking you anywhere fast.

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The S2 at St Helier

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Girl, 8, only survivor of bus crash that kills 45 Easter pilgrims on South Africa’s deadly roads

A bus carrying worshippers on a long-distance trip from Botswana to an Easter church gathering in South Africa plunged off a bridge on a mountain pass Thursday. An 8-year-old child was the only survivor of the crash that killed at least 45. (AP Video: Nqobile Ntshangase)

bus journey 221

A bus carrying worshippers headed to an Easter festival plunged off a bridge on a mountain pass and burst into flames in South Africa on Thursday, killing at least 45 people, authorities said.

The wreckage off a bus lays in a ravine a day after it plunged off a bridge on the Mmamatlakala mountain pass between Mokopane and Marken, around 300km (190 miles) north of Johannesburg, South Africa, Friday, March 29, 2024. A bus carrying worshippers on a long-distance trip from Botswana to an Easter weekend church gathering in South Africa plunged off a bridge on a mountain pass Thursday and burst into flames as it hit the rocky ground below, killing at least 45 people, authorities said. The only survivor was an 8-year-old child who was receiving medical attention for serious injuries. (AP Photo/Themba Hadebe)

The wreckage off a bus lays in a ravine a day after it plunged off a bridge on the Mmamatlakala mountain pass between Mokopane and Marken, around 300km (190 miles) north of Johannesburg, South Africa, Friday, March 29, 2024. A bus carrying worshippers on a long-distance trip from Botswana to an Easter weekend church gathering in South Africa plunged off a bridge on a mountain pass Thursday and burst into flames as it hit the rocky ground below, killing at least 45 people, authorities said. The only survivor was an 8-year-old child who was receiving medical attention for serious injuries. (AP Photo/Themba Hadebe)

  • Copy Link copied

This photo supplied by the Government Health Department, Limpopo shows MEC for health, Dr Phophi Ramathuba, left, and a staff member at an undisclosed hospital, Friday, March 29, 2023, where they attend to the eight-year-old sole survivor of a bus crash that killed at least 45 people. Forensic investigators in South Africa are searching for the bodies of victims after a bus carrying pilgrims to an Easter gathering plunged off a bridge and caught fire. (South African Health Department via AP)

Local residents helping the police in search and rescue efforts carry belongings of victims a day after a bus plunged off a bridge on the Mmamatlakala mountain pass between Mokopane and Marken, around 300km (190 miles) north of Johannesburg, South Africa, Friday, March 29, 2024. A bus carrying worshippers on a long-distance trip from Botswana to an Easter weekend church gathering in South Africa plunged off a bridge on a mountain pass Thursday and burst into flames as it hit the rocky ground below, killing at least 45 people, authorities said. The only survivor was an 8-year-old child who was receiving medical attention for serious injuries. (AP Photo/Themba Hadebe)

The wreckage of a bus lays in a ravine a day after it plunged off a bridge on the Mmamatlakala mountain pass between Mokopane and Marken, around 300km (190 miles) north of Johannesburg, South Africa, Friday, March 29, 2024. The bus carrying worshippers on a long-distance trip from Botswana to an Easter weekend church gathering in South Africa plunged off a bridge on a mountain pass Thursday and burst into flames as it hit the rocky ground below, killing at least 45 people, authorities said. The only survivor was an 8-year-old child who was receiving medical attention for serious injuries. (AP Photo/Themba Hadebe)

Family members and relatives of the bus crash victims gather at the ZCC Church, where victims used for church services in the Molepolole village near Gaborone, Botswana, Friday, March 29, 2024. A bus carrying Easter pilgrims from Botswana to Moria in South Africa crashed en route in Mokopane, South Africa, claiming the lives of some 45 people. An 8-year-old survived. (AP Photo)

Family members of the bus crash victims gather at the ZCC Church, where victims used for church services in the Molepolole village near Gaborone, Botswana, Friday, March 29, 2024. A bus carrying Easter pilgrims from Botswana to Moria in South Africa crashed en route in Mokopane, South Africa, claiming the lives of some 45 people. An 8-year-old survived. (AP Photo)

Family members and friends of the bus crash victims gather at the ZCC Church, where victims used for church services in the Molepolole village near Gaborone, Botswana, Friday, March 29, 2024. A bus carrying Easter pilgrims from Botswana to Moria in South Africa crashed en route in Mokopane, South Africa, claiming the lives of some 45 people. An 8-year-old survived. (AP Photo)

A view of a bridge a day after a bus plunged into a ravine on the Mmamatlakala mountain pass between Mokopane and Marken, around 300km (190 miles) north of Johannesburg, South Africa, Friday, March 29, 2024. A bus carrying worshippers on a long-distance trip from Botswana to an Easter weekend church gathering in South Africa plunged off a bridge on a mountain pass Thursday and burst into flames as it hit the rocky ground below, killing at least 45 people, authorities said. The only survivor was an 8-year-old child who was receiving medical attention for serious injuries. (AP Photo/Themba Hadebe)

A view of a bridge over a ravine where a bus plunged onto a mountain pass on Thursday, in the Limpopo Province, South Africa., Friday, March 29, 2024. Authorities say a bus carrying worshippers headed to an Easter weekend church gathering plunged off a bridge on a mountain pass and burst into flames in South Africa, killing at least 45 people. The only survivor of Thursday’s crash was an 8-year-old child, who was receiving medical attention. (AP Photo/Themba Hadebe)

MMAMATLAKALA, South Africa (AP) — An 8-year-old girl was the lone survivor after a bus full of pilgrims making their way to a popular Easter festival in rural South Africa slammed into a bridge on a mountain pass and plunged into a ravine before bursting into flames, killing all 45 others onboard.

It was a tragic reminder of how deadly South Africa’s roads become during the Easter period, when millions crisscross the country during the long holiday weekend. Authorities repeatedly warn motorists of the danger and had issued multiple messages urging caution just a day before Thursday’s horrific crash.

The girl somehow survived after the bus carrying worshippers from neighboring Botswana careened off the bridge, fell more than 150 feet (50 meters) and caught fire as it hit the rocks below, according to authorities.

The girl was in a stable condition in the hospital after being admitted with serious injuries and was “in safe hands,” an official with the local health department said Friday. Details of her injuries were not released.

Forensic investigators retrieved what they believed were 34 of the 45 bodies but couldn’t be certain of the exact number, reflecting the gruesome nature of the crash. Many of the victims trapped inside the bus were burned beyond recognition, authorities said.

FILE - Rwandan refugees hold their hands up and ask for help from Belgian soldiers, who had come to a psychiatric hospital compound outside of Kigali on April 13, 1994. People are patients of this hospital. (AP Photo/Karsten Thielker, File)

Dr. Phophi Ramathuba, an official with the Limpopo provincial health department, said only nine of the bodies recovered were likely to be identifiable.

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa said the victims, who appeared to all be from Botswana, were on their way to the rustic town of Moria in Limpopo province for the Easter weekend pilgrimage that attracts hundreds of thousands of followers of the Zion Christian Church.

The church has its headquarters in Moria and it was the first time the full pilgrimage was being held since the COVID-19 pandemic. Worshippers flocked to the small town which features a giant star — the church’s emblem — and the words “Zion City Moria” painted in white on a hillside.

The church was formed in South Africa in the early 1900s as a Christian denomination that also retains some African traditions. It has an estimated 7 million followers across the southern African region.

Ramathuba said South African authorities had asked church leaders from Botswana to come and help identify the victims.

Good Friday and Easter Monday are national holidays in South Africa and many of its neighbors, when millions travel into, out of and across the nation. For some South Africans, it’s a chance to return to their home towns and villages from jobs in the cities. Migrants also travel back to their home countries to see family. Some, like the pilgrims that died on Thursday, make religious trips.

Road travel can be treacherous; South Africa’s Road Traffic Management Corporation reported that 252 people died in road crashes between Holy Thursday and Easter Monday last year.

Authorities said it appeared the bus driver lost control and the vehicle slammed into the barriers along the side of the bridge and then went over the edge. The driver was among the dead.

South African Minister of Transport Sindisiwe Chikunga was in Limpopo province attending a road safety campaign when she was informed of the “devastating news” of the crash, according to the national Department of Traffic.

Ramathuba said she had been at an Easter prayer meeting when she was called to the crash scene on the Mmamatlakala bridge near the town of Mokopane, which is about 200 kilometers (125 miles) north of the South African capital, Pretoria.

“I attended the scene of the accident, but now our focus as the health department is on the brave little survivor. She is in safe hands in a hospital with experts looking after her,” Ramathuba told reporters. She declined to give details of the child’s injuries, but authorities released a photograph of the child lying in a hospital bed and being examined by a doctor.

Ramathuba also declined to say if the child’s parents or other family members were on the bus, saying authorities needed time to trace and inform families of the dead, who were mostly in Botswana.

Meanwhile, forensic investigators worked through the wreckage amid the rocks and steep cliffs. At least 11 bodies were believed still inside what was left of the charred bus, which was almost crushed flat.

“We were at the scene,” said local resident Simone Mayema, who said he was one of the first to arrive after the crash. “We tried to help (but) there was nothing we could do because there was flames.”

Imray reported from Cape Town, South Africa.

AP Africa news: https://apnews.com/hub/africa

bus journey 221


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    bus journey 221




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  1. Route 221

    Education Hill, Redmond, Overlake, Crossroads, Bellevue College, Eastgate P&R. b - Does not serve Bellevue College. Service stays on 148th Ave SE and SE 24th St. ‡ - Estimated time.

  2. 221 Bus Route

    Learn more about the 221 King County Metro route and view realtime data. Puget Sound Transit. Use Current Location. Stop Locator. Advisory in Effect Disclaimer. Transit Tools. Realtime Search Transit Advisories Transit Fares Stop Locator. ... 221 - Education Hill - Redmond - Overlake - Eastgate P&R .

  3. 221 Bus Schedule

    Monday-Friday - Eastgate Park and Ride. Redmond Transit Center - Bay 5. Woodinville Redmond Rd & NE 109th St. NE 83rd St & 161st Ave NE - Bay 4. 148th Ave NE & NE Old Redmond Rd. NE 8th St & 156th Ave NE. SE 14th St & 165th Ave SE. Eastgate P&R - Bay 1. 4:57am.

  4. PDF Education Hill, Redmond, Overlake, Crossroads, Bellevue College

    bus will follow the special snow routing shown on the map. If Metro declares an emergency, the bus will not operate. Visit kingcounty.gov/ ... Route 221 Monday thru Friday to Redmond, Education Hill Servicio de lunes a viernes a Redmond, Education Hill Crossroads Education Hill Eastgate P&R Bay 2 SE 14th St &

  5. 221 Route: Schedules, Stops & Maps

    The first stop of the 221 bus route is Redmond Transit Center - Bay 4 and the last stop is Eastgate Park & Ride - Bay 1. 221 (Eastgate P&R) is operational during Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Additional information: 221 has 50 stops and the total trip duration for this route is approximately 44 minutes.

  6. 221 Bus Map

    221 Bus Map - King County Metro - Puget Sound Transit. « King County Metro Route List. 1 - Kinnear - Seattle 2 - West Queen Anne - Seattle - Madrona Park 3 - Seattle Pacific University - Seattle - Madrona 4 - Seattle Pacific University - Seattle - Judkins Park 5 - Shoreline Community College - Seattle 7 - Prentice St - Columbia City - Seattle ...

  7. Metro Transit 221 bus

    Metro Transit 221 bus Service Alerts. Open the app to see more information about any active disruptions that may impact the 221 bus schedule, such as detours, moved stops, trip cancellations, major delays, or other service changes to the bus route. The app also allows you to subscribe to receive notifications for any service alert issued by Metro Transit so that you can plan your trip around ...

  8. RTC 221 bus

    RTC 221 bus Service Alerts. Open the app to see more information about any active disruptions that may impact the 221 bus schedule, such as detours, moved stops, trip cancellations, major delays, or other service changes to the bus route. The app also allows you to subscribe to receive notifications for any service alert issued by RTC so that you can plan your trip around any active or future ...

  9. Rosie's full-route journeys!

    Here we go! Arriva London North Route 221! This route was done between Wood Green (slightly after Turnpike Lane Station, which you'll get to see a bit of) an...

  10. 221 Route: Schedules, Stops & Maps

    The 221 bus (221 Cactus / Horizon Ridge Eastbound) has 70 stops departing from Nb Durango Before Blue Diamond and ending at Sb College After Horizon. 221 bus time schedule overview for the upcoming week: It departs once a day at 11:04 PM. Operating days this week: everyday.

  11. Route

    Route; Route 221. How to use this page? Below you will find the timetables from each bus stop for the route you have selected. For most routes, there are timetables in each direction below each other. Bus stops are sorted by locality and you can expand each locality to view the approximate departure times on each bus stop.

  12. Elektrostal

    LiAZ-5256 bus. Elektrostal is linked by Elektrichka suburban electric trains to Moscow's Kursky Rail Terminal with a travel time of 1 hour and 20 minutes. Long distance buses link Elektrostal to Noginsk, Moscow and other nearby towns. Local public transport includes buses. Sports Indoor practice ice rink named after A. Ionov.

  13. 221 Kingsland

    ONE to Ride App. Plan and manage your trip on METRO Local bus, Park & Ride bus, METRORail or METRORapid using an interactive map. e-newsletter. The 221 Kingsland is a METRO Park & Ride bus route that runs to and from downtown Houston on I-10. See schedules, fares, route map and more.

  14. 221 bus route

    K. Coleraine Road. MA. M. 221. Turnpike Lane Station. Connects to Piccadilly. Choose a stop to view live arrivals and status information or add to favourites.

  15. PDF Del 2 de octubre de 2021 al 18 de marzo de 2022

    Del 2 de octubre de 221 al 1 de marzo de 222 Route 221 Monday thru Friday to Redmond, Education Hill Servicio de lunes a viernes a Redmond, Education Hill Crossroads Education Hill Eastgate P&R Bay 2 SE 14th St & 164th Ave SE 156th Ave NE & NE 8th St 148th Ave NE & Old Redmond Rd Redmond TC Bay 5 Redmond Wdnvl Rd & NE 109th St Redmond TC Bay 5

  16. Pace Bus

    Bus Tracker (Live Departure Times) Northbound. Southbound. Fare Information. Route 221 is classified as Regular Fixed Route. Fare Type Regular Reduced; Ventra Transit Value: $2.00. $1.00. Cash: $2.25. $1.10. Transfer Details | Fare Details Pace Connections. Pulse - Dempster Line Route;

  17. PDF All-Day Route 221

    Route 221 operates seven days a week All-Day Route 221 Currently operating with fewer trips due to COVID-19 service reductions East Link line & station Route 221 Transit Center Permanent Park&Ride. Created Date:

  18. RTC Transit Route 221

    RTC Transit Route 221 - Cactus/Horizon Ridge/Boulder City. Schedule and map links. 7 days a week. Holiday service varies. Destinations include St. Rose Dominican Hospital Siena Campus, Eastern Commons Shopping Center, Coronado High School (Henderson), Green Valley Ranch, South Point Casino, Horizon Town Center, College of Southern Nevada Henderson Campus, College of Southern Nevada Boulder ...

  19. PDF 221 Cactus/Horizon Ridge/Boulder City

    221 NOTE: Trip continues through the normal layover (Timepoint P) to Nevada Way & Elm, after the loop, ending there five minutes after the time shown. NOTA: El viaje sigue a través de la escala habitual (punto de horario P) hacia Nevada Way y Elm después del circuito, y finaliza allí cinco minutos después del horario indicado.

  20. South Carolina student takes wheel in MS bus crash on I-10

    When driver of bus headed to New Orleans on I-10 was ejected, a USC student took the wheel. A charter bus carrying members of the University of South Carolina Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity had a ...

  21. USC students injured after bus rolls on I-10 in South MS

    A bus with 56 students from the University of South Carolina rolled over Friday on Interstate 10 in Hancock County, injuring 11, according to Mississippi Highway Patrol Trooper Cal Robertson. Two ...

  22. 221 Route: Schedules, Stops & Maps

    Metro Transit 221 bus Route Schedule and Stops (Updated) The 221 bus (Education Hill) has 81 stops departing from Redmond Transit Center - Bay 5 and ending at Eastgate Park & Ride - Bay 1. Choose any of the 221 bus stops below to find updated real-time schedules and to see their route map. View on Map.

  23. Bus Route 221 Timetable

    Bus Route 221 Timetable. Download timetables (PDF) View service changes. Interactive Timetable. Date Today Tomorrow Fri, 5 Apr 24 Sat, 6 Apr 24 Sun, 7 Apr 24 Mon, 8 Apr 24 Tue, 9 Apr 24 Wed, 10 Apr 24 Thu, 11 Apr 24 Fri, 12 Apr 24 Sat, 13 Apr 24 Sun, 14 Apr 24 Mon, 15 Apr 24 Tue, 16 Apr 24 Wed, 17 Apr 24 Thu, 18 Apr 24 Fri, 19 Apr 24 Sat, 20 ...

  24. 'City Line is exceptionally popular': Spokane's new rapid transit bus

    News; Transportation 'City Line is exceptionally popular': Spokane's new rapid transit bus system hits 500,000 rides April 4, 2024 Updated Thu., April 4, 2024 at 9:19 p.m. A City Line bus ...

  25. 221 Route: Schedules, Stops & Maps

    RTCSNV 221 bus Route Schedule and Stops (Updated) The 221 bus (221 Cactus Eastbound) has 43 stops departing from Nb Durango Before Blue Diamond and ending at Nb Green Valley After Paseo Verde. 221 bus time schedule overview for the upcoming week: It departs once a day at 12:00 AM. Operating days this week: everyday.

  26. 221 Route: Schedules, Stops & Maps

    The 221 bus (Edgware) has 55 stops departing from Turnpike Lane Bus Station (S) and ending at Edgware Station (G). Choose any of the 221 bus stops below to find updated real-time schedules and to see their route map. View on Map.

  27. Collapsed tree nearly splits school bus in half in Mississippi

    1:27. A school bus driver in Mississippi made an unexpected stop after a tree fell and nearly split the vehicle in half. The driver finished dropping off the last child of the day when the tree ...

  28. School bus involved in crash with 2 cars on Route 11 on the ...

    Onondaga Nation — A school bus was involved in a crash with two other vehicles Thursday morning on Route 11 on the Onondaga Nation. The crash happened at about 7:50 a.m. at the Route 11 and ...

  29. 'I rode Surrey's newest bus route but it is missing one key stop'

    Transport for London have decided to rejig their bus routes - a brand new route now joins up Epsom High Street and St Helier station. I knew it was time to give it ride. Last month I took a long ...

  30. Girl, 8, only survivor of bus crash that killed 45 Easter pilgrims on

    Family members and relatives of the bus crash victims gather at the ZCC Church, where victims used for church services in the Molepolole village near Gaborone, Botswana, Friday, March 29, 2024. A bus carrying Easter pilgrims from Botswana to Moria in South Africa crashed en route in Mokopane, South Africa, claiming the lives of some 45 people.