How to Enable JavaScript on Apple Safari (iPad, iPhone iOS)

Are you having a hard time in trying to turn on JavaScript on your iPad or Apple iPhone device?

JavaScript has evolved into an essential tool that makes the web what it is today. It controls the dynamic elements of web pages, and most websites will fail to run correctly if your Apple Safari browser does not have its JavaScript enabled. Although disabling JavaScript offers browsers faster loading of a website, you should know that it reduces the overall browsing experience on your iPad or iPhone device.

Be it an iPhone 11, iPhone 10 or MacOS device, the steps in this guide will help you learn the simple process and benefits of enabling the JavaScript feature on your Safari browser.

Instructions for Web Developers

You may want to consider linking to this site, to educate any script-disabled users on how to enable JavaScript in six most commonly used browsers. You are free to use the code below and modify it according to your needs.

On we optimize the script-disabled user experience as much as we can:

  • The instructions for your browser are put at the top of the page
  • All the images are inlined, full-size, for easy perusing

We want your visitors to have JavaScript enabled just as much as you do!

What Is JavaScript and Why Do I Need It?

JavaScript is a type of code used by web developers to install and establish interactive content on websites – in essence, it allows web pages to dynamically load and send content in the background without page loads on your Apple Safari browser. Generally, JavaScript is used by modern websites to provide various features such as display advertisements – the reason why a small subset of internet users want it disabled.

However, disabling the JavaScript feature on your Safari web browser is much more of a hassle than it seems. If you turn off JavaScript on your browser, many websites won’t function properly. In most cases, you will also be unable to enjoy certain functions or view content that you are accustomed to accessing on JavaScript-based websites.

How to Enable JavaScript on Safari ​

Here’s how to turn on JavaScript on Safari:

1. Select the “Safari” icon on your home screen.

2. Scroll down the Settings page to find the menu item labelled “Safari”, and then select it.

3. Scroll to the bottom of the Safari menu and choose “Advanced” – choosing this will reveal the advanced settings for your Safari browser.

4. On the Advanced menu, find the option for enabling or disabling “JavaScript” for your Safari browser. On finding the JavaScript option, you’ll see a button next to it.

5. Now slide this button to the right to turn on JavaScript on your Safari browser.

6. That’s it! You’ve just enabled JavaScript.

How to Disable JavaScript on Safari ​

Here’s how to turn off JavaScript on Safari:

1. Tap on the “Settings” icon on your home screen.

5. Now slide this button to the left to turn off JavaScript on your Safari browser.

6. That’s it! You’ve just disabled JavaScript. ​

How to Enable JavaScript on Mac

Follow the steps below to activate JavaScript in Safari on Mac:

1. Open the Safari application by clicking on an icon that appears like a compass in your bottom toolbar.

2. Click on the “Safari” menu at the top left corner of the browser.

3. Under the Safari menu, find and click on “Preferences”. This will open a pop-up menu.

4. Move your cursor over to the “Security” tab and select it.

5. Now check the box beside “Enable JavaScript” to turn on JavaScript. Make sure the box is checked.

6. You can now close the “Preferences” window to apply your settings.

7. That’s it! You’ve enabled JavaScript.

8. Restart your browser.

How to Disable JavaScript in Safari on Mac

Follow the steps below to disable JavaScript in Safari on Mac:

2. Click on “Safari” menu at the top left corner of the browser.

3. Under the Safari menu, find and click on “Preferences”. This will open a dropdown menu.

4. Move your cursor over to the “Security” tab and then click on it.

5. Now uncheck the box beside “Enable JavaScript” to disable JavaScript.

7. That’s it! You’ve disabled JavaScript.

8. Restart your browser. 

Apple Safari comes built-in with a JavaScript engine that makes website elements interactive. And while it isn't actually necessary that you enable it to use your Safari browser, it's something that you'll perhaps want to do to enjoy a seamless browsing experience. Otherwise, many websites you visit will appear broken or won't even work.

JavaScript is enabled by default in Apple Safari, but you can verify if yours is active through the Safari tab. To do this, simply click on "Safari" at the top left of your screen to expand the Menu. Next, click on Preferences to reveal the Safari Preferences section. Now that you're in the Preferences section, find and click the "Security" tab to access the "Enable JavaScript" checkbox. If the checkbox has a tick symbol, it means JavaScript is active and working.

Millions of websites use JavaScript to display interactive elements, such as animations, special effects and more. If you browse them with JavaScript disabled in your Apple Safari, then you probably won't have the full experience that you normally would. Some JavaScript-based websites may appear dull or static, while others may not even work at all.

Olumide is a longtime writer who started his career as a digital marketer before transitioning into a copywriter almost eight years ago.

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How to enable JavaScript in your browser and why

iOS 17: How to Enable JavaScript on iPhone in Simple Steps

Enabling JavaScript on your iPhone running iOS 17 is a straightforward process. Head to the “Settings” app, tap “Safari,” and select “Advanced.” There you will find the JavaScript setting. Just switch it on, and voilà, JavaScript is now enabled on your iPhone.

After you complete this action, your mobile browser will be able to run JavaScript, which will greatly enhance your web browsing experience. Many websites use JavaScript for interactive features, so enabling it is crucial for a fully functional internet experience.

You can also watch this video about how to enable JavaScript on iPhone for additional info.


So, you’ve just updated your iPhone to the latest iOS 17, and you’re excited to explore all the new features. But wait, you’re trying to play a game or use a feature on a website, and it’s not working. You scratch your head, wondering what could be wrong. Then it hits you – you need to enable JavaScript. But why is this important?

JavaScript is a programming language that makes web pages interactive. It’s like the secret sauce that adds functionality to websites – from refreshing your social media feed to playing online games, it’s the behind-the-scenes worker that makes it all happen. Without it, you’d be stuck in a world of static and boring web pages. And since we all use our iPhones for pretty much everything these days, from work to entertainment, having JavaScript enabled is a must. This tutorial is relevant to anyone who wants to make the most out of their iPhone’s browsing capabilities. Whether you’re a student, a professional, or just someone who loves to surf the web, this one’s for you.

Step by Step Tutorial on Enabling JavaScript on iOS 17

Before we jump into the steps, let’s understand what we’re trying to achieve here. By enabling JavaScript, you’re allowing your iPhone to execute JavaScript code on websites you visit, which will provide a richer browsing experience. Let’s get started!

Step 1: Open the Settings App

Open the “Settings” app on your iPhone.

The “Settings” app is your gateway to customizing your iPhone experience. It’s where you can adjust everything from your wallpaper to your privacy settings.

Step 2: Scroll and Tap on Safari

Scroll down and tap on “Safari,” which is Apple’s built-in web browser.

Safari is optimized for iOS, which means it’s designed to work seamlessly with your iPhone’s hardware and software.

Step 3: Tap on Advanced

Once in Safari settings, scroll down to the bottom and tap on “Advanced.”

The “Advanced” section is where you’ll find settings that are more technical, such as website data and debugging options.

Step 4: Toggle JavaScript On

In the “Advanced” section, you’ll see the “JavaScript” option. Toggle the switch to the right to turn it on.

When the switch is green, it means JavaScript is enabled. If it’s gray, that means it’s turned off.

Additional Information

Now that you’ve got JavaScript up and running on your iPhone, you might want to consider a few extra details. For starters, remember that not all websites are created equal. Some might not be optimized for mobile browsers, even with JavaScript enabled. Also, keep in mind that while JavaScript can make websites more interactive, it can also make them slower to load – especially if you’re on a slower internet connection.

If you’re concerned about security, you might want to be selective about where you enable JavaScript. Some websites might try to run harmful scripts, so it’s good to stay vigilant. You can always disable JavaScript for specific websites in the Safari settings under “Content Blockers.”

Remember, enabling JavaScript on iOS 17 should improve your web browsing experience, but it’s also important to use it wisely.

  • Open the “Settings” app.
  • Tap on “Safari.”
  • Tap on “Advanced.”
  • Toggle JavaScript to “On.”

Frequently Asked Questions

What is javascript.

JavaScript is a programming language used to create interactive elements on websites.

Why do I need to enable JavaScript on my iPhone?

Enabling JavaScript allows you to experience the full range of features on websites, like playing games or using web apps.

Can enabling JavaScript affect my iPhone’s performance?

Yes, it can impact battery life and data usage, but the effects are generally minimal.

Is it safe to enable JavaScript?

While there are some security risks, as long as you’re careful about which websites you visit, you should be fine.

How do I disable JavaScript if I need to?

You can disable JavaScript by following the same steps and toggling the switch to the left in the “Advanced” section of Safari settings.

Enabling JavaScript on your iPhone running iOS 17 is a breeze and opens up a world of interactive possibilities on the web. While it’s generally safe to have it turned on, remember to be mindful of the websites you’re visiting to avoid any security mishaps.

With JavaScript enabled, your iPhone is ready to take on any web challenge, whether it’s streaming videos, playing online games, or just browsing your favorite sites. Happy surfing!

Matthew Burleigh Solve Your Tech

Matthew Burleigh has been writing tech tutorials since 2008. His writing has appeared on dozens of different websites and been read over 50 million times.

After receiving his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Computer Science he spent several years working in IT management for small businesses. However, he now works full time writing content online and creating websites.

His main writing topics include iPhones, Microsoft Office, Google Apps, Android, and Photoshop, but he has also written about many other tech topics as well.

Read his full bio here.

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How To Enable Javascript For Safari

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Enabling JavaScript in your Safari browser can significantly enhance your browsing experience by allowing interactive and dynamic content to be displayed on websites. JavaScript is a fundamental component of modern web pages, enabling features such as interactive forms, dynamic page updates, and responsive design elements. By enabling JavaScript, you can access a wide range of web-based applications, interactive maps, and multimedia content that rely on this scripting language to function seamlessly.

Safari, Apple's default web browser , offers a user-friendly interface for managing browser settings, including the option to enable JavaScript. Whether you're using Safari on a Mac, iPhone, or iPad, the process for enabling JavaScript remains consistent across devices. By following a few simple steps, you can unlock the full potential of web pages and ensure that you have access to all the interactive features they offer.

In this guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of enabling JavaScript in Safari, empowering you to make the most of your browsing experience. Whether you're a seasoned Safari user or new to the platform, this tutorial will provide clear and concise instructions to help you navigate the browser's settings and enable JavaScript with ease. Let's dive into the straightforward process of enabling JavaScript in Safari, so you can enjoy a seamless and interactive browsing experience across the web.

Step 1: Open Safari

To begin the process of enabling JavaScript in Safari, the first step is to launch the Safari web browser on your device. Whether you are using a Mac, iPhone, or iPad, the Safari browser icon is easily recognizable and can typically be found on the device's home screen or in the applications folder.

Upon locating the Safari icon, simply tap or click on it to open the browser. As the browser launches, you will be greeted by the familiar Safari interface, featuring the address bar, navigation buttons, and other essential tools for browsing the web. Once Safari is open, you are ready to proceed to the next step in the process of enabling JavaScript.

Opening Safari is the initial and essential step in the process, setting the stage for accessing the browser's settings and preferences. With Safari launched, you are now prepared to navigate to the appropriate settings section where you can enable JavaScript, unlocking a world of interactive and dynamic web content.

By opening Safari, you have taken the first step toward enhancing your browsing experience and gaining access to the full range of interactive features that JavaScript enables. With the browser now active, you are ready to move on to the next step in the process, bringing you closer to enabling JavaScript and enjoying a more dynamic and engaging web experience.

Step 2: Go to Preferences

After launching Safari, the next step in enabling JavaScript is to access the browser's preferences. The preferences menu in Safari houses a range of settings that allow users to customize their browsing experience, including options for security, privacy, and content settings. Navigating to the preferences section provides a centralized location for managing various aspects of the browser, making it a convenient starting point for enabling JavaScript.

To access the preferences in Safari, you can typically find the "Safari" menu located in the top-left corner of the screen on a Mac or within the menu bar at the bottom of the screen on an iPhone or iPad. Clicking on the "Safari" menu will reveal a dropdown list of options, including "Preferences." Alternatively, on iOS devices, the preferences can be accessed through the device's settings app, where Safari-specific settings are available.

Upon selecting "Preferences," a new window or tab will open, presenting a comprehensive array of settings and options for customizing the Safari browsing experience. The preferences window is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, allowing users to navigate through different tabs and sections to adjust settings according to their preferences.

Once inside the preferences menu, you will find a series of tabs at the top of the window, each representing a different category of settings. To proceed with enabling JavaScript, you will need to locate and select the "Security" tab. This tab is where you can manage various security-related settings for the browser, including the option to enable or disable JavaScript.

Navigating to the "Security" tab within the preferences menu brings you one step closer to enabling JavaScript in Safari. The "Security" tab typically contains a list of security-related settings and options, providing users with the ability to control how Safari handles various aspects of web content and interactions.

By reaching the "Security" tab in the preferences menu, you have successfully navigated to the section where JavaScript can be enabled, setting the stage for the next crucial step in the process. With the preferences menu now accessible and the "Security" tab selected, you are ready to proceed to the next step, where you will enable JavaScript and unlock a wealth of interactive and dynamic web content within Safari.

Step 3: Select Security

Upon reaching the "Security" tab within the preferences menu of Safari, you are presented with a range of security-related settings and options that allow you to customize how the browser handles various aspects of web content and interactions. The "Security" tab serves as a pivotal point for managing security settings within Safari, empowering users to control the behavior of the browser when it comes to executing scripts, displaying mixed content, and managing website permissions.

Within the "Security" tab, you will find a series of checkboxes and settings that pertain to different security aspects of the browser. These settings are designed to provide users with granular control over how Safari interacts with web content, ensuring a secure and personalized browsing experience. Among the various options available, you will find the crucial setting for enabling JavaScript, which is essential for accessing interactive and dynamic web content.

To proceed with enabling JavaScript, navigate through the options within the "Security" tab until you locate the setting specifically related to JavaScript. In most cases, this setting is labeled as "Enable JavaScript" or a similar variation, clearly indicating its function in allowing the browser to execute JavaScript code on web pages. Once you have identified the "Enable JavaScript" setting, it is time to take the next decisive step in the process of enabling JavaScript within Safari.

Selecting the checkbox or toggle switch associated with "Enable JavaScript" effectively activates this essential scripting language within the Safari browser. By enabling JavaScript, you are granting the browser the capability to interpret and execute JavaScript code embedded within web pages, thereby unlocking the full potential of interactive features and dynamic content that rely on this scripting language to function seamlessly.

Enabling JavaScript within Safari opens the door to a myriad of interactive elements and dynamic functionalities that enhance the overall web browsing experience. From interactive forms and responsive design elements to dynamic page updates and multimedia content, JavaScript plays a pivotal role in delivering a rich and engaging web experience. By selecting the "Enable JavaScript" option within the "Security" tab, you are poised to harness the full capabilities of this scripting language, ensuring that you can access and interact with a wide range of web-based applications and content.

With JavaScript now enabled within Safari, you have successfully completed a critical step in optimizing your browsing experience and gaining access to the interactive features that modern web pages offer. By selecting the "Enable JavaScript" option within the "Security" tab, you have effectively empowered Safari to execute JavaScript code, paving the way for a more dynamic and engaging web experience. This pivotal step brings you closer to fully leveraging the capabilities of JavaScript within Safari, setting the stage for a seamless and interactive browsing journey.

Step 4: Enable JavaScript

Enabling JavaScript within the Safari browser is a pivotal step that unlocks the full potential of interactive and dynamic web content. With JavaScript now accessible, you can experience a seamless and engaging browsing experience, complete with interactive forms, dynamic page updates, and a wide array of multimedia content that rely on this scripting language to function seamlessly.

After navigating to the "Security" tab within the preferences menu of Safari, you will encounter the essential setting for enabling JavaScript. Typically labeled as "Enable JavaScript," this option grants the browser the capability to interpret and execute JavaScript code embedded within web pages. By selecting the checkbox or toggle switch associated with "Enable JavaScript," you are effectively activating this fundamental scripting language within the Safari browser.

Enabling JavaScript within Safari opens the door to a myriad of interactive elements and dynamic functionalities that enhance the overall web browsing experience. From interactive forms and responsive design elements to dynamic page updates and multimedia content, JavaScript plays a pivotal role in delivering a rich and engaging web experience. By enabling JavaScript, you are poised to harness the full capabilities of this scripting language, ensuring that you can access and interact with a wide range of web-based applications and content.

Once JavaScript is enabled, Safari is equipped to handle the execution of JavaScript code, allowing you to seamlessly interact with web pages that leverage this scripting language to deliver interactive features and dynamic content. Whether you are engaging with web-based applications, exploring interactive maps, or enjoying multimedia content, the activation of JavaScript within Safari ensures that you can fully experience the interactive elements that modern web pages offer.

By completing the process of enabling JavaScript within Safari, you have taken a significant step toward optimizing your browsing experience and gaining access to the interactive features that modern web pages offer. With JavaScript now enabled, you are well-equipped to explore the dynamic and interactive elements of the web, ensuring a seamless and engaging browsing journey within the Safari browser.

Step 5: Close Preferences

After successfully enabling JavaScript within the Safari browser by selecting the "Enable JavaScript" option in the "Security" tab of the preferences menu, the next step is to close the preferences window or tab. This simple yet essential action finalizes the process of enabling JavaScript and allows you to seamlessly transition back to the main Safari interface, ready to explore the dynamic and interactive web content that JavaScript empowers.

Closing the preferences window or tab in Safari is typically straightforward and can be accomplished by clicking the "Close" button or the "X" icon located in the top-right corner of the window. On iOS devices, you can navigate back to the main Safari interface by tapping the appropriate navigation buttons or using the device's gesture controls to close the preferences tab.

By closing the preferences window or tab, you are effectively applying the changes made to the browser's settings, including the enabling of JavaScript. This action ensures that the updated settings take effect, allowing Safari to interpret and execute JavaScript code embedded within web pages as you continue your browsing journey.

Once the preferences window or tab is closed, you will find yourself back in the familiar Safari interface, equipped with the enhanced capabilities that come with JavaScript activation. With JavaScript now enabled, you are poised to explore a wide range of interactive and dynamic web content, including web-based applications, multimedia experiences, and interactive features that rely on this scripting language to deliver seamless functionality.

Closing the preferences window or tab signifies the completion of the process of enabling JavaScript within Safari, marking a pivotal moment in your journey toward a more dynamic and engaging web browsing experience. With the preferences closed and JavaScript activated, you are now ready to immerse yourself in the interactive elements and dynamic functionalities that modern web pages offer, all made possible by the seamless execution of JavaScript within the Safari browser.

As you close the preferences and return to the main Safari interface, you can embark on a browsing experience enriched by the interactive capabilities that JavaScript enables, ensuring that you can fully engage with the dynamic content and interactive features that define the modern web landscape.

In conclusion, enabling JavaScript in Safari is a straightforward yet pivotal step in unlocking the full potential of interactive and dynamic web content. By following the simple process outlined in this guide, you have empowered your Safari browser to interpret and execute JavaScript code embedded within web pages, paving the way for a more engaging and seamless browsing experience.

With JavaScript now enabled, you are well-equipped to explore a wide array of interactive features, dynamic page updates, and multimedia content that rely on this scripting language to function seamlessly. From interactive forms and responsive design elements to web-based applications and multimedia experiences, JavaScript plays a fundamental role in delivering a rich and immersive web experience.

By navigating through the preferences menu, accessing the "Security" tab, and selecting the "Enable JavaScript" option, you have taken a significant step toward optimizing your browsing experience within Safari. The activation of JavaScript ensures that you can seamlessly interact with web pages that leverage this scripting language, allowing you to fully experience the dynamic and interactive elements that define the modern web landscape.

As you close the preferences and return to the main Safari interface, you are poised to embark on a browsing journey enriched by the interactive capabilities that JavaScript enables. Whether you are exploring web-based applications, engaging with multimedia content, or interacting with dynamic web elements, the activation of JavaScript ensures that you can fully immerse yourself in the dynamic and interactive features that modern web pages offer.

In essence, enabling JavaScript in Safari opens the door to a world of interactive possibilities, ensuring that you can make the most of your browsing experience across a diverse range of websites and web-based applications. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you have successfully equipped your Safari browser to handle the execution of JavaScript code, setting the stage for a seamless and engaging browsing journey.

With JavaScript now enabled, you are ready to embrace the dynamic and interactive elements of the web, ensuring that you can fully engage with the rich and immersive content that defines the modern web experience. By enabling JavaScript in Safari, you have taken a significant step toward unlocking the full potential of interactive and dynamic web content, ensuring that your browsing journey is enriched by the seamless execution of JavaScript within the Safari browser.

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How to enable Javascript in Safari on a Mac computer to prevent website errors

  • To enable Javascript on a Mac while using Safari , you'll need to open Safari and navigate to its Security menu.
  • Enabling Javascript can help you view web pages properly — without it, many websites and programs may not load.
  • It should only take a minute or so to enable Javascript in Safari on your Mac .
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Javascript is an extremely common programming language that's used across the internet. 

And while it isn't necessarily required that you enable it in order to use Safari , it's something that you'll probably want to do. Otherwise, many websites you visit will look strange, or even broken.

Enabling Javascript in your Mac's default browser, Safari , is an easy process. In fact, it should only take you only a minute or so to complete.

Check out the products mentioned in this article:

Macbook pro (from $1,299.99 at best buy), how to enable javascript on a mac.

1. Open Safari (it's the compass icon that, by default, lives in your bottom toolbar).

2. In the top toolbar, select "Safari."

3. In the dropdown menu, click "Preferences."

4. Toggle over to the "Security" tab.

5. Check the box next to "Enable Javascript."

Once you've done that, you can close out the "Preferences" window, and you're good to go. 

If you use more than one browser, you may wish to enable it on those other browsers as well. On Chrome, for example, you'll still go through the "Preferences" menu at the top of the screen. Then type "Javascript" in the search bar and make sure that it says "Allowed" under "Javascript."

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Web site says javascript must be enabled but when I check preferences it is enabled.

  • 11 have this problem
  • Last reply by alamax

11 years ago


I'm trying to access a banking site to login to my online account. I get a pop-up window that says I must have javascript enabled. I check my Firefox preferences and javascript is already enabled. I was not having this problem with the Firefox release before Firefox 8.0. I think the problem may be in release 8.0.

Chosen solution

even youtube does not work ,what is this ?????

If the latest Flash isn't working, see this article: Flash 11.3 doesn't load video in Firefox .

All Replies (18)


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Start Firefox in Diagnose Firefox issues using Troubleshoot Mode to check if one of the extensions or if hardware acceleration is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox (Tools) > Add-ons > Appearance/Themes).

  • Don't make any changes on the Safe mode start window.

I disabled all add-ons and went to the default theme for 8.0. This did not solve the problem. When accessing the online banking site it still gives me the pop-up "javascript needs to be enabled to access site." I check my preferences and javascript is enabled. I've tried this in Safari and Chrome and have no problems accessing the site. Also, as a side note the new version of gmail does not show up but instead defaults to a plain vanilla version. It tells me that some features may not work with this version of the browser. It does give me a opportunity to try the standard version (of gmail) and it works just fine but won't come up automatically when I open gmail. Thanks for trying to help! rf94

Do you get that pop-up already on the main page or only after you have logged on?

If the first is the case then can you post a link to a page that doesn't require authorization (sign on)?

The pop-up happens as soon as I click on the shortcut to the website. This is also happening on another banking website. I installed Firefox 7 and got the same results so I'm thinking there has to be another reason for this problem. Thanks again!

This site also uses JavaScript extensively, so if it works here then it should work there as well.

Did you try to access the site in Save mode?

  • Help > Restart with Add-ons Disabled

Did you check your security software (firewall) to make sure that it isn't blocking JavaScript ?

Did you try to access the site in Save mode? Help > Restart with Add-ons Disabled

yes, did all of the above and still got the same pop-up.

Firewall is down, not blocking anything.


i try to log in to but it always show me this message

your web browser has not been detected javascript must be enabled

i try from tools ->options ->content ,and it show to me that my javascript its enabled .

could anyone help me in this issue please .

i add image show to you my problem and also show to you that my javascript is enable .

javascript enabled but not working safari

Modified June 23, 2012, 3:38:44 AM PDT by alamax

jscher2000 - Support Volunteer

Hi alamax, when I look at that site, there are many places you might be logging in. The form I tried was part of collection of controls powered by Flash. Do you get the Flash content? If not, it could be related to a recent update. Check out this article: Flash 11.3 doesn't load video in Firefox . If that isn't the issue, could you give a more specific set of steps to get to the screen where you get the message?

Edit: Thanks for the image. Coincidentally, that's the page I tried.

Modified June 23, 2012, 3:43:03 AM PDT by jscher2000 - Support Volunteer

i type then you will see "play now" down in the right side when i press on it i get this page

javascript enabled but not working safari

Clear the cache and the cookies from sites that cause problems.

"Clear the Cache":

  • Tools > Options > Advanced > Network > Offline Storage (Cache): "Clear Now"

"Remove Cookies" from sites causing problems:

  • Tools > Options > Privacy > Cookies: "Show Cookies"

Start Firefox in Diagnose Firefox issues using Troubleshoot Mode to check if one of the extensions or if hardware acceleration is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Appearance/Themes).


i did it ,but nothing happen

  • Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Appearance/Themes). (switch to the DEFAULT theme)

it is from the beginning the default theme ,as you can see in the image

javascript enabled but not working safari

Did you try Safe mode?

You can use one of these to start Firefox in Safe mode :

  • On Windows, hold down the Shift key while starting Firefox with a double-click on the Firefox desktop shortcut
  • On Mac, hold down the Options key while starting Firefox

Modified June 24, 2012, 2:31:33 AM PDT by cor-el

yes ,i tried save mode also but nothing happen

Hi alamax, were you able to use this site successfully in Firefox in the past? If so, when did this problem start? In particular did you notice a change after an update from Firefox 12 to Firefox 13, or between Flash 11.2 and Flash 11.3?

yes ,before it was ok .i can log in normally but now i can not .i uninstall my firefox and install it again but nothing happen .

my firefox version is 13.0.1

please ,any one can help me ?

i need your help

Chosen Solution

thank you very much jscher2000 ,now its working . thank you a lot .

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How to Enable JavaScript in a Browser on a Mac

Last Updated: April 28, 2023

Using Safari

Using google chrome, using mozilla firefox.

This article was written by Yaffet Meshesha and by wikiHow staff writer, Nicole Levine, MFA . Yaffet Meshesha is a Computer Specialist and the Founder of Techy, a full-service computer pickup, repair, and delivery service. With over eight years of experience, Yaffet specializes in computer repairs and technical support. Techy has been featured on TechCrunch and Time. This article has been viewed 41,534 times.

This wikiHow teaches you how to enable JavaScript in Safari, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox when you're using a Mac. JavaScript is enabled by default in most modern web browsers or is prompted whenever an application needs to use it, so you shouldn't have to enable it unless you've turned it off.

Things You Should Know

  • Navigate to the "Security" tab of your Safari Preferences to ensure the box next to "Enable JavaScript" is checked.
  • Find "Site Settings" under the "Privacy and Security" tab of your Chrome Settings to enable JavaScript.
  • Firefox enables JavaScript by default. If it is disabled, you may have an extension that is blocking it.

Step 1 Open Safari on your Mac.

  • If you're using a browser plugin that blocks JavaScript from running on one or more websites, you'll usually need to disable it. You can do so on the Preferences panel by clicking Websites and de-selecting the plugin name. [2] X Research source

Step 1 Open Chrome on your Mac.

  • JavaScript is allowed by default in Chrome. You shouldn't have to manually enable it unless you've turned it off.

Step 2 Click the  ⁝ menu.

  • If you see the word "Allowed" right below "JavaScript," JavaScript is already enabled.
  • If JavaScript isn't working despite being enabled, it's likely due to a security extension you've installed on Chrome. Click the ⁝ menu, click More Tools , and then Extensions . Toggle off any extensions you don't want to use.

Step 7 Slide the

  • Chrome lets you manually disable JavaScript by website. If you manually disabled JavaScript on a certain site and want to re-enable it, you can do so under the "Blocked" header. Click the ⁝ menu next to the site's name and click Remove .

Step 1 Open Firefox on your Mac.

  • JavaScript is enabled by default in Firefox. There's no way to disable it in your general Firefox options, so it's unlikely that you'll need to turn it on unless you've manually edited the about:config page.
  • If you've installed a privacy extension like Ghostery or NoScript that disables JavaScript, you may need to disable it to use JavaScript. Click the ≡ menu, click Add-ons , and then click Disable next to the extension. [3] X Research source

Step 2 Type about:config into the address bar and press ⏎ Return.

  • The results appear in three columns: Preference Name , Status , Type , and Value .

Step 5 Find the value of the

  • If the Value is set to True : JavaScript is already enabled and there's no need to make any changes. Do not continue with this method.
  • If the Value is set to False : Continue with this method.

Step 6 Right-click the False value.

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Yaffet Meshesha

1. Open Safari. 2. Click the Safari menu. 3. Click Preferences . 4. Click Security . 5. Check the "Enable JavaScript" box. Did this summary help you? Yes No

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JavaScript not working in Safari after Catalina update

I've finally updated to Catalina. But now JavaScripts are giving errors in Safari. Scripts that were working prior to the OS update.

Allow JavaScript from Apple Events is checked. Enable JavaScript is selected in the preferences.

Please send help.

Catalina can be a problem, but we know KM works well on Catalina, including JavaScript, one the macOS is properly configured.

Have you read:

TIP: Resolving Catalina/Mojave Accessibility/Security Permissions Issues

Thanks - looks like we've solved it!

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Javascript is not working in Safari on my iPad, version 15.5. Anyone know why?

Javascript is not working in Safari on my iPad, ios version 15.5. Anyone know why? Getting attached screenshot error. Same is working fine in version 15.3 and MacBook Safari as well. Please suggest

javascript enabled but not working safari

Posted on May 31, 2022 9:58 AM

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May 31, 2022 10:18 AM in response to RohitEla

See if this helps you --> Use the Run JavaScript on Webpage action in Shortcuts on iPhone or iPad - Apple Support

May 31, 2022 10:41 AM in response to lobsterghost1

May 31, 2022 10:44 AM in response to RohitEla

Since you are being told it can't be used in the way you are trying to run it, in what way are you attempting to run JavaScript?

May 31, 2022 1:39 PM in response to lobsterghost1

That is code as separate JS file. Strange thing other application built on same way of implementation is working fine.

May 31, 2022 1:41 PM in response to RohitEla

I'm not a programmer, so can't really help you much beyond basics. If no one else chimes in, reach out to Apple directly for help. Use the Get Support button at the top of this page.

If Safari isn't loading websites or quits on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch

If you can't load a website or webpage, or Safari quits unexpectedly, follow these steps.

Connect to a different network

Try to load a website, like , using cellular data. If you don't have cellular data, connect to a different Wi-Fi network , then load the website.

If you're using a VPN (Virtual Private Network), check your VPN settings . If you have a VPN turned on, some apps or websites might block content from loading.

Restart your device

Turn off your device and turn it on again.

Restart your iPhone

Restart your iPad

Restart your iPod touch

Clear website data

You can clear website data occasionally to improve Safari performance.

Go to Settings > Safari.

Tap Clear History and Website Data.

Tap Clear History to confirm.

Turn on JavaScript

Turn on JavaScript if it's not already on.

Go to Settings > Safari > Advanced.

Turn on JavaScript.

Get more help

If the issue continues and only affects a certain website or webpage, check if you have Private Relay turned on. You can temporarily turn off Private Relay in iCloud Settings . If Safari still doesn't load websites and you tried all of these steps, contact the website developer for more help.

javascript enabled but not working safari

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    4. Click the Security tab. It's the padlock icon near the top of the window. 5. Check the box next to "Enable JavaScript." It's in the "Web content" section. As long as this box is checked, Safari will allow websites to display JavaScript elements, such as buttons, forms, and certain visual elements.

  15. JavaScript not working in Safari after Catalina update

    I've finally updated to Catalina. But now JavaScripts are giving errors in Safari. Scripts that were working prior to the OS update. Allow JavaScript from Apple Events is checked. Enable JavaScript is selected in the preferences. Please send help.

  16. Javascript is not working in Safari on my…

    I'm not a programmer, so can't really help you much beyond basics. If no one else chimes in, reach out to Apple directly for help. Use the Get Support button at the top of this page. Javascript is not working in Safari on my iPad, version 15.5.

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    Connect to a different network. Try to load a website, like, using cellular data. If you don't have cellular data, connect to a different Wi-Fi network, then load the website. If you're using a VPN (Virtual Private Network), check your VPN settings. If you have a VPN turned on, some apps or websites might block content from loading.

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    0. I hope you are using vscode,install watch sass extension, (more info here) ,create a style.scss file in your styles folder,copy all your initial css into style.scss file,Click to Watch Sass from Statusbar to turn on the live compilation,press ctrl+s to save style.scss file,a new file will be created called style.css,this will be compatible ...

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