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5 Travel Workouts to Keep You Fit On the Go

Whether you're on a business trip or visiting family, these five workouts will keep your gains in tact..

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You might be out of town for a business event or to visit your family for the first time in who knows how long. Or, you might be out on an actual vacation. Whatever your reason for being off somewhere that’s not your regular gym, it’s easy to fall into the “will I lose all my gains?” despair. But the reality is actually to the contrary: Taking time away from the barbell allows you to recover and reveal your true strength (fatigue masks fitness, after all). So your travel workout program may be a good thing for your heavy lifting , after all.

Let’s face it: your diet isn’t going to be perfect while traveling, and neither will your sleep schedule — let alone the amount of time you actually have to devote to your workout while so much else is going on. So performing short, intense training sessions while on the road will help you maintain what you’ve worked so hard to build and keep up the momentum that you need to continue moving forward with your regularly scheduled  programming .

Below, we outline five workouts to try, broken up by training goal. Of course, mobility-focused workouts will have positive crossover effects on your strength training. And sessions that are geared toward making you stronger will help you build muscle . There’s a lot of overlap in these travel workout categories, but if you’re trying to reach one goal above others efficiently, read on to learn which ones to pick and which moves to emphasize.

Travel Workouts

Travel workout for muscle gain, travel workout for conditioning, travel workout for strength, travel workout for mobility, travel workout for fat loss.

To gain or maintain muscle without equipment on the road, try to minimize your rest periods and complete these sets with 45 seconds between each set and two to three minutes between each of the three circuits. You’ll alternate between lower and upper body movements to give your specific muscle groups a break while making sure your body is still working hard overall. 

Three rounds of:

  • Bodyweight Squat — 50 reps
  • 1.5-Rep Push-Up — 15 reps
  • Lateral Lunge  — 25 reps (each side)
  • 1.5-Rep Triceps Push-Up — 15 reps
  • 1.5-Rep Split Squat — 20 reps (each side)

You’ll notice a fair amount of 1.5-reps , which are when you complete a full rep, then half a rep, and counting those combined as a single rep). One-and-a-half reps increase your time under tension and maximize the mind-muscle connection — a perfect storm for building muscle — while keeping your volume high to compensate for your lack of external loading.

You don’t need access to a sled — or even a kettlebell or jump rope (although those are great if you can travel with it) — to get a solid conditioning workout while you’re traveling. Here, you’ll want to time yourself each day you do this workout and stack your results against each other so you can track your progress. The goal is to rest only as needed.

  • 10 burpees with push-up
  • 20 mountain climbers (per leg)
  • 9 burpees with push-up
  • 18 mountain climbers (per leg)
  • push-up burpees with push-up
  • 16 mountain climbers (per leg)
  • 7 burpees with push-up
  • 14 mountain climbers (per leg)
  • 6 burpees with push-up
  • 12 mountain climbers (per leg)
  • 5 burpees with push-up
  • 10 mountain climbers (per leg)
  • 4 burpees with push-up
  • 8 mountain climbers (per leg)
  • 3 burpees with push-up
  • 6 mountain climbers (per leg)
  • 2 burpees with push-up
  • 4 mountain climbers (per leg)
  • 1 burpee with push-up
  • 2 mountain climbers (per leg)

By the end of this session, you’ll have completed 55 burpees — which will include 55 push-ups — and 110 mountain climbers per leg. If that’s not enough for you, feel free to bump it up to two rounds: just make sure you’re keeping track of your time to completion.

To stay strong on the road, you’ll want to prioritize taking full-body movements to failure — repeatedly. To accomplish this, you’ll start by performing as many quality reps of the exercise as you can in one go.

For example, if you can bang out 26 crisp diamond push-ups at once before reaching failure, do it. Then your task will be to rest as little as possible to perform 26 more diamond push-ups. For example, you might be able to hit 14 reps on your second set; then eight, and then four, which will give you 26. In total, you’ll have performed 52 reps in as little time as possible — a strength builder both physically and mentally.

With exercises that require a static hold — like bodyweight pause squats and planks — time how long you can hold each position before failing, then rest as little as possible as you try to accumulate the same number of seconds in the position (count your seconds like reps, above).

To Repeated Failure:

  • Diamond Push-Up
  • Bodyweight Pause Squat
  • Pike Push-Up
  • Side Plank (left)
  • Side Plank (right)
  • Wide Push-Up

While you’ll want to rest as little as possible between your sets of each exercise, rest as long as you need to between the different exercises. In other words, after completing your diamond push-ups, rest as long as you need to before getting started on your bodyweight pause squat.

Aim to increase the number of quality reps you can start with — it’ll give you something exciting to strive for and a way to track your strength and progress without weights.

Improving your mobility will improve your lifting — it’s as simple as that. For this travel mobility workout, you’ll do moves that you’re familiar with in the gym, sans the weights, and concentrate on strengthening and extending the end ranges of motion.

Four Rounds Of:

  • World’s Greatest Stretch  — 6 reps (each side)
  • Single-Leg RDL  — 10 reps (each side)
  • Scapular Push-Up — 15 reps
  • Frog Stretch — 15 reps
  • Single-Leg Glute Bridge  — 15 reps (each side)
  • Back-to-Wall Shoulder Flexion — 15 reps
  • Crab Reach — 10 reps (each side)

Ensure every rep is completed with intention, under extremely slow control — and don’t forget to breathe fully through each rep.

One of your goals might be body recomposition , and there are plenty of workouts you can do on the road to help you out. If you’re looking to decrease your body fat percentage , you’ll want to emphasize higher intensity moves requiring your full body to engage. Building strength while also resting relatively little and integrating intensive cardio work can help you shift your body composition toward more muscle and less body fat  if that’s what you’re going for.

Three to Five Rounds:

  • Clapping Push-Up — 6 reps
  • Jumping Lunge   — 12 reps (each side)
  • Hand-Release Push-Up — 12 reps
  • Jump Squat — 20 reps
  • Lateral Bound — 12 reps (each side)

Aim to rest as little as possible between exercises, but rest for at least two to three minutes between rounds. That way, you’ll push yourself during the rounds, but let yourself come back with crisp form with each new round. Of course, if your form is ever slipping, rest as needed before proceeding.

If you want to measure your progress with a barometer beyond fat loss, time yourself during your workout and write it down. See if you can get faster and more efficient with your movements during your vacation.

The Best Exercises For Traveling

Especially if you tend to get bored when you can’t play with all the barbells and dumbbells in your regular gym, you’ll want to emphasize full-body, compound bodyweight movements when you’re on that business trip.

Think all manner of squats, push-ups, lunges, and dynamic movements like burpees, mountain climbers, and — if you have access to certain equipment — kettlebell swings and double-unders . When in doubt about an exercise, ask yourself if it requires your entire body to put in work and if you can execute it with perfect form to failure. If yes, then it probably passes the proverbial litmus test for travel exercising.

Man doing push-up on beach

Using these kinds of high-energy, high-concentration compound movements, you’ll be making the most efficient use of your time, physical space, and mental energy . Remember, traveling can be emotionally and mentally exhausting , so your goal should be to maximize whatever energy you do have to get a solid workout in — even if you only dedicate 15 minutes to the cause.

Why Should You Work Out While You’re Traveling?

Let’s be real — whether you’re away for business or pleasure, traveling can be stressful . Working out while traveling is that it doesn’t need to add to your stress. You can get a high-quality workout in, even if it’s just in your childhood bedroom or hotel room, for 15 minutes with nothing but your bodyweight . So instead of adding extra planning, being intentional about working out when you’re on the road will decrease your stress levels and improve your overall mental health .

Plus, traveling is exhausting on the body, but that doesn’t often translate into resting better . On the contrary: With all those road trip coffee stops and all that jet lag, you’ll often find that your circadian rhythm is way off on your business trips. Enter working out — getting a hard workout can help improve your sleep . And the better you sleep , the better you train . This is definitely the kind of feedback loop you want to get yourself into: good sleep, good training — a win-win for every part of your body and mind .

As if decreasing your stress and improving your on-the-go sleep wasn’t enough, continuing your workout program while you’re traveling will keep you ready to get back to the gym with little interruption when you get back home. Instead of looking at your trip as a potential detriment to your gains because you won’t have your barbells, try to think of it as a chance to work through your sticking points . You might be able to use potentially equipment-free training as an opportunity to get stronger in areas that you typically neglect — think mobility , lateral movement , or bodyweight strength and conditioning . 

When Should You Work Out While Traveling?

When you’re figuring out when to work out on your business trip, things might be somewhat more stable than when you’re visiting family. You might have access to a hotel gym and more predictable hours (i.e., you’ve got to be at that conference by nine, get your workout in at seven). If you’re using a hotel gym, check the hours before you make your plan. So if you prefer to work out at night , instead of going to happy hour, make sure the hotel gym will be open; and if you’re the 4 a.m. workout type of human, make sure it’s open 24/7.

Woman doing HIIT workout

If you’re traveling to see family or are going on vacation, chances are you’ll have less control over your schedule and what you eat than you usually do. The latter isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but your body may feel pretty unsettled if you’re used to eating for your gains  but then get loaded up on pie and processed foods all week with your fam. If you’re looking to maximize the impact of your workouts and minimize the impact of grandma’s cookies, you might want to consider working out before tucking in.

Why? Your body (and muscles) are primarily fueled by glycogen , stored in limited quantities in the liver and the muscles. Exercise (particularly before eating) increases glycogen breakdown of liver glycogen to maintain blood glucose concentrations to make sure your muscles have enough fuel for movement. Doing moderate-to-high intensity exercise for an extended time results in lowering of liver glycogen stores. Exercise-induced glycogen deficit increases insulin sensitivity and helps the body efficiently process and store the calories (and especially carbohydrates) you’re about to eat. AKA, work out before you eat up on your vacation.

Workout With Your Bodyweight

Limited equipment, time, and space don’t have to stop you from training when you’re traveling. Doing short, high-intensity wor k will allow you to maintain your fitness while enjoying the finer things in life. If you’re looking to learn more about training with your bodyweight or limited equipment, check out these training articles.

  • Best At-Home Bodyweight Workouts
  • 9 Mobility-Focused Exercises to Improve Your Squat Without Weights
  • Yes, Office Workouts Are a Thing — Here’s What You Need to Know

Featured image: Puhhha/Shutterstock

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About Shane McLean

Shane McLean is a Certified Personal Trainer who’s worked with a wide variety of clients, from the general population client all the way to ex-Navy seals and college athletes.

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7 Fun, Fast, & Effective Travel Workouts

By: Author Robyn Robledo

Posted on Last updated: January 5, 2024

Working out while you travel can help you feel better, prevent you from losing your hard-earned gains, and up your metabolism so you can indulge a little without gaining weight. We’ve put together this travel workout guide with 7 different styles of workouts to meet your fitness needs while traveling.

Table of Contents

Fitness Equipment for Travel

The best equipment for travel workouts include:

  • travel yoga mat
  • monster mini jump stretch band
  • exercise tubing
  • exercise ball

Functional Training Workout

Aka “ my a$$ is flat from sitting too long ” workout.

This functional travel workout focuses on establishing strength in the glutes, which tend to get tight from prolonged sitting. No equipment is needed for this workout!

Here are 2 ways I’d integrate this type of workout:

1 | The no-sweat-feel-good workout.

This workout can be one complete workout in and of itself, especially if you are looking for just a “feel good” workout that wakes up some dormant muscles from prolonged sitting (think road trips and long haul flights) and energizes you without having to sweat.

Bonus: Add in the total body workout .

2 | The goal-driven athlete.

This is a good warm-up routine for your more intense workouts below or a great warm-up before your hike or other adventure sports. To prevent sciatica, try these yoga poses to really open up those tight hip flexors.

1 | Side Lying Leg Lift

Leg completely straight, foot flexed, make sure you are completely on your side. You should feel the movement in the outer hip. If you feel it in the front of your hip you are probably using your hip flexor instead of your hip/gluteal muscles.

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2 | Bent Leg Bridge

Drive through the heels. Aim for your knees, hips, and shoulders to be in one line at the top of the movement.

Stay fit while traveling: Workout routine for travelers

3 | Alternating Single-Leg Bridge

Keep the hips high and in one plane, don’t let your hips shift from side to side. Press through the heels and contract your gluteals to help stabilize. Alternate extending one leg so that it is in line with the knee and hip.

Stay fit while traveling: Workout routine for travelers

4 | Arch Up

Keep toes on the mat, place hands behind the head, and squeeze shoulder blades together while you lift the chest and hands off the floor a few inches.

Stay fit while traveling: Workout routine for travelers

5 | Dolphin

Keep your upper body on the floor, with straight legs lift the heels as high as you can, trying to get the thighs to come off the ground.

Stay fit while traveling: Workout routine for travelers

Simple Total Body Conditioning Travel Workout

Sometimes the best travel workout is the simple one. These 3 easy movements can be done with no equipment and from the comfort of your hotel, Airbnb, or even campground.

While maintaining a slight arch in the lower back and the chest lifted, bend the knees so that the thighs get close to parallel to the floor. You should have even weight in the toes and heels and the knees shouldn’t go past the toes when you descend.

2 | Reverse Crunch

Feel free to bend the legs to keep your back on the floor. Press the belly into your spine and the lower back into the floor, try to have no space between the floor and your lower back. Lift hips off the floor trying to not use momentum to execute the crunch. The movement can be very small.

3 | Push Ups

Keep your abs tight so that you maintain a straight line from your shoulders to your feet. Tuck your pelvis under slightly to avoid sinking in your lower back. If you cannot maintain this position then do a modified push-up with your knees on the floor. Bend your elbows to ninety degrees, making sure your hands are wide enough that the elbows stay in line with the wrists, but your elbows should be lower than shoulder height. If there was a line between your thumbs and your chest you would touch it if you went all the way down. Keep your head in neutral.

Stay fit while traveling: Workout routine for travelers

Burn Fat Travel Workout

Now it’s time to get the heart rate elevated! This is the perfect HIIT travel workout to do if you just spent a night indulging too much 😉. The goal is to move from one exercise to the next as quickly as possible without sacrificing form. After you complete one round, allow your heart rate to come down significantly before repeating the sequence. This is also a great workout routine to do at home if you have limited equipment .

1 | Jumping Jacks (1 minute)

I hope you know what these are 🙂

2 | Rock and Roll with a Jump (15 reps)

Place your hands lightly on your knees while rounding the spine and rolling back. Keep the spine rounded and the abs engaged while rolling back up. Draw the heels close to the glutes and drive through the feet to jump as explosively as possible.

3 | Swim Kicks (30 reps total)

Start lying on the floor with the legs up and perpendicular to the floor. While keeping the low back on the floor, alternate lowering one leg until it almost touches the floor, then switch.

4 | Walking Lunges (10 per leg)

Make sure your feet are hips width apart before stepping out to do your lunge. When you step out and make sure your stride length is far enough apart that your front knee stays over your front ankle. Descend with control, your back knee should come close to the ground without touching it. Squeeze your front thigh and gluteal while ascending.

5 | Squat Jump (15 jumps)

Start with feet shoulder-width apart, and maintain a natural arch in your lower back while descending. Descend just as you would a squat, then jump as high as you can, driving through the heels, trying not to let your knees go over the balls of the feet.

6 | Bicycle Crunch (30 reps total)

Keep the lower back pressed into the ground. Lightly place your hands behind your head and alternate touching opposite elbow to knee. Try to round and twist through the upper back so the shoulder blades alternate coming off the ground.

7 | Hollow Hold (20 seconds)

Start by laying flat on your back, place the hands on the top of the thighs, and round your upper back as if doing a crunch. At the top of the crunch position, start to bring the legs off the floor a few inches. If it’s too difficult to keep the lower back down, then bend the knees until the lower back lies flat on the ground or keep the feet on the ground until your abs get stronger.

Stay fit while traveling: Workout routine for travelers

Advanced Functional Conditioning Travel Workout

This is a great total body workout that can be applied to improve strength, size, or leanness depending on the rep range you choose, except for the triple threat which we recommend doing 15 reps of in each direction, and the jackknife you should do for max reps.

1 | Bulgarian Squat

Elevate one foot behind you on a bench, block, or ball being careful to select a height that doesn’t force you to arch the lower back excessively. Bend the front leg to 90 degrees using a long enough stance that the knee of the front leg doesn’t pass the ball of the foot. The torso should lean forward slightly inclining forward over the working leg but not rounding. *You can skip using the Swiss ball and place the back foot on a picnic table, chair, or just on the ground and make it a lunge.

Stay fit while traveling: Workout routine for travelers

2 | Back Dips

For this movement, you can place your feet on the floor or elevate them if you’d like more challenge. Place hands on the edge of the bench, chair, or elevated surface with the finger facing forward. Bend elbows to 90 degrees or as far as comfortable, keeping elbows over the wrists.

Stay fit while traveling: Workout routine for travelers

3 | Swiss Ball Triple Threat (15 in each direction)

This combination involves three different movements each targeting a different area of the posterior chain. Start lying on the ground with the arms out to the sides and head resting on the floor. Place your heels and lower calves on the Swiss ball for all three movements. The first movement is done with the legs straight and focuses on squeezing the glutes while lifting the hips up and down. The second movement is done with the legs bent at 90 degrees and focusing on the hamstrings while lifting the hips up and down. The last movement involves the low back, hips, and hamstrings and requires the hips to be held high without straining the neck while rolling the ball in and out.

Stay fit while traveling: Workout routine for travelers

4 | Swiss Ball Jackknife (max reps)

Place your hands on the floor and your shins on the Swiss ball. Holds a tight plank position. If your hips sink, you will feel it in the lower back which you don’t want. Lift the hips as you bring your knees towards your armpits.

Stay fit while traveling: Workout routine for travelers

5 | Rear Delt Pull

Hold the band just outside shoulder width at shoulder height. With the arms straight pull the band apart until the band touches the chest. As you separate the hands keep the shoulders down and squeeze the shoulder bladed together. If you need more or less of a challenge, you may need to upgrade to a different size band . The band I use is a #3, or 35# resistance band. You can also make it more challenging by doubling up the band.

6 | Clapping Push Up (max to failure)

Just like a push-up but accelerate as you ascend so you can add a clap at the top of the movement.

HIIT Travel Workout

This is travel workout is great if you want to have fun and challenge yourself, but I don’t have any weights to use.

1 | Burpee (20-30 reps)

There’s nothing quite like a set of burpees to wake you up and get you ready to push yourself! Squat down place your hands on the floor, and jump back to a plank. From the plank, hop the feet back to the hands then jump powerfully up as high as you can.

2 | L-sit (10-30 seconds)

Using yoga blocks or an elevated surface. Sit in a pike position (legs straight and in front of you) and press your feet and legs off the floor.

Stay fit while traveling: Workout routine for travelers

3 | Spiderman Push Ups (6-10 reps per side)

Do a push-up while bringing one knee to the same side elbow. Your hands won’t be even like they are in traditional push-ups. Instead, think of them being in diagonal from one another with the elbow that touches the knee lower than the other hand and switch with each rep.

Stay fit while traveling: Workout routine for travelers

4 | Vertical Jumps (10 reps)

Make sure to swing your arms powerfully and jump as high as you can while controlling the landing.

Stay fit while traveling: Workout routine for travelers

5 | Handstand Push Ups (4-8 reps)

As a beginning option, start facing away from a wall and walk your feet up the wall. Eventually, you will get your feet up high enough and your hands in close to the wall to do some partial push-ups in this position. The end goal is to be able to start facing the wall kick up to the handstand with your back against the wall and then do push-ups. Or have someone hold your feet.

Stay fit while traveling: Workout routine for travelers

6 | Handstand Tap Ups (10 reps- try starting 5 with each foot in front)

If handstand push-ups are too much, do regular handstand holds instead. Start with one foot in front and arms overhead. Visualize trying to keep a straight line from the arms overhead to the toes of the back leg. Slowly lean forward keeping the body straight and tight. As the hands touch the floor use some momentum to kick up to a straight body position.

Stay fit while traveling: Workout routine for travelers

7 | Tuck Jump (10 reps)

Jump up as high as you can and at the the top of your jump, bring the knees to the chest.

Stay fit while traveling: Workout routine for travelers

Gymnastics Travel Workout

We taught gymnastics for 25 years. This is a fun travel workout to do if you have kids. It helps them stay healthy and gives you a bonding experience. Alternate the jumps with cartwheels and have fun with it.

1 | Standing Broad Jump (10 reps)

As you bend your knees, swing your arms behind you and bring them forward powerfully as you jump as far as you can landing in a squat position.

2 | Cartwheels (10 reps- try starting 5 with each foot in front)

Stay fit while traveling: Workout routine for travelers

Hotel Travel Workout For Building Muscle

It’s easy to get a travel workout in when you are staying in a hotel since most hotels have a gym with dumbbells. Do this routine from top to bottom two times through with a weight that fatigues you by 15 reps. For true strength gains, your RPE (rate of perceived exertion should be between 6 and 8 and your rep range from 8-12 so adjust the weight accordingly.

1 | Shoulder Press

Hold a pair of dumbbells at shoulder height with the palms facing forward. Press the dumbbells overhead and together while keeping the neck long, ears in line with the shoulders, and scapula depressed.

Stay fit while traveling: Workout routine for travelers

2 | Alternating Bicep Curl

Start with the palms facing towards the body and as you bend one elbow, rotate the palm to face that shoulder. Remember to keep the elbow close to the body and pointing down.

Stay fit while traveling: Workout routine for travelers

3 | Overhead Tricep Extension

Hold one dumbbell in both hands and extend the arms straight overhead. Focus on keeping the elbows pointing upward and triceps parallel to one another as you bend the elbows and then re-extend the arms.

Stay fit while traveling: Workout routine for travelers

5 | Good Morning (aka Straight Leg Deadlift)

With a flat back, hinge forward with mostly straight legs until your back is parallel to the floor or you reach an endpoint in the stretch of the hamstrings. Then squeeze your glutes to return to standing. You should feel a nice stretch in the back of the legs for this one but use your butt muscles and not your back to bring you up to vertical.

Stay fit while traveling: Workout routine for travelers

6 | Bent Over Row

Bend the knees and hinge forward so that your back is almost parallel to the ground. With a nice arch in the lower back and the chest slightly lifted, start with the dumbbells hanging under your shoulders then squeeze your shoulder blades together as you draw the elbows up past the rib cage.

Stay fit while traveling: Workout routine for travelers

More Fitness Resources:

  • Yoga for Surfers
  • Surfing Fitness Workout
  • Yoga for Hikers
  • How to Train for a Strenuous Hike
  • Yoga for Climbers (coming soon)
  • Best Tools for Myofascial Release

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The Best Travel Workouts You Can Do With No Equipment

By Alexa Tucker

Image may contain Human Person Sport Sports Fitness Exercise Working Out Stretch and Yoga

When it comes to reaching your fitness goals, consistency is key . And while travel workouts are obviously great if you can fit them in, don't stress about taking a few days off— skipping your workout for a few days isn't going to set back your progress.

But there are so many benefits to breaking a sweat that are worth setting aside some time to train while traveling, including more energy and improved mood. That's why we rounded up some of our top equipment-free , minimal-space travel workouts to help you make it happen no matter where you are. Plus, squeezing in a quick workout or two during your trip can make it easier to get back in the swing of things after you've unpacked your suitcases.

So whether you're on the road for work, fun, or visiting family, here are eight travel-friendly workouts to try.

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Repeat 3x: • 10 Plank Ups • 10 Lateral Plank Walks • 10 Burpees With Push-Ups • 10 Planks With Shoulder Taps • 10 Diamond Push-Ups • 10 Mountain Climber Twists

Developed by FitFusion trainer Kenta Seki , this workout might make it hard to blow dry your hair tomorrow. It will take about 10 minutes to complete—get all of the workout details here .

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Do 12 to 15 reps per side for each exercise.

Repeat 4x: • Side-Step Squats • Single-Leg Glute Bridges • Curtsy Lunges With Side Kick Rest — 90 seconds

No squats required for this workout from Jill Penfold , LA-based personal trainer and creator of the 12-week LA Bride Body program . Get the workout details here .

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If you're a beginner, do 30 seconds of work, 30 seconds rest per move. Intermediate: 40 seconds work, 20 seconds rest Advanced: 50 seconds work, 10 seconds rest

Repeat 2x: • Mock Jumping Rope • Burpee With Push-Up • Squat Jump • Plank Taps • Jumping Lunge

Get up on the right side of the bed (even if it's not your bed) with this 10-minute burner from Jill Penfold , LA-based personal trainer and creator of the 12-week LA Bride Body program . Get the workout details here .

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Do each move for 2 minutes, rest for 30 seconds between moves: • Bodyweight Squats • Push-Ups • Plank With T-Rotation (switch sides after 1 minute) • Alternating Standing Oblique Crunches

The perfect routine if you've only got 10 minutes to spare (and no extra time to get ready again afterward). It was developed for SELF by Jessica Bolbach, owner of NYC fitness studio KORE . Get the workout details here .

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Repeat 2x: • Plié Squat pulses With One Foot Raised — 30 seconds per side • Alternating Side Lunges — 30 seconds per side • Skater Hops — 15 seconds • Curtsy Kicks — 30 seconds per side • Goblet Squats — 30 seconds • Jumping Jacks — 15 seconds • Pilates Scissors — 30 seconds • Clamshells — 30 seconds per side

This workout from exercise physiologist Michelle Lovitt , M.A., will set your inner thighs on fire. Keep in mind that spot training is a fitness myth. If your goal is muscle definition or fat loss in a particular area, you'll need to do a combination of strength training (both of that specific muscle group and everywhere else), reducing overall body fat, and eating a diet that contributes to body fat loss and muscle-building. With that disclaimer, get the full workout details here .

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2 sets of 10 reps each: • Step it Up • Leg Lift • Tap It Out • Downward Dog Reach

This four-move strength circuit targets your core. It was created by Katherine Greiner of KGBody , for SELF's 2016 Six Weeks To Summer challenge . "The moves work the obliques, abs, and lower back to reveal a strong, sexy stomach," Greiner says. Get the workout details here .

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Do each move for 1 minute.

Repeat 4x: • Jumping Lunges • Wall Sit With Hands Up • Jumping Squats • Plank Rest — 1 minute

This workout from SELF's 2016 Six Weeks To Summer challenge will have you jumping, planking, and sweating . Get the workout details here .

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Air Punches — 30 seconds • 5 Burpees Air Punches — 30 seconds • 4 Burpees Air Punches — 30 seconds • 3 Burpees Air Punches — 30 seconds • 2 Burpees Air Punches — 30 seconds • 1 Burpee Air Punches — 30 seconds • 2 Burpees Air Punches — 30 seconds • 3 Burpees Air Punches — 30 seconds • 4 Burpees Air Punches — 30 seconds • 5 Burpees

There are only two moves in this workout from SELF's 2016 Six Weeks To Summer challenge , but your heart will be racing by the end. Get the workout details here .

  • 16 Equipment-Free Arm Exercises You Can Do at Home
  • A 15-Minute No-Equipment Core Workout You Can Do at Home
  • 20-Minute No-Equipment Total-Body Workout You Can Do Anywhere

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16 Travel-Friendly Fitness Exercises To Keep You Fit On The Go (No Equipment Required)

As much as we love the freedom of traveling and working remotely, it can sometimes disrupt our fitness routines.

Long hours on the road, irregular schedules, and unfamiliar environments can make it tough to stay active. However, we also know how staying fit is crucial for both mental and physical well-being as travelers.

But here's some good news: you can stay healthy and toned on the go without having to pack a gym bag!

For this blog post, I'm going to share my experience as nomad trainers by revealing the best travel exercises that require no equipment and are suitable for people always on the move like travelers, digital nomads and remote workers.

I will list these exercises in order of difficulty so keep reading to read our personal list of exercises you can't miss.

Easiest Travel Fitness Exercises

1. arm rotations.

Arm rotations

Get ready to start your travel workout with a simple yet effective exercise - Arm Rotations. This exercise is as straightforward as it sounds, but it packs a punch in promoting mobility and flexibility in the upper body, essential for those long hours spent working on your laptop or carrying heavy luggage. The power of this exercise lies in repetition. So, take your time and aim for at least 15 rotations to start with. Keep breathing and enjoy the stretch in your arms and chest. You'll be amazed at how this simple exercise helps to keep your upper body flexible and energised.

How to do it

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, grounding yourself firmly.
  • Extend your arms out to the sides at shoulder-height. Imagine yourself as a human 'T'.
  • Now, it's time for the rotation. Rotate your torso and arms behind you, then slowly return to the start.

2. Hip Circles

Hip circles

Next up on our list of no-equipment travel exercises is the Hip Circles. This exercise is not just about getting mobile, but also about building strength in your hips and the muscles that surround them. It's particularly beneficial for those of us who spend too many hours sitting during travel or work. A few rounds of Hip Circles can help keep your hips flexible and strong, helping you to avoid discomfort and maintain your mobility on the go. Don't forget to breathe here! You'll be amazed at how a few rounds of this exercise can fire up those hip muscles and add a touch of flexibility to your day.

  • Stand tall, making sure your feet are aligned with your shoulders.
  • Now, it's time to get those hips moving. Rotate them in wide circles, like you're hula-hooping.
  • Don't forget to switch it up! Change directions every few reps to ensure you're working those muscles evenly.

3. Overhead Towel Row

Overhead Towel Row

Traveling doesn't mean you have to compromise on your strength training. The Overhead Towel Row is a fantastic no-equipment travel exercise that targets your upper back and shoulders. This exercise not only amplifies your strength but also enhances shoulder mobility and flexibility. You're just a towel away from toning up those muscles and feeling more powerful. It's not about speed here; it's about maintaining control and tension. So, take your time, keep breathing, and let the power of this simple yet effective exercise kick in. Your upper back and shoulders will thank you!

  • Begin by holding a towel overhead, with arms stretched out. Create tension by pulling the towel ends outward.
  • Initiate the rowing action by pulling the towel down in front of your face while maintaining the tension. Feel those muscles working!
  • Extend your arms back to the overhead position and repeat.

4. The Towel Row

The Towel Row

Don't be fooled by the simplicity of this exercise! The Towel Row is another super effective no-equipment travel exercise that brings the gym to you, wherever you are. All you need is your trusty towel and a bit of space. This exercise works wonders in strengthening your upper back, shoulders, and biceps. Moreover, it's fantastic for improving your posture, especially important if you find yourself slouched over a laptop while working on the move. The beauty of the Towel Row lies in its simplicity and efficiency. Take your time and really feel your muscles working with each pull. Your back, shoulders, and biceps will definitely feel the love. Trust us.

  • Stand in a forward lean position holding a towel taut with palms facing up.
  • Way to go! Now pull the towel towards your belly button, keeping your elbows close to your body.
  • Slowly extend your arms back to the starting position, maintaining the forward lean.

5. Hip Bridge

Hip bridge

Bring on the Hip Bridge, another perfect travel exercise that doesn't require equipment. Lying flat might seem easy, but trust us, this exercise will have your glutes and hamstrings burning in no time while giving your core some serious attention. Why should you get familiar with the Hip Bridge? It's straight-up rewarding – it strengthens your glutes and hamstrings and improves core stability. So, you might be on the move, but your workouts don't need to stop!

  • Lie flat on your back with knees bent, and feet flat on the floor. Picture yourself ready to launch a rocket. You're the rocket!
  • Without further ado, lift your hips off the floor until your knees, hips, and shoulders form a straight line. It's like you're a drawbridge – and you're lifting up!
  • Hold for a moment, as if you're pausing to take in the gorgeous view from the top, then lower your hips back down to the floor.

6. Shoulder Taps

Shoulder taps

Let's round off the easy level with Shoulder Taps! This travel-friendly workout requires no special gear and is all set to challenge your strength, balance, and core stability. With every tap, you're not just working your shoulders but also engaging your core and boosting your balance. It's like hitting a workout trifecta – shoulder, core, and balance all in one go! Don't forget, you're a digital nomad, not a workout nomad. With these shoulder taps, you can prove that strength doesn't demand staticity.

  • Start in a high plank position. You're a strong, sturdy table, ready to bear the weight.
  • Next, tap your left shoulder with your right hand. Keep your hips level, no wobbling!
  • Now, it’s time to repeat on the other side, alternating taps.

travelling gym training

Loving these fitness exercises?

They were curated with the expertise of nomadstrong, the #1 online gym for digital nomads offering personalized online fitness training wherever your travels take you, intermediate level travel exercises, 7. push ups.

Push ups

Alright, nomad travelers! It's time to level up with the first exercise for the intermediate level - the classic Push Up. This fundamental travel exercise, requiring no equipment, is here to work on your chest, shoulders, and triceps. Each push up is like a high-five to your strength and homage to the strength you carry within you, reinforcing your travel motto: No place too far, no workout too hard!

  • Get into a high plank position. Imagine you're a solid plank of wood, ready to be carved into a masterpiece.
  • Now, lower your body towards the floor, keeping your elbows snugly tucked close to your body. You're going down, but you're not staying down!
  • Push back up to the starting position.


To mix things up a bit, it's time to give your lower body some love with Squats. This is another no-equipment, travel-friendly fitness exercise that can be done anywhere, anytime. Squats are your best travel buddy, strengthening those lower body muscles and improving your posture, setting you up for those long exploratory walks in your new destination.

  • Stand tall, feet shoulder-width apart. Imagine you're a mountain, unshakeable and majestic.
  • Now, it's time to lower your body, think of it like you're sitting on an imaginary chair by pushing your hips back and bending your knees. Don't rush, take your time!
  • Stand back up to the starting position. Feel the burn in your thighs and glutes, that's your strength coming to life.

9. Reverse Lunge

Reverse lunge

Giving a shoutout to our legs, the trusted carriers, we have the Reverse Lunge. With no equipment required, this is another excellent and travel-friendly fitness exercise. This movement is a fantastic way to work on your lower body muscles and improve your balance. Think of it as your secret formula for strolling across cobblestone streets or hiking up winding trails in your next travel destination.

  • Stand like a warrior, with feet hip-width apart.
  • Time for some action! Step one foot back and lower your body, with both knees bending to 90 degrees. Like a graceful dancer, keep your balance and composure.
  • Now, return to your starting position and repeat the process with your other leg.

10. Jump Squat

Jump squat

Next on our list is the heart-pumping Jump Squat. No equipment, no excuses - this fitness exercise is as travel-friendly as it gets. Jump Squats are not only about building strength in your lower body but are also amazing for improving your cardiovascular endurance. Think of them as your hidden superpower for those long, adventurous days of traveling and exploring. These are literally your secret weapon for when you want to race up the stairs of a breathtaking monument or dance the night away in a vibrant local festival.

  • Stand tall and strong, with your feet shoulder-width apart. Picture yourself like a spring, ready to be unleashed.
  • Dive into a squat, just like we practiced before. Now, here's the fun part – explode upwards in a jump. Extend your legs and reach for the skies!
  • Land softly like a feather, seamlessly flowing into the next squat. Keep this rhythm, and feel the power coursing through your legs.

11. Reverse Lunge to High Knee

Reverse Lunge to High Knee

As we move along our list, we bring you the impressive Reverse Lunge to High Knee. This is a no-equipment-required travel exercise that will make your lower body stronger while improving your balance and coordination. Indeed, this exercise will be your secret edge when navigating uneven terrains or taking on spontaneous adventures in your travels.

  • Begin with feet hip-width apart, poised and confident.
  • Step one foot back and lower your body, bending both knees to 90 degrees. Remember, poise and balance are key.
  • Now, rise like a phoenix! As you stand, drive the back knee up towards your chest.
  • Repeat the process, alternating legs.

12. Kneeling Lean Back

Kneeling Lean Back

As we cap off the intermediate level, let's dive into the Kneeling Lean Back! This truly a game-changer. It stretches your quads, and strengthens your glutes and hamstrings, making it a fantastic exercise to maintain lower body strength and flexibility while on the go. Enjoy the strength and flexibility it brings to your travel adventures!

  • Begin by kneeling on the floor, with your torso upright. Picture yourself as a strong, grounded statue.
  • Slowly lean back, extending your hips while keeping your chest lifted. Imagine a string pulling you up from your chest, keeping you tall and proud.
  • Draw yourself back into the starting position, maintaining control and balance throughout.

travelling gym training

Stay Fit, Wherever You Are!

The travel exercises in this guide were crafted in collaboration with nomadstrong, the #1 online gym tailored for the digital nomad lifestyle, to keep you in peak shape on your journeys., advanced travel exercises, 13. bulgarian split squat.

Bulgarian Split Squat

Next on our list and also the first in our list of advanced exercises is the Bulgarian Split Squat. This is a fantastic travel exercise that will get those legs burning and heart pumping. Not only does it work on your mobility and flexibility like the arm rotations, but it also targets your glutes, quads, and even your core. It's a powerhouse exercise that does a lot with a little and the key to this exercise is maintaining good form and balance. So, take your time, and don't rush. Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is a good fitness routine!

How you do it

  • Start by standing upright, feet shoulder-width apart. Keep your arms outstretched at shoulder height, ready for action.
  • Now, take a step forward with one foot. The distance should be far enough so that when you bend your knee, your thigh is parallel with the ground.
  • From this position, lower your body until your front knee is at a 90-degree angle. Your rear knee should almost touch the floor.
  • Push through your front heel to stand back up, then switch legs and repeat.

14. Hindu Push Up

Hindu push up

Next up, we have the Hindu Push Up. A favorite among many athletes, this fitness exercise not only strengthens your arms, shoulders, and back but also improves your flexibility. Imagine that! One single movement that works out so many muscle groups. This exercise is your go-to when you're short on time but still want a comprehensive workout. If done correctly, you'll feel a fantastic stretch and contraction in every rep. But as you work through these, remember to maintain steady breathing and always prioritize form over speed!

  • Start in a pike position, with both hands and feet on the floor. Picture yourself as an upside-down 'V'. This is your starting position.
  • Next, you'll move in a swooping motion. Lower your body, dropping your chest down and then forward. Imagine you're moving under a low fence.
  • Finish the movement by pushing your hips back up into the starting position.

15. Shove Off

Shove off

Let's move on to our next no-equipment travel exercise, the Shove Off. This is a fantastic and convenient exercise that focuses on strengthening your chest and triceps. All you need is a sturdy bench, a railing, or even a park bench will do! Remember, it's all about making the most out of what you have. So, even if you're halfway up a mountain or in the middle of a crowded city, you can still get a solid workout. In no time at all, you'll be seeing muscles you didn't even know you had.

  • Begin by standing face towards a bench. Extend your arms out and place your hands on the bench, ready to show off your strength.
  • Now, bend those elbows, leaning your body towards the bench. It's like you're trying to push it away with your body - hence the name, Shove Off!
  • Once you've leaned in, it's time to push back. Use your chest and triceps to push your body back to the starting position.

16. Sit Out

Sit out

Alright, it's time to wrap up our advanced exercises with an absolute humdinger - the Sit Out. The Sit Out is a prime example of how you can keep fit wherever you are without needing any fancy equipment. Brilliant, isn't it? You can do it right on the beach, in your hotel room, or even at the airport! It's a fantastic drill that enhances mobility, core strength, and coordination. Talk about getting the most bang for your buck!

  • Get into an all fours position. Hands and knees on the ground, back parallel to the floor. This is the starting position.
  • Kick one leg through to the opposite side, simultaneously rotating your hips and shoulders. It's like you're threading a needle with your leg.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side. Remember to stay balanced and controlled throughout the movement. One rep down, many more to go!

Keeping fit while traveling can be tricky, but with these no-equipment fitness exercises, it's more manageable than ever before.

There are plenty of exercises that you can do in your free time to keep yourself healthy and energetic. Be sure to switch it up and mix and match various routines for the best results.

travelling gym training

Enjoying this fitness exercises ?

They’re just the start unlock a universe of health and fitness designed for the nomadic life with nomadstrong, the #1 online gym tailored for digital nomads., ready to get fit on the go.

So, ready to level up your fitness game on the go? Well, we've got just the thing for you! Book our free, online gym tour at NomadStrong. We (Joe and Marlon) will be here to guide you through what you can expect and answer all your burning questions. No strings attached - promise!

About the Author: Joe Müller

Having been a software engineer and experiencing all the physical issues that come with it, Joe became a personal trainer and online coach in 2017. He co-founded NomadStrong with his partner Marlon Schadeck to offer digital nomads a solution to get fit and adventure-ready.

Hey, just an heads up that this article was written in partnership with NomadStrong. Don't worry though, we strive to only publish sponsored content that could be useful to you!

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How to fit in exercise while travelling

By Anita Bhagwandas

yoga on the pier on the beach in Krabi Thailand

We tend to fall into two distinct camps: those who stick fastidiously to their exercise routines when travelling and those who just don’t. I’m resolutely a part of the latter. My gym kit has taken a tour of the most exotic locations across the globe, failing to actually ever leave my suitcase . More often than not, I’ve returned home and taken my forlorn-looking kit out of the suitcase only to feel a familiar feeling: travel workout shame.

Perhaps my avoidance is partly justified. “For some people, a break can actually be hugely beneficial, especially if you’ve been training consistently for some time leading up to going away,” says personal trainer Luke Gouden . “But for most people, the big challenge of keeping up with fitness routines when travelling is that it tests any momentum you may have had, as well as your ability to get back on track when you return,” he says.

There’s little value in berating yourself or hurling your unused kit across the room in a flight of fury. “It sounds obvious but focus on what you can do when you’re away and the overall benefit of why staying on top of your fitness routine is important to you both mentally and physically. Mindset is everything, so remind yourself of the importance of the energy boost and endorphins you get from exercising,” Goulden says reassuringly. If fitting movement into your travelling is something you’re struggling with, here’s how to navigate it…

A woman on a morning beach run.

1. Manage your own expectations…

I start every potential trip thinking I’ll work out every morning and yet, I don’t actually do that back home. Goulden says: “Be realistic. Imagine a volume dial on a stereo that you can turn up and down. Accept that you may have to dial down your fitness routine, but not dial it completely off. Is there a way for you to maintain consistency and momentum? If so, what does that look like for you?”

That might not be a daily workout at the hotel gym or a gruelling beach run in the sweltering heat. Instead, walking a bit more each day for example when you’re away could be enough. If you find fitness tricky to maintain when you travel, perhaps just do a little bit more than you usually would, and that could be enough to spur you on to do more. Set a small goal each time you go away, and just try to hit that – anything else is a bonus.

yoga on the pier on the beach in Krabi Thailand

2. Make it easy and fun

One way to find the motivation to move is to make it fun and novel. Trying a class in a new location lets you sample the local culture and have fun and it’s a great way to meet new people too. Using an app like ClassPass – which is available in 30 countries across five continents – also allows you to find classes and gyms super easily. The app automatically detects your location and shows you what’s on offer nearby – and you can use your credits and membership wherever you are. Many gym chains also offer digital workout videos so you can take your workout with you. For example, Nuffield Health’s 24/7 app gives you access to multiple training classes on the go. If you can make your exercise fun and part of the holiday experience, then that’s also a bonus: “Hiking is a good option to see nature, you can enjoy volleyball on the beach in Spain , play football in Brazil, kayak in Australia and rock climb in Scotland . Each new location can have a new exciting form of activity to try,” says Adam Byrne Regional Clinical Fitness Lead for Nuffield Health.

Alternatively, says celebrity personal trainer Peter Mac , make your transport your workout. “Don’t use taxis, just – if you're able to – walk everywhere . Walking increases your N.E.A.T (non-exercise activity thermogenesis) and is the best way to explore the place you’re in and its surroundings.”

3. Schedule it in…

You might have made restaurant reservations or have massages pre-booked, but that approach works for exercising too. Mac advises, “Schedule your workouts in your calendar like you would any other appointment. Block out one hour in your diary, in advance, so it doesn’t get taken over by anything else or so you can easily move it if something urgent comes up. You don’t necessarily need to workout for one hour but at least you have the time blocked out. When you treat your workouts like an appointment you’re prepared and committed so you’re more likely to fit it in – you wouldn’t miss a business meeting would you?” You want to ‘fail proof’ all areas.”

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Not feeling a full workout? Welcome to my world. Just commit to 10 minutes with no pressure – chances are once you’ve started, you’ll keep going a little longer.

4. Bring the right kit with you…

If you’re dedicated, then you could think about taking some resistance bands with you or, as Mac advises, a skipping rope. “You can use it in your hotel room or outside if your hotel doesn’t have a gym. You can do a full body workout in 15-25 minutes – a skipping rope is great if you’re short on time,” he says. If luggage space is at a premium, chances are your gym kit might be the item you ditch first, especially if you’re just taking hand luggage. Mitigate that by packing some kit that’s super light and dries fast like Nike DriFIT One Luxe Top , which works for yoga or running , and is made from at least 75 per cent recycled polyester fibres. Something that works as athleisure is crucial too, like Lululemon’s Adapted State High Rise Jogger that suits multiple sports, is super lightweight and also looks smart.

travelling gym training

Just having a way to track your steps can help keep you motivated, but a smartwatch can also notify you when you’re due to workout, and the Apple Fitness+ app (in Apple watchOS 9 ) has tonnes of new ways to monitor your workouts, from the inclusion of new running form metrics (like stride length and ground contact time) to extra precise workout data and new workout experiences – perfect if you’re data-driven.

travelling gym training

5. Take away the reasons to not do it…

Taking away any potential obstacles makes it far easier to follow through on your fitness goals, although jet lag can be tough to combat: “Turning off devices and resting can help, as does aiming for 7-8 hours of sleep per night,” says Byrne. Trekking to the hotel gym might feel like a slog, so you could even request a room that’s closer to it and laying your kit out the night before helps too. But if it’s raining, getting outside for a walk or class feels like an extra hurdle to jump (or not jump, more to the point) so bring an all-weather jacket like Rains Short Hooded Coat (it also works as a casual jacket) and Arket’s Packable Tote works as a gym bag, beach bag and shopper. 

travelling gym training

Having trainers that are suitable for walking, shorter runs and the beach like Allbirds Wool Runner Mizzles also means you won’t come up with kit-related excuses. They’re water repellant, have all-condition traction for unpredictable weather and are warm because they’re made of merino wool.

travelling gym training

6. Stay in your room…

If all else fails, make your hotel room your gym. Follow these tips from Jordan Stanford, White City House Fitness Coach, on how to work and utilise your hotel furniture. “Beds or chairs can be used for a variety of different bodyweight exercises both to increase or decrease difficulty. Most bodyweight exercises can be performed in only the space a yoga mat would take up, so even in the tightest of spaces you can still get in a full-body workout. Perform this as an AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) in your given time frame…

10 Air Squats 20 Lunges (10 each side) – Or for more of a challenge using a table or chair for Bulgarian Spilt Squats.) 10 Push Ups – to modify, place hands on a higher surface such as a bed for an incline push up 20 Mountain Climbers 10 Glute Bridge – To increase difficulty position shoulders on edge of the bed and perform Hip Thrusts with feet on the floor 20 Single Leg Bridge/Thrust (10 on each side) 10 V Ups 20 Russian Twists

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Stay Fit in the Sky: The Ultimate Airplane Travel Workout Guide

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Stay Fit on the Fly

Do long-haul flights leave you feeling sluggish, stiff, and uncomfortable? You’re not alone. Sitting for extended periods during air travel can wreak havoc on your body. But don’t worry – we’ve got you covered! In this article, we’ll share expert tips and tricks for staying active and healthy during your next flight.

TL;DR: Key Takeaways

  • Exercise during flights to prevent health risks and discomfort
  • Incorporate simple stretches and movements into your routine
  • Try creative ways to turn your flight into a workout
  • Stay hydrated and avoid alcohol to promote better sleep

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Why Exercise Matters During Air Travel

According to a study by the Aerospace Medical Association, sitting in an airplane seat for more than four hours can increase the risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) by 50%. Moreover, a survey by Expedia found that only 1 in 4 travelers exercise during a flight , while 1 in 5 admitted to drinking alcohol to help them sleep. Celebrity fitness trainer Jillian Michaels reminds us, “ Airplane travel can be tough on the body, but with a little creativity, you can turn the experience into a workout .” So let’s explore how to stay active and healthy during your flight!

Airplane Travel Workout: Tips and Techniques

Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or a first-time flyer, incorporating exercise into your flight routine can help you feel refreshed and energized upon arrival. Check out these simple, effective workout ideas:

Stretching and Flexibility Exercises

  • Neck and shoulder rolls to release tension
  • Seated twists to stretch your spine and core
  • Ankle and wrist circles to improve circulation
  • Leg and calf stretches to prevent cramps and stiffness

Strength and Resistance Exercises

  • Isometric contractions (tensing muscles without movement) for arms, legs, and core
  • Seated leg lifts and presses for lower body strength
  • Arm curls and presses using a resistance band or small hand weights

Aerobic and Cardio Exercises

  • Walking up and down the aisle when possible
  • Seated marching or jogging in place
  • Jumping jacks or high knees (if space permits)

Staying Healthy and Comfortable During Your Flight

In addition to exercise, maintaining your overall health and comfort during air travel is crucial. Here are some tips to help you enjoy a pleasant flight:

  • Stay hydrated by drinking water regularly
  • Avoid alcohol and caffeine, which can dehydrate you and disrupt sleep
  • Bring a travel pillow and eye mask for better rest
  • Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing and compression socks

Flora’s Insider Tips

As an experienced travel journalist, I’ve picked up some unique tips for staying active during flights. Here are a few of my favorites:

  • Use a water bottle as a makeshift foam roller to massage tight muscles
  • Try seated yoga poses, like the seated pigeon or cow-face pose, to stretch your hips and glutes
  • Download a guided meditation app to help you relax and practice deep breathing exercises
  • Set a timer on your phone or watch to remind you to stretch and move every hour

Conclusion: Enjoy the Journey

By incorporating an airplane travel workout into your flight routine, you’ll feel more energized and less stressed upon arrival. Remember, it’s not just about the destination – it’s about enjoying the journey, too! Happy flying!

1. Why is it important to exercise during a flight?

Exercising during a flight helps prevent health risks like deep vein thrombosis (DVT), reduces muscle stiffness, and improves overall comfort and well-being.

2. What types of exercises can I do in my airplane seat?

Try seated stretches, isometric contractions, and simple aerobic exercises like seated marching or ankle circles to stay active during your flight.

3. How often should I move during a long-haul flight?

It’s recommended to stand up, stretch, and walk around at least once every hour to improve circulation and prevent stiffness.

4. What can I do to stay comfortable during a long flight?

Stay hydrated, wear comfortable clothing, use a travel pillow and eye mask, and avoid alcohol and caffeine to promote better sleep and comfort.

5. Can I do yoga on an airplane?

While space is limited, you can practice seated yoga poses and deep breathing exercises to help you relax and stretch during your flight.

  • Aerospace Medical Association. (2001). Risk of Venous Thromboembolism After Air Travel . Retrieved from https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11763174/
  • Expedia. (2018). 2018 Expedia Airplane and Hotel Etiquette Study . Retrieved from https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/2018-expedia-airplane-and-hotel-etiquette-study-300685129.html
  • Jillian Michaels. (n.d.). Official Website . Retrieved from https://www.jillianmichaels.com/

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One response to “Stay Fit in the Sky: The Ultimate Airplane Travel Workout Guide”

Hi Deborah Green, your blog brought back memories of my Grandmother’s garden full of sunflowers and daises. The symbiotic relationship between these flowers and pollinators was always intriguing. Can we use this model to help increase bee populations in urban areas? Your mention of vertical gardens is valuable. Maybe local communities can take the initiative? Additionally, can we consider involving school children in these projects for educational purposes? They’d love a practical biology lesson! It’s time we all turned to our gardens, patio pots or windowsills and did our bit. Looking forward to more enlightening posts. 🌻🐝

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Training While Traveling: Maintaining an Exercise Routine On The Go

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You have finally gotten into a good rhythm with your training regimen, or maybe you’re in the process of establishing one. You’re finally tearing down barriers to regular exercise.

Chris carrying back pack

Packing. Weather. Traffic. Jet lag. Airport security. Bad (but expensive) food. Unwashed hotel room comforters. Oh, and don’t forget that career-changing Powerpoint you have to present in twelve hours.

With all of the challenges that come along with travel, it’s no wonder that people miss a few workouts while on the road.

Or worse, fall off their routine entirely–even once they’re back home.

You’ve got enough to worry about when you’re traveling. Fortunately, we’ve got some tips to increase your likelihood of successful training when away from home, including three great sample routines.

Travel: The Routine Killer (and How to Overcome Common Challenges)

Everything’s upended when you’re traveling. You don’t follow the same sleep pattern, in the same bed that you’re used to. You eat differently. Your schedule might be different. And wouldn’t you know? There’s a cold snap where you’re visiting and you only packed t-shirts, shorts, and crocs.

All of this already puts your nervous system on higher alert, meaning that your focus might be less-than-optimal. On top of that, one or more of these is probably an issue:

  • You don’t have enough space to train
  • You’re out of your normal routine
  • You don’t have access to the equipment you need
  • You just don’t have the time
  • You aren’t sure what to focus on

I’m not going to tell you that you absolutely have to exercise while traveling. If you’ve been training regularly, you’re not going to lose all of your strength and skill from taking some time off–even for a week or so. This could actually be good for your recovery, so don’t beat yourself up if you can’t keep up your training regimen while traveling.

But if you want to learn how to make it happen despite the obstacles, let’s take a look at how to tackle each of these common issues.

Challenge: Limited Space

Alicia doing a push up in a hotel room

Whatever is causing the space limitation, the answer is to focus on those exercises that don’t require a lot of space. Locomotion drills give you a lot of bang for your buck and don’t require much real estate. Even just going back and forth within a small space is great.

This is also a good time to work on some body maintenance with basic stretching and mobility work, since those require almost no space at all.

Even in a 3×3 closet, you can do isometrics. Focus on the basics –those can fit in a smaller space.

Challenge: Routine Disruption

Stacey doing a jump exercise

The solution is an obvious one: squeeze in a session at a different time than usual. Forget about your normal routine.

And your session doesn’t have to be all that long–just a few minutes will work fine. Even if you know you won’t perform as well outside your normal routine, something is better than nothing.

Maybe start with light practice of the basics for 5-10 minutes whenever you can get them during the day. If you have more time and you find your attention increasing, keep going! If you feel done, it’s okay to be done. At least you stepped out of your routine.

Challenge: No Access to Equipment

Ryan doing an inverted press exercise

But if you can’t get that kind of time, or if the options are not up to your standards, this might be a good time to learn how to build a workout session around exercises that don’t require any equipment. This is one of the reasons we love bodyweight exercise, as it’s convenient and can be done anywhere, anytime.

Spend some time on the basics of movement, such as squats, locomotion, and mobility work, and you’ll get a lot of benefit.

Challenge: Not Sure What to Focus On

Jeff doing push ups

Often, travelers might fall back on the standards: push-ups and squats . Maybe burpees or sit-ups, at most. The thing is: that’s totally fine. We may have mentioned already, but when there are challenges to getting your work out in, it’s the perfect time to focus on the basics.

But to help make that even easier, in the section below, we’re going to tell you exactly how to build a quick and simple routine around any goal you may have.

Challenge: No Time

Group of people talking

Good news: you don’t need to. Just get something in that’s quick, simple, and relevant to your goals.

If you have 5 minutes, you can do a drill or two. Even if it’s while waiting in line at the airport. There is always time, if only a little.

One thing that will help you navigate this particular issue–both while traveling and when back at home on your regular routine–is disengaging from the very idea of “workout.” What comes to mind when you hear that word? An hour or more of rigorous training?

If you want to stay fit for life, while traveling or otherwise, think of your training as more of a practice .

Remove your own self-created restraints. You are always practicing something, even when you doing nothing. So you might as well do it intentionally.

Spread your fingers as wide as you can while sitting on the plane. Take off your shoes and grip the ground with your toes. Open your mouth as wide as possible. Depress your shoulders while standing in line. Hold a squat while waiting for your flight to board.

You may not have two hours to find a gym, mix your BCAAs, activate everything in a thorough warm-up, lift weights, do some conditioning, and have a shower–but you do have wonderful little increments of your day in which you can move more thoughtfully .

Doesn’t that sound much better than sitting in your hotel room and worrying about not having done your workout while knocking back expensive hotel bar drinks?

One great program you can work on wherever you may be is our free Strength and Mobility Kickstart . It’s a 1-week program, so that might be the perfect option to work on while you’re traveling.

The Big Guns of Keeping Consistent While Traveling

Alicia doing a pistol squat in a hotel room

All of these tips are enhanced when paired with planning. Your trip itself may be so busy that even with all these suggestions, your brain/nervous system is just too overtaxed to think about all of these things. Planning ahead will make all the difference.

One tip is to take out a pad of sticky notes and write out a couple of exercises you want to focus on. Stick these notes around your hotel room in places you’ll see them regularly.

It sounds simple, but it might be just the nudge you need, and it requires practically no brain power.

Whatever’s going on during the actual trip itself, you’ll typically have some time before the trip even starts to get at least a few things written down. It could be as simple as “work on wrist mobility” or as complex as a daily training plan with time and reps and everything clearly spelled out.

That being said: keep it simple at first. Planning takes practice. Scale your planning up only when you can do simpler planning consistently. Just like an exercise. Your brain is the same.

3 On-the-Go Training Routines for Specific Goals

There can certainly be a lot of challenges that come along with maintaining a training regimen while you’re traveling, but as you can see, you can overcome most of them with the right planning and approach.

And to help you out, we’ve put together these three routines that can easily be done in the comfort of your hotel room (or wherever you may be). Each routine has a specific goal emphasis, so you can choose the routine that fits whatever your current training focus may be. Click to skip ahead to the routine you want to work on:

  • Strength routine
  • Conditioning routine
  • Flexibility routine

Strength Routine

This routine focuses on helping you build strength, using exercises that don’t require a lot of space.

Here are the exercises included in this routine:

Negative Pistols Squat

Do 3-5 sets of 5 reps, resting 2-3 minutes between sets.

  • Stand beside a table, chair or counter to aid with balance, if needed.
  • Bring one leg up in front of you and slowly lower your hips down as far as you can, bending your standing knee as you lower.
  • Once you are at the lowest depth, bring your extended leg back down so you’re in a low-squat position, and stand back up as in a regular squatting motion.
  • Now bring the other leg up and repeat the movement–that’s one repetition.

Side to Side Push-Ups

Do 3 reps on each side, for a total of 2 sets, resting 2-3 minutes between sets.

  • Start in the top of a push-up and shift your weight over to one side. Drop down and press back up.
  • Repeat this three times, then shift over to the other side and do three more push-ups on that side.
  • You’ll have to adjust how much weight you shift over to complete all the repetitions, especially as you fatigue.

Kneeling Lat on Chair

Perform 10 reps on each side and do 3-5 sets, resting 2-3 minutes between sets.

  • This is a unique exercise that allows you to work on your back muscles without needing a pull-up bar or other equipment.
  • Kneel in front of a chair or low table, placing your palm on the seat or tabletop.
  • Push down as you lower your face toward the ground, keeping your elbow straight.
  • Think of pulling your hand toward your hip as you sit upward in the kneeling position.
  • You can adjust the resistance by how you shift your weight. Work on making this a smooth motion.

Hollow Body

Hold for 30 seconds and do 3-5 sets, resting 2-3 minutes between sets.

  • This gymnastic-style exercise is great for your core.
  • Lie on your back with your arms reaching up to the ceiling.
  • Keeping your legs straight, lift them off the ground so they’re at a 45-degree angle from the floor, and lift your shoulders off the ground. Think of rounding your lower back and curling your shoulders toward your hips with straight arms and straight legs. Press your low back into the ground and hold for 30 seconds.
  • You can adjust this as you need to by bending your knees to make it easier to do the full 30 seconds. If you would like to make it harder, put your arms above your head so your biceps are parallel to your ears.

Fire Hydrants to Superman Perform 5 reps on each leg, then hold your Superman for 15 seconds. Do 3-5 sets, resting 2-3 minutes between sets.

  • We’ll end this routine with a combination glute and lower-back exercise.
  • Begin on all fours and lift one knee up and out to the side.
  • Keeping your leg suspended, rotate your leg from your hip to bring your knee back behind you, and push your foot toward the ceiling.
  • Bring your knee back to the ground. Repeat five times, then switch and perform on the other side.
  • Then drop down to your stomach with your hands out in front of you and legs extended. Lift your arms and legs, balancing on your stomach and hips, and hold for 15 seconds.

Conditioning Routine

This next routine will help you work on your conditioning if that’s a current focus of yours. You really don’t need much space or fancy gear to get a good conditioning workout in!

Perform these movements one after the other in a circuit style, with no rest between the exercises for a “round.” Then rest as little or as long as you need to before the next round. Repeat for 5-10 rounds.

You may need to increase the rest periods in the later rounds, and that’s just fine. A good starting point is resting one minute between rounds. Some people can do without any rest, and some people need to rest more than a minute. Do what’s best for you!

Take your conditioning on the road with our free 1-week Strength and Mobility Kickstart course.

Let’s look at these exercises in more detail:

  • Bring your feet about shoulder-width apart, toes turned out slightly.
  • Keep your chest up tall and your weight centered in the middle of your foot as you drop down as low as you can and come back up again.

Inverted Presses

  • Start on your hands and the balls of your feet with your hips up in the air like an “A.”
  • Bend your elbows to bring your head down to the ground between your hands. Make sure to keep your elbows tucked in to your sides as you do this.
  • Adjust how much weight and the space between your hands and feet is needed to do five repetitions.

Alligator Rolls

Do one rep per side.

This is a nice active core exercise that combines the Hollow Body and Superman (described above).

  • Lie on your back with your hands above your head, biceps framing your shoulders. Roll once to one side and then to the other side.
  • Bend your knees and bring your arms down as needed to complete the exercise.

Hop to Lunge

Do 2 reps per leg.

  • Here, you’ll hop onto one leg, bending as you land into a lunge position.
  • Start with hopping forward, then come back to the middle and repeat to the side and behind you.
  • Repeat twice, then perform on the other leg.

Flexibility Routine

Last up, we’ve got this simple flexibility routine that hits on the most commonly troublesome areas for people. You can work on this routine on its own or as a cool down after one of the other routines above.

For each movement, you will move slowly with control into and out of the stretch for five repetitions, then go to the stretched position and relax into a hold of 15 seconds. Only go as far as a slightly uncomfortable stretch; there should not be any pain.

Build strength with your flexibility with our free Strength and Mobility Kickstart course.

Here are some more details on these exercises:

Kneeling Lunge

  • In the video, we show two versions of this exercise–one on a chair and one with just a support.
  • For the supported version, sit on a chair with one leg bent and the other outstretched behind you.
  • Round your lower back and pelvis, and you’ll feel more of a stretch in your hip and leg.
  • Shift your weight forward and back in and out of the stretch five times by bending and straightening your back leg.
  • Then settle into a stretch for 15 seconds. Repeat on the other side.
  • If you feel good, you can just use the chair for support at your side rather than sitting on it.
  • Stand in front of a chair to use it as support.
  • Spread your legs about twice the width of your shoulders, and rock to the side as you bend that knee and straighten the other.
  • Shift your weight back and forth in and out of the stretch five times.

Lat Stretch

  • Sit in front of a table, with your seat back far enough so that you can comfortably place the back of one elbow on the table as you bring your chest down toward the floor. Keep your arm next to your head.
  • Move into and out of the stretch five times.
  • Then settle into a stretch for 15 seconds. Repeat on the other arm.

Bent Arm Chest Stretch

  • Sit in front of a table, and place your palm on it with your fingers pointing toward the middle of your body and your elbow up high and bent at about 90 degrees.
  • Move into and out of the chest stretch by rotating your body away from your hand and dropping your chest toward the ground. Do this five times.
  • Then settle into the stretch for 15 seconds. Repeat on the other side.

Just Show Up

Ryan doing shrimp squat exercise outside

If you’d like to be able to get in some training while traveling, the tips and routines in this article will help you out.

Consistency is extremely valuable to making progress with your strength and skills. So when travel–or anything else–throws a wrench in your routine, keep it simple, plan ahead when possible, and most of all just show up to the degree to which you are able at any given moment. If you’re being thoughtful and participating in your self-betterment even just a little more than you otherwise would have, you are making progress.

At very least, if you end up getting pulled aside for extra special screening at the airport, you’ll be glad you stretched.

Many of our clients have used our Elements program while traveling, as the movements are easy to do anywhere, and you can continue working toward building a foundation of strength, flexibility, and control, wherever you are.

Build a Foundation on the Go

Elements will help build a foundation of strength, flexibility, and control, and the movements can be done anywhere, anytime.

Elements Details


Practice essential movements for practical physical fitness

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Ryan Hurst - GMB Fitness Head Coach

Hi, I'm Ryan Hurst 👋

After a training accident ended his competitive gymnastics career, Ryan moved to Japan and competed in various martial arts until another injury made him reevaluate his priorities in life.

As Head Coach at GMB Fitness, his mission is to show everyone that you can define your own fitness as a sustainable and enjoyable part of your life. He loves handstands, dogs, and hiking.

Bio Blog Instagram

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A fitness movement built around traveling.

10 No-Equipment Bodyweight Travel Workouts

Jul 7 10 No-Equipment Bodyweight Travel Workouts

Do these workouts on your next trip with no equipment..

It’s always important to have a backup plan. Serving in the military, I often find myself in the middle of nowhere, with no gym for miles in any direction.

Instead of writing off my fitness for the time I'm away, I like to have a few no-equipment workouts up my sleeve before every trip.

Since I'm not going to be lifting heavy, I either focus on doing a large number of repetitions or finding ways to alter exercises with small changes to make them harder.

Great workouts do not require anything more than your body. You just have to get creative and then put in the work.

These are the best no-equipment exercises for traveling:

There are countless ways to make these exercises even more challenging so you make progress and these workouts are going to show you how to do it.

Here are ten travel workouts that require no equipment.

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 repetitions for time:

Set a timer and move through the 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 sequence but doing 10 burpees, 10 push-ups, 10 air squats, and then repeating the sequence this time doing 9 reps of each movement.

You will continue doing one less rep of each of the three movements until your last air squat. 

100 Push-Ups

100 Sit-Ups

100 Air Squats

This workout, while simple, contains a high number of repetitions. Those with higher levels of fitness may not have a hard time doing all 100 reps in one shot for each exercise. Most people would be better off partitioning the reps of each exercise.

There are countless ways you can do this but here are a few that I have tried and liked:

10 Rounds of 10 Push-Ups, 10 Sit-Ups, 10 Squats.

5 Rounds of 20 Push-Ups, 20 Sit-Ups, 20 Squats.

4 Rounds of 25 Push-Ups, 25 Sit-Ups, 25 Squats.

Workout #3 - Legs

Workout by Ryan Humiston (see video below).

Reverse Lunges (Either Adductor/Full-Leg/Glute-Focused): 4 sets - 20 reps (Each)

Bodyweight Jefferson Squats/Deads: 3 sets - 20 (Reps per Side)

Pistol Squats: 3 Sets to Failure

Single-Leg Bodyweight Stiff Leg Deadlifts: 4 sets - 15 reps (Each - Slow)

Single-Leg Squat Calf Raise: 3 sets - 20 reps (Each Side)

As Many Rounds as Possible (AMRAP) in 20 Minutes:

5 Handstand Push-Ups

10 Pistol Squats

This workout is four-time Fittest Man on Earth Rich Froning's go-to travel workout.

5 Rounds for Time:

20 Push-Ups

20 Pistol Squats

Rich Froning

Rich Froning

"A bodyweight workout that you can automatically do on a travel day or when you're stuck inside is essential. You really don’t need any gym equipment to challenge yourself with a tough workout."

- Rich Froning

74-44-11 Reps for Time:

Perform 74 repetitions of each movement, then 44 reps of each movement, then 11 reps of each. Complete all 74 Burpees before moving to the 74 Push-Ups, etc.

Workout #7 - “The Longest Mile”

4 Rounds for Time:

100 Meter Run

10 Air Squats

10 Push-Ups

8 Rounds for Time:

11 Hand-Release Push-Ups

30 Walking Lunges

This is one of Josh Bridges’ go-to travel workouts.

Handstand Push-Ups

Set a timer and move through the 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 sequence but doing 10 handstand push-ups, 10 push-ups, 10 burpees, and then repeating the sequence this time doing 9 reps of each movement.

Continue doing one less rep of each of the three movements until your last burpee. 

Workout #10 - Chest/Shoulders/Triceps

Pause Push-Ups: 3 Sets of 20 Reps (or Failure)

Close Grip Push-Ups / Wide Push-Ups / Pike Push-Ups: 3 Sets of 15 Each

Inner Chest Partial Twist Push-Up + Slow Push-Ups: 3 Sets of 20 (Each Side) + Slow Push-Ups to Failure

Side Plank Lateral Raise SS Rear Delt Push-Up: 3 Sets of 20 (each) + Rear Delt Push-Up to Failure

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The Packable Life

My Bodyweight Travel Workout (No Equipment? No Problem)

A silhouette flexing in front of Crater Lake, Oregon

When caught up in the exciting and unpredictable throes of travel, it’s quite easy to push personal fitness to the back-burner or neglect it completely. I get it. I’m living and breathing proof.

I’ve pulled hazy all-nighters at Peruvian casinos. I’ve ingested frightening amounts of Chinese street food under the buzz of flickering streetlights. I’ve spent entire days detached and burnt out from the grind of travel, staring blankly at a computer screen . I know from experience how easy it is to get out of shape on the road.

But, I also know that it doesn’t take much to get in shape and stay in shape while traveling. 

Over the years, I’ve developed a routine of simple and effective travel bodyweight workouts — no equipment necessary — to stay fit without disrupting my life the road. No gyms, weights, machines, or big time commitment. It works for me and it can help you too.

What to Expect

  • About 30 minutes of dedicated exercise a day, five times a week
  • Three days of bodyweight exercises
  • Two days of cardio exercises
  • Two ‘rest’ days
  • A complete full-body workout

Where to Workout

The beauty of this bodyweight travel workout is that you can perform it wherever the hell you want. It can be accomplished in seedy bus stations, balmy hotel rooms, beaches, airports… practically anywhere. The choice is yours. This workout requires no equipment and is made for travelers .

Day One – Shoulders, Arms, and Core

YouTube video

Complete exercises 1-4 in succession (one set). A complete workout consists of three full sets separated by 3-4 minute breaks . The number of reps can be raised once you comfortably complete three full sets with proper form.

Knee-to-Elbow Plank – 20 reps per leg

Pike push-ups – 12 reps, crunches – 40 reps, 20 to the center, 20 alternating to the sides, decline push-ups – 10 reps, flutter kicks & scissor kicks – 30 seconds each, day two – cardio.

YouTube video

The goal on cardio days is to get your heart beating at a high rate for at least 30 minutes . Cardio days should be fun and productive – that’s it. No rules, reps, or sets. Workouts shouldn’t always seem like a chore.

Here are a few of my favorite ways to get my cardio workout in :

  • Ping pong (yes, ping pong)

Get creative. Seek out free fitness classes, find pickup games, join running groups, play frisbee in the park, or set lofty step goals . Make your cardio days entertaining, social, and fulfilling.

Day Three – Chest, Back, and Core

YouTube video

Push-Ups – 12 reps

Planks – 45 seconds center plank, 45 seconds side planks per side, bird dog crunches – 50 reps (25 on each side), dips – 15 reps, superman – 45 seconds, day four – cardio.

YouTube video

Today is another cardio day, so get your heart beating at a high rate for at least 30 minutes, just as you did in day one.

If the freedom of the cardio workouts creates too many options and makes it hard to decide, just run for 30 minutes. I always think of running as my go-to when other options are unavailable or inconvenient.

Day Five – Legs

YouTube video

Wall-Sits – One minute

Lunges – 30 reps, squats – 20 reps, calf raises – 25 reps, track your progress.

Keeping a log of your daily reps will hold you accountable. For forgetful people like me, a record of progress will ensure that workouts are focused and on track. Numbers will serve as a great motivator as time passes.

Work Out While You Travel (No Equipment Necessary)

It’s easy to lose focus and a sense of routine on the road. Travel can pull you in a million different directions at once and throw your life out of balance.

Following this no equipment travel workout routine will inject harmony, focus, and energy into your days on the road. Finding time to exercise will help balance out the oily street food, hours-long computer sessions, and late nights. No, this routine won’t solve all of the problems you encounter on the road, but it will keep you grounded and help you get in great shape along the way.

Travel with purpose. Commit to making routine exercise a focal point and you will begin to live your best life on the road.

Last Updated on March 19, 2024

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Noel Krasomil

In The Know   •   September 30, 2022

7 Best Ways To Stay Active While Traveling

Danielle Vito

As Senior Social Media Manager, Danielle manages AvantStay's social media platforms and writes content for the Atlas blog. Previously, Danielle was the Social Media Producer at The Points Guy where she ran TPG's Instagram and wrote articles on the most social media-worthy destinations, and tips on hacking your travels by using credit cards.

You love to travel but you also finally got your routine down at home to stay active (we love a daily hot girl walk, too). We all want to keep our health in tip-top condition while we’re out adventuring, so here are a few tips we’ve pulled together from our experts to be active on vacation. 

If you’re like us, you have probably been eager to jump back into traveling after a few years of missing out. We desperately want to get back to checking off our bucket list too, but we also know more than ever how important it is to stay healthy both physically and mentally. Remarkably, 42% of fitness-focused US travelers are ready to change their typical workout routines and adapt to the surroundings, trying some other types of exercise and travel workouts.

Let’s discuss how you can travel and stay active with a few helpful tips below.

How To Stay Active While Traveling

1. try something new outdoors.

First, let go of those sky-high expectations you’ve got about keeping up your exact exercise routine while you’re traveling. Remember that you’re on vacation—you’re in a new place and with that, comes really fun diverse ways to keep yourself active that you may not normally be able to do at home. Develop your strategy in advance by doing a little research into where you’re headed. Our favorite way to stay active is with outdoor activities: hiking, cycling, swimming, skiing, and so much more. Look into nearby trails, parks, or mountains to explore whatever piques your interest. Even if your version of getting outdoors is a walk around the neighborhood to the beloved local coffee shop, we call that a win.

Many AvantStay homes are located near national and state parks, golf courses, oceans and lakes, and other great opportunities to try a new activity.

You may enjoy Temecula , with its biking, horseback riding, and golfing, or you may go with a desert destination like Scottsdale to hike for a bit of cardio and a lot of spectacular sunset views. Scottsdale is also a well-known popular location for golfers, with around 200 area golf courses to enjoy. Here are a few more of our favorite outdoor activities to do on vacation:

  • Swimming If you love a refreshing dip, here are a couple vacation homes with the coolest pools to swim in. Spice up your swimming experience with one of our favorite pools with water slides and swim-up bars, perfect to cool off in and relax after your workout.
  • Tennis Tennis is another great recreational activity for you to enjoy on vacation. Take a peek at our list of vacation homes with private tennis courts and invite your favorite doubles partner for an active and enjoyable stay.
  • Volleyball Shore up your well-being in Malibu ’s volleyball clubs, or right on the beach with a pickup game. This paradise on the Pacific encourages a little fun in the sun in any weather or season.
  • Snowboarding and skiing If you’re an avid skier, stay active and pump your adrenaline in Breckenridge . Or book a snowy escape to another one of the country’s best skiing and snowboarding hotspots – Park City, Utah .
  • Mountain biking Mountain biking is a popular activity in the mountains around Big Bear , and you’ll find a trail for any level nearby. Quite a few trails enjoy a view of the lake, so pack a lunch and make sure to plan time for a quick stop to enjoy the scenery.
  • Watersports In the mood for watersports? You can rent kayaks, powerboats, jet skis, etc. to really take advantage of all that Lake Tahoe has to offer during the summer.

2. Choose a vacation rental with built-in fitness facilities

By renting a vacation home or hotel with a home gym or fitness facility, you automatically guarantee yourself an easy place for a fun workout.

“Some vacation rentals can boast dedicated fitness centers, while others have gyms nearby. Use these opportunities to avoid interrupting your training schedule when traveling,” recommends Tim White, Founder of milepro .

“You may scroll through reviews and travel guides to see what other guests say about these facilities. What exercise machines do they have? Are they in a good condition? What about a swimming pool? Is there enough space? Also, there may be circumstances, when you’re not staying in the hotel but want to use their gym/pool. You should clarify whether non-guests can access it and on what conditions,” Tim adds.

In this case, you might need to have a membership to start your travel workout routine and enjoy the perks of a luxury resort without staying there.

If you would like to try some sports activities on your next getaway, check some recommendations below.

3. Bring your workout equipment along

Don’t worry, we’re not suggesting that you bring your entire collection of weights with you. There are great options out there for lightweight, travel-friendly, packable workout items that you can bring on vacation without having to check another bag.  According to Matt Scarfo, NASM Certified Personal Trainer and Resident Training & Nutrition Expert at Lift Vault , “There should be sport-specific necessities and the basics on such a list. When I’m heading on a vacation abroad, the top five travel workout items on my packing list are sports clothing, sneakers, a jump rope, a resistance band, and a water bottle. Don’t forget about drinking enough water during the day, especially if you’re engaged in an intensive physical activity.” Travel workout equipment should be lightweight and on-the-go-friendly. Think about what types of activities you’ll enjoy doing the most, and pack only what works best for you. In addition to the recommendations above, we love wrist and ankle weights, push-up handles, or a swim cap and goggles. Don’t forget headphones—there’s nothing worse than working out in total silence. 

4. Use an online fitness platform

Aside from helping you stay healthy and active during your vacation, online fitness tools or platforms are also a great way to travel smarter and cheaper . Create a travel workout plan customized to you with the P.volve training strategy. It combines resistance training and functional movement to activate your body and strengthen your muscles.

5. Breathe deeply with yoga

Whether or not you already have a yoga practice at home, yoga is such a great way to stay active while you’re traveling because it requires few accessories and it’s even better done outdoors with a great view, in our opinion. The advantages of yoga are backed by studies and you can enjoy them during your trip!

One of the great things about yoga is you can really do it anywhere that you have room to roll out a mat. Find a calm spot in a local park or at a local yoga studio—most studios offer drop-in spots for their classes. 

Personally, we also enjoy when our vacation rental itself has a space to do yoga. Whether you’re rolling out a mat on the rooftop or backyard, or whether your vacation home even has a yoga studio like Scoot in Austin, TX , your next  Are you thinking, “wait, a yoga mat takes up so much space in my luggage!” We’ve definitely wondered the same thing, but here’s a trick – you can do yoga off the mat! Our favorite place is with a great view, like one of our Lake Arrowhead cabins , for example, where you can try lakeside to energize your body, as well as meditation to soothe your mind. Fill yourself with positive thoughts and get an unforgettable experience at the beautiful Lake Arrowhead.

6. Opt to walk everywhere you can

Guided walking tours (or even a little random walking adventure) can enrich your travel experiences and boost your health. If you prefer a walk with a few opportunistic stops at local shops and wine bars, we highly recommend you take a happy hour walking tour in Paso Robles through downtown to sample local wines and olive oils along the way.

Or if you’re looking to escape the hustle and bustle and get out of town, choose a destination with a nearby national or state park to really enjoy the calmness and beauty of nature. For example, you might consider our travel guide to North Charleston, SC with its Park Circle, Riverfront Park, and Wescott Park. 

We also love that Austin offers an opportunity to explore the city and get outside for a bit of hiking . It’s a great way to help you get rid of stress, improve your mood, and boost overall wellness, research says .

If you’re looking for a West coast hiking adventure, we suggest you explore our best hikes near Los Angeles or Lake Tahoe trails for hikers .

7. Do mini-exercises while waiting

When you’re traveling, you probably end up spending more time than you’d like standing in lines, whether you’re in the airport security line or waiting to buy tickets for a museum.

Use these minutes to do mini workouts . In fact, John Gardner, Co-Founder & CEO of Kickoff , emphasizes that “Exercising in quick bites contributes greatly to your holistic wellness and the physical condition of your body, in particular.”

John also adds that “The best time for a mini travel workout is when you’re standing in the line at the biggest tourist attraction or waiting for a train, bus, plane, etc. As another option, you may try some in-car workouts for your neck, arms, chest, shoulders, and spine, if you’re stuck in a traffic jam, for instance.”

If you find yourself waiting outside with some free space around you, consider starting with a few moments of breathwork and then a few full-body movements and stretches.

Travel, Stay Active, and Healthy

Nowadays, we know to prioritize our health even when we’re on vacation. Use these tried-and-tested ways to keep up an active lifestyle while you’re out seeing the world, checking things off your bucket list. Use every single opportunity to move, make fun active plans with outdoor activities, look for fitness facilities, and pack the important workout items you need for a great workout. 

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Happy and healthy traveling with AvantStay!

Danielle Vito

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Bon Voyaged

20 Ways To Get A Workout In While Traveling

Posted: April 16, 2024 | Last updated: April 16, 2024

<p>Maintaining a fitness routine while traveling can seem challenging, but with a bit of creativity and flexibility, it’s entirely possible to stay active and healthy on the go. Whether you’re confined to a hotel room, exploring a new city, or enjoying the great outdoors, there are numerous ways to incorporate exercise into your travel plans. From utilizing hotel amenities and portable fitness gear to engaging in outdoor adventures and local sports, the opportunities to work out while traveling are plentiful and varied. These methods not only help you keep up with your fitness goals but also offer unique ways to experience your surroundings. We’ll explore a variety of travel-friendly workouts that are effective, adaptable, and enjoyable, ensuring you can stay fit no matter where your travels take you.</p>

Maintaining a fitness routine while traveling can seem challenging, but with a bit of creativity and flexibility, it’s entirely possible to stay active and healthy on the go. Whether you’re confined to a hotel room, exploring a new city, or enjoying the great outdoors, there are numerous ways to incorporate exercise into your travel plans. From utilizing hotel amenities and portable fitness gear to engaging in outdoor adventures and local sports, the opportunities to work out while traveling are plentiful and varied. These methods not only help you keep up with your fitness goals but also offer unique ways to experience your surroundings. We’ll explore a variety of travel-friendly workouts that are effective, adaptable, and enjoyable, ensuring you can stay fit no matter where your travels take you.

<p>Maximize your workout without leaving your hotel room by engaging in circuit training. Utilize bodyweight exercises like push-ups, sit-ups, squats, lunges, and planks to target major muscle groups. You can easily tailor the intensity and duration to fit your fitness level and schedule. This type of workout requires no equipment and minimal space, making it perfect for travelers. A 20-30 minute session can effectively boost your heart rate and build strength.</p>

Hotel Room Circuit Training

Maximize your workout without leaving your hotel room by engaging in circuit training. Utilize bodyweight exercises like push-ups, sit-ups, squats, lunges, and planks to target major muscle groups. You can easily tailor the intensity and duration to fit your fitness level and schedule. This type of workout requires no equipment and minimal space, making it perfect for travelers. A 20-30 minute session can effectively boost your heart rate and build strength.

<p>Running or jogging through a new city is an excellent way to explore while keeping up with your cardio. This activity allows you to discover hidden gems and scenic routes that you might miss otherwise. It’s flexible; you can adjust your pace, distance, and route according to your preferences and fitness level. Early morning runs can offer a serene experience of the city waking up. Remember to stay safe by choosing well-lit, populated routes and letting someone know your planned route if possible.</p>

Running or Jogging

Running or jogging through a new city is an excellent way to explore while keeping up with your cardio. This activity allows you to discover hidden gems and scenic routes that you might miss otherwise. It’s flexible; you can adjust your pace, distance, and route according to your preferences and fitness level. Early morning runs can offer a serene experience of the city waking up. Remember to stay safe by choosing well-lit, populated routes and letting someone know your planned route if possible.

<p>Many hotels are equipped with gyms that guests can use, ranging from basic setups with a treadmill and weights to fully-equipped fitness centers. Take advantage of this amenity to maintain your workout routine. Hotel gyms offer the convenience of not having to leave the premises to get a workout in. Whether you prefer cardio or strength training, you can usually find the equipment you need. Working out in the hotel gym can also be a great way to meet fellow travelers.</p>

Use Hotel Gym

Many hotels are equipped with gyms that guests can use, ranging from basic setups with a treadmill and weights to fully-equipped fitness centers. Take advantage of this amenity to maintain your workout routine. Hotel gyms offer the convenience of not having to leave the premises to get a workout in. Whether you prefer cardio or strength training, you can usually find the equipment you need. Working out in the hotel gym can also be a great way to meet fellow travelers.

<p>With the availability of online workout classes, you can turn any space into your personal gym. From yoga and pilates to high-intensity interval training (HIIT), there’s a vast array of options to choose from. All you need is a laptop or smartphone and enough room to move around. This is particularly useful for maintaining a routine when the weather or local amenities limit outdoor activities. Plus, it offers the flexibility to work out on your own schedule, making it easier to fit exercise into a busy travel itinerary.</p>

Online Workout Classes

With the availability of online workout classes, you can turn any space into your personal gym. From yoga and pilates to high-intensity interval training (HIIT), there’s a vast array of options to choose from. All you need is a laptop or smartphone and enough room to move around. This is particularly useful for maintaining a routine when the weather or local amenities limit outdoor activities. Plus, it offers the flexibility to work out on your own schedule, making it easier to fit exercise into a busy travel itinerary.

<p>Practicing yoga can be a grounding way to start or end your day, especially while traveling. It requires minimal space and can be done in your hotel room, a park, or on the beach. Yoga not only improves flexibility and strength but also reduces stress and enhances mental clarity. Bringing a travel yoga mat or using a hotel towel can make your practice more comfortable. There are plenty of online resources and apps to guide your practice, whether you’re a beginner or an experienced yogi.</p>

Practicing yoga can be a grounding way to start or end your day, especially while traveling. It requires minimal space and can be done in your hotel room, a park, or on the beach. Yoga not only improves flexibility and strength but also reduces stress and enhances mental clarity. Bringing a travel yoga mat or using a hotel towel can make your practice more comfortable. There are plenty of online resources and apps to guide your practice, whether you’re a beginner or an experienced yogi.

<p>If your hotel or accommodation has a pool, swimming is an excellent low-impact workout that works your entire body. Swimming laps can be a meditative and refreshing way to start the day or unwind in the evening. It’s   also a great alternative to more strenuous workouts if you’re recovering from an injury or looking for a gentle exercise. You can vary your strokes to target different muscle groups and improve endurance. Plus, swimming is a fun way to stay active, especially if you’re traveling with family or friends.</p>

If your hotel or accommodation has a pool, swimming is an excellent low-impact workout that works your entire body. Swimming laps can be a meditative and refreshing way to start the day or unwind in the evening. It’s also a great alternative to more strenuous workouts if you’re recovering from an injury or looking for a gentle exercise. You can vary your strokes to target different muscle groups and improve endurance. Plus, swimming is a fun way to stay active, especially if you’re traveling with family or friends.

<p>Opting for walking tours instead of bus tours provides a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the local culture while staying active. Walking tours can range from historical explorations to culinary adventures, allowing you to learn about the area’s history and cuisine. This form of sightseeing ensures you get your steps in, often covering several miles without even realizing it. It’s also a more environmentally friendly way to explore. Make sure to wear comfortable shoes, as you’ll be on your feet for a few hours.</p>

Walking Tours

Opting for walking tours instead of bus tours provides a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the local culture while staying active. Walking tours can range from historical explorations to culinary adventures, allowing you to learn about the area’s history and cuisine. This form of sightseeing ensures you get your steps in, often covering several miles without even realizing it. It’s also a more environmentally friendly way to explore. Make sure to wear comfortable shoes, as you’ll be on your feet for a few hours.

<p>Renting a bike is a fantastic way to see a city or countryside, offering greater range and flexibility than walking. Many destinations offer bike rental services or bike-sharing programs, making it easy to pick up a bike for a day or even just a few hours. Cycling is not only good exercise but also allows you to cover more ground and see sights at your own pace. It’s a sustainable mode of transportation that lets you enjoy the outdoors and get fresh air. Always remember to follow local traffic laws and wear a helmet for safety.</p>

Renting a bike is a fantastic way to see a city or countryside, offering greater range and flexibility than walking. Many destinations offer bike rental services or bike-sharing programs, making it easy to pick up a bike for a day or even just a few hours. Cycling is not only good exercise but also allows you to cover more ground and see sights at your own pace. It’s a sustainable mode of transportation that lets you enjoy the outdoors and get fresh air. Always remember to follow local traffic laws and wear a helmet for safety.

<p>Hiking is an adventurous way to explore natural landscapes, from national parks to local trails. It offers the chance to disconnect from technology and reconnect with nature, providing both physical and mental health benefits. Hiking can be tailored to any fitness level, with trails ranging from easy walks to challenging climbs. It’s also a great opportunity to capture breathtaking views and wildlife sightings. Remember to prepare appropriately with good hiking shoes, water, and snacks, and always let someone know your route.</p>

Hiking is an adventurous way to explore natural landscapes, from national parks to local trails. It offers the chance to disconnect from technology and reconnect with nature, providing both physical and mental health benefits. Hiking can be tailored to any fitness level, with trails ranging from easy walks to challenging climbs. It’s also a great opportunity to capture breathtaking views and wildlife sightings. Remember to prepare appropriately with good hiking shoes, water, and snacks, and always let someone know your route.

<p>Jumping rope is a highly efficient, full-body workout that you can do just about anywhere. It’s an excellent cardio exercise that also improves coordination, agility, and stamina. A jump rope is lightweight and portable, easily fitting into a suitcase or backpack. Just 10 minutes of jumping rope can burn as many calories as a 30-minute jog. It’s a versatile workout, allowing for variations like double unders or high knees to keep it challenging and fun.</p>

Jumping rope is a highly efficient, full-body workout that you can do just about anywhere. It’s an excellent cardio exercise that also improves coordination, agility, and stamina. A jump rope is lightweight and portable, easily fitting into a suitcase or backpack. Just 10 minutes of jumping rope can burn as many calories as a 30-minute jog. It’s a versatile workout, allowing for variations like double unders or high knees to keep it challenging and fun.

<p>Resistance bands are a travel-friendly workout tool that can significantly enhance your strength training routine. They come in different levels of resistance, making them suitable for beginners and advanced users alike. You can perform a wide range of exercises targeting various muscle groups, including squats, lunges, and arm curls. Because they’re lightweight and compact, resistance bands can easily be packed in your luggage. Integrating resistance band workouts into your travel routine can help maintain muscle tone and strength without the need for heavy equipment.</p>

Resistance Bands

Resistance bands are a travel-friendly workout tool that can significantly enhance your strength training routine. They come in different levels of resistance, making them suitable for beginners and advanced users alike. You can perform a wide range of exercises targeting various muscle groups, including squats, lunges, and arm curls. Because they’re lightweight and compact, resistance bands can easily be packed in your luggage. Integrating resistance band workouts into your travel routine can help maintain muscle tone and strength without the need for heavy equipment.

<p>A park bench can be your makeshift gym equipment for a variety of exercises. Utilize it for step-ups, dips, and incline push-ups to target your legs, arms, and core. This type of workout is not only effective but also allows you to enjoy the outdoors. It’s a great way to add some variety to your fitness routine, making use of your surroundings. Always ensure the bench is stable and secure before starting your workout to prevent injuries.</p>

Park Bench Workout

A park bench can be your makeshift gym equipment for a variety of exercises. Utilize it for step-ups, dips, and incline push-ups to target your legs, arms, and core. This type of workout is not only effective but also allows you to enjoy the outdoors. It’s a great way to add some variety to your fitness routine, making use of your surroundings. Always ensure the bench is stable and secure before starting your workout to prevent injuries.

<p>Stair workouts are an excellent way to build endurance and strength in your legs and glutes. Look for a set of stairs in your hotel, a nearby park, or a public building. Climbing stairs can be more challenging and rewarding than walking on flat surfaces, providing a great cardiovascular workout. You can vary your routine by taking the stairs two at a time, sprinting up, or doing calf raises on a step. This type of workout is easy to fit into a busy schedule, requiring only a small amount of time for a significant impact.</p>

Stair workouts are an excellent way to build endurance and strength in your legs and glutes. Look for a set of stairs in your hotel, a nearby park, or a public building. Climbing stairs can be more challenging and rewarding than walking on flat surfaces, providing a great cardiovascular workout. You can vary your routine by taking the stairs two at a time, sprinting up, or doing calf raises on a step. This type of workout is easy to fit into a busy schedule, requiring only a small amount of time for a significant impact.

<p>Choosing to walk or bike for short distances instead of taking taxis or public transport is a simple way to stay active while traveling. This form of “active commuting” allows you to explore the area at a slower pace, noticing details you might miss otherwise. It’s also a cost-effective and environmentally friendly mode of transportation. Incorporating physical activity into your daily travel routine can contribute to your overall fitness goals. Plus, it provides a more authentic experience of the local lifestyle and environment.</p>

Active Commuting

Choosing to walk or bike for short distances instead of taking taxis or public transport is a simple way to stay active while traveling. This form of “active commuting” allows you to explore the area at a slower pace, noticing details you might miss otherwise. It’s also a cost-effective and environmentally friendly mode of transportation. Incorporating physical activity into your daily travel routine can contribute to your overall fitness goals. Plus, it provides a more authentic experience of the local lifestyle and environment.

<p>Dancing in your hotel room is not only a fun way to work out but also an excellent stress reliever. Turn on your favorite music and let loose, using dance moves to get your heart rate up and work different muscle groups. This form of exercise can be particularly enjoyable after a day of sitting in meetings or traveling. You don’t need any special equipment, just enough space to move around safely. Dancing is a versatile activity that can be adapted to any fitness level and style preference.</p>

Dancing in your hotel room is not only a fun way to work out but also an excellent stress reliever. Turn on your favorite music and let loose, using dance moves to get your heart rate up and work different muscle groups. This form of exercise can be particularly enjoyable after a day of sitting in meetings or traveling. You don’t need any special equipment, just enough space to move around safely. Dancing is a versatile activity that can be adapted to any fitness level and style preference.

<p>Engaging in a sport while traveling can be a great way to stay active and meet new people. Many parks and recreational areas offer facilities where you can play sports like basketball, soccer, tennis, or volleyball. Playing a sport not only provides a vigorous workout but also adds a competitive and social element to your fitness routine. You can often find local groups or pick-up games that welcome visitors. This activity allows you to enjoy the outdoors and get a break from the typical tourist activities.</p>

Play a Sport

Engaging in a sport while traveling can be a great way to stay active and meet new people. Many parks and recreational areas offer facilities where you can play sports like basketball, soccer, tennis, or volleyball. Playing a sport not only provides a vigorous workout but also adds a competitive and social element to your fitness routine. You can often find local groups or pick-up games that welcome visitors. This activity allows you to enjoy the outdoors and get a break from the typical tourist activities.

<p>Playgrounds are not just for kids; they can offer adults a unique setting for a workout. Use the monkey bars for pull-ups, the swings for leg exercises, and the various structures for climbing and strength training. This type of workout is both fun and effective, utilizing your body weight as resistance. Playgrounds are usually accessible and offer a change of scenery from the gym or hotel room. Just be mindful of children using the playground and ensure you’re using the equipment safely.</p>

Use Playground Equipment

Playgrounds are not just for kids; they can offer adults a unique setting for a workout. Use the monkey bars for pull-ups, the swings for leg exercises, and the various structures for climbing and strength training. This type of workout is both fun and effective, utilizing your body weight as resistance. Playgrounds are usually accessible and offer a change of scenery from the gym or hotel room. Just be mindful of children using the playground and ensure you’re using the equipment safely.

<p>Beach workouts take advantage of the natural resistance of sand to intensify your exercise routine. Activities like running, lunges, and yoga on the beach not only provide a challenging workout but also offer stunning views and fresh air. The uneven surface of the sand helps improve balance and strengthens stabilizing muscles. Early morning or sunset workouts can be especially rewarding, offering cooler temperatures and picturesque backdrops. Always stay hydrated and apply sunscreen to protect yourself during outdoor beach workouts.</p>

Beach Workouts

Beach workouts take advantage of the natural resistance of sand to intensify your exercise routine. Activities like running, lunges, and yoga on the beach not only provide a challenging workout but also offer stunning views and fresh air. The uneven surface of the sand helps improve balance and strengthens stabilizing muscles. Early morning or sunset workouts can be especially rewarding, offering cooler temperatures and picturesque backdrops. Always stay hydrated and apply sunscreen to protect yourself during outdoor beach workouts.

<p>Investing in travel-friendly fitness gear can make staying fit on the road much more convenient. Items like a foldable yoga mat, a portable kettlebell, or a TRX suspension trainer are designed for easy packing and can be used in various settings. These tools allow you to maintain a strength training routine without access to a gym. They’re versatile, enabling a wide range of exercises to target different muscle groups. Having your own equipment can also provide the comfort and familiarity of your home workout routine, making it easier to stay motivated while traveling.</p>

Travel-Friendly Fitness Gear

Investing in travel-friendly fitness gear can make staying fit on the road much more convenient. Items like a foldable yoga mat, a portable kettlebell, or a TRX suspension trainer are designed for easy packing and can be used in various settings. These tools allow you to maintain a strength training routine without access to a gym. They’re versatile, enabling a wide range of exercises to target different muscle groups. Having your own equipment can also provide the comfort and familiarity of your home workout routine, making it easier to stay motivated while traveling.

<p>Bodyweight Tabata is a high-intensity interval training method that requires no equipment and little space, making it ideal for travelers. The format involves 20 seconds of intense effort followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated for four minutes. You can use exercises like burpees, mountain climbers, and high knees to get a full-body workout. This efficient approach maximizes calorie burn and increases cardiovascular and muscular endurance. Tabata workouts can be easily adapted to any fitness level, providing a quick and effective way to maintain your fitness routine on the go.</p>

Body Weight Tabata

Bodyweight Tabata is a high-intensity interval training method that requires no equipment and little space, making it ideal for travelers. The format involves 20 seconds of intense effort followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated for four minutes. You can use exercises like burpees, mountain climbers, and high knees to get a full-body workout. This efficient approach maximizes calorie burn and increases cardiovascular and muscular endurance. Tabata workouts can be easily adapted to any fitness level, providing a quick and effective way to maintain your fitness routine on the go.

<p>Incorporating fitness into your travel itinerary not only helps you maintain your physical health but also enhances your overall travel experience. By exploring new cities on foot, taking advantage of hotel amenities, or even turning a beach visit into a workout session, you can keep your body active and your mind refreshed. The key is to be adaptable and make the most of the resources available to you, whether that’s a park bench for a quick strength session or an online class to start your day with yoga. With the strategies outlined above, staying fit while traveling becomes an exciting adventure in itself, allowing you to return from your trip feeling rejuvenated and perhaps even stronger than when you left. So, pack your workout gear and prepare to explore the world without compromising on your fitness goals.</p><p><a href="https://bonvoyaged.com/?utm_source=msnstart">For the Latest Travel News, Headlines & Videos, head to Bon Voyaged</a></p>

Incorporating fitness into your travel itinerary not only helps you maintain your physical health but also enhances your overall travel experience. By exploring new cities on foot, taking advantage of hotel amenities, or even turning a beach visit into a workout session, you can keep your body active and your mind refreshed. The key is to be adaptable and make the most of the resources available to you, whether that’s a park bench for a quick strength session or an online class to start your day with yoga. With the strategies outlined above, staying fit while traveling becomes an exciting adventure in itself, allowing you to return from your trip feeling rejuvenated and perhaps even stronger than when you left. So, pack your workout gear and prepare to explore the world without compromising on your fitness goals.

For the Latest Travel News, Headlines & Videos, head to Bon Voyaged

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Best Fitness Travel Workout – 4 Tips to Stay Fit while Traveling

If you’re wondering how to stay fit while traveling or what the best way to train on the road is, you’re in the right place. Here are a few tips to help you stay fit while traveling.

Simon Danis from The Every Day Bros traveled around the world while training every day of his trip. During his travels, he found what where the best travel workout hacks and he wrote this complete guide to help you do the same.

I wrote this article because I love traveling and have come to realize that keeping up with a workout routine while traveling can be difficult.

In this article, you’ll find out how to organize your travel plans to integrate a training program without taking too much time away from your adventure and still keeping up with your fitness routine.

In the last two years, I spent 3 weeks in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan , 3 weeks in Morocco , 2 weeks in Switzerland and a few weeks away on out of town trips and cottage time.

At first, I found it really difficult to fit in my training routine without affecting my travel plans. I spent my time trying to find gyms, figuring out how to get there and then trying to figure out what I would eat afterward…

good travel workouts

After many frustrating moments where I had to either cut my workout short to keep up with my travel plans or cut my travel plans to keep up with my training routine, I realized that I had to find a better way to go about it. In order to keep up with a training program, it has to fit well with your lifestyle and day to day routines.

I started looking into alternatives for my travel training program and bits by bits came up with some solutions to enjoy the lifestyle of working out every day and traveling.

Here are some helpful tips and tricks to prepare your travel workout plans so that you can enjoy your vacations and still keep up with your workout routine:


1. Have an alternative travel workout plan that uses no weights

If you can find an affordable gym near your hotel then I highly recommend continuing with your regular workout routine and hitting the gym just like you would normally do.

But let’s be honest, most gyms have crazy rates for 1 day only passes and are not always easily accessible. The first step to keeping up with your workout routine is to assume the worst-case scenario and have an alternative plan.

When looking for alternative workout routines I stumbled on elastic bands and decided to give it a try. First off the full set of elastic bands weighs just a few pounds and takes almost no space in your luggage.

I came up with a full-body workout routine using elastic bands and bodyweight exercises that can come really close to a gym workout using weights and that leaves you with a similar result.

alternative travel workout

Using elastic bands to train can come really close to a real gym workout… 

Keep in mind that if you normally lift heavy weights this will not necessarily bring you gains but you will be able to maintain your fitness level and get a good pump before going out.

When you are traveling you should be going out and exploring places, your workout shouldn’t become a daunting task in your schedule.

calisthenic hotel workout

Dips between chairs is a great workout that can be done anywhere at the drop of a hat…

A hotel room workout that you can customize is, in my opinion, the best way to train efficiently and keep more time for the reason you traveled in the first place.

Usually, I like to get my workout done first thing in the morning, then jump in the shower and move on with my day.

2. Create a schedule

You should have a training schedule, especially when traveling the world. If there’s no schedule in place, then the chances that you will actually get your workouts done are really close to none.

If you have important day trips where you will be gone all day or unable to workout you should schedule those in first and then schedule your training around those activities. Results come from hard work and dedication.

morning run

scheduling a run first thing in the morning is the best way to start the day…

Personally, I like to work out every day no matter what and it’s part of my daily habits just like sleeping and eating. However, if you need some days off, use them efficiently and get out to enjoy your trips and the country you are visiting.

I highly recommend scheduling your workout first thing in the morning, this way you will always get them done and then you can get out and do with your day what you would normally do while traveling.

3. Go for a hike

Personally I like to hike in every country I visit , the bigger the mountain the better it is.

When traveling, I normally take it easy on heavy training for legs and replace those workouts with long hikes. This is an easy way to enjoy great views, burn out your legs and get a good workout done.

If you don’t find hiking hard enough or enough of a workout, then you can simply add some weight into your backpack before leaving.

Believe me, if you hike for a few hours with additional weight in your backpack you will feel the burn and most likely have a hard time walking the next day. This is something you can adapt to your level of intensity and dedication to your fitness goals.

how to stay fit while traveling

A good long hike in the mountains is a great legs workout…

4. Hit Some local gyms

Going to local gyms is always fun but isn’t always worth it, location and price are two things that I normally look at before visiting gyms during travels. If there are nearby gyms that are accessible at an affordable day rate then I prioritize the gym workouts over bodyweight exercises from my hotel room.

I normally look at the gyms on google and read the reviews, most of the time you’ll be able to find the price online. From my experience, smaller local gyms are more affordable and better set up for tourists.

Most bigger gyms only offer monthly memberships and can get really expensive.

staying fit while traveling

Staying fit & healthy while enjoying your travels and food from around the world can be difficult but rewarding if well balanced.

Are you normally someone who travels a lot and if so how do you normally keep up with your training regime? Please comment below and let me know how we can provide you with more tips on training while traveling. For more tips, ideas and personalized training programs, visit The Everyday Bros .

Best Fitness Travel Workout - Four Tips to Stay Fit while Traveling

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Simon Danis is a fitness enthusiast, serial bodybuilder, and triathlete. He’s also an avid runner who participates in various competitions. He writes fitness tips and training guides at The Everyday Bros . He specializes in creating long-term fitness plans for customers from all over the world.


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How to Get a Workout in While Traveling

Travel does not have to put a damper on your workout routine.

view from above dumbbells and exercise equipment knolling

Find an online tutorial

young woman practising yoga workout with a video lesson on laptop

One of the easiest ways to get a workout in while traveling is to look something up online. One of the best places to search is YouTube where there are specific fitness channels and videos for any type of workout you may want to do on the road. From bodyweight only to a quick HIIT routine , to a yoga flow, there are so many options online to help you get a workout in while traveling.

Go for a bike ride

rear wheels of bicycles parked in a public parking lot

Many cities and larger towns have bike rentals, so take out a bicycle and get a ride in. Not only is it a good way to get in a sweat session, but you can also explore your new surroundings and see the city you’re visiting from a cool new perspective.

Book a class

exercise mats rolled up

If you pay for a membership to a specific gym or studio in your hometown, you may have unlimited access to classes at other studios in your same city, state, or even nationwide. Check your membership to see what your membership level covers. If you do not have an unlimited membership to all gym or studio locations, see if you can pay an additional fee so you can have access to a different location while you’re out of town.

Check the hotel

hotel service bell on a table white glass and simulation hotel background concept hotel, travel, room

Depending on where your travel takes you, the hotel or resort may offer complimentary fitness classes onsite that are covered by the cost of your stay. At check-in, ask the concierge or front desk for an events calendar and see if that is an option for you. At the very least, they may have a free or cheap gym on site.

Take a hike

outdoor hiking background with hiking trail footpath sign

Another easy way to get a workout in while traveling is to look for local hiking trails. Whether you have access to a forest preserve, a nature walking path, or a nearby park, explore what hiking options are available to you during your stay. If you are lucky enough to be staying near a state park or national park, it’s absolutely worth a day trip to check it out. Just be sure to do your research and be ready get any park passes you may need.

Look up local events

exercise mat and water bottle

Another option to get a workout in while traveling is to check out the community center or local park district website, and all of their social media channels. Depending on your destination, there may be complimentary classes held outdoors for locals, and maybe you! Think of things like mat pilates, yoga, or Tai Chi.

Open up an app

flat lay of yoga, sports and fitness equipment with dumbbell, water bottle, yoga mat and smartphone showing health and fitness app in the fresh bright morning fitness, wellness and home work out concept

If you are a member of a fitness studio or gym, they could have an app you can access with free workouts that are covered by your membership. Before you book that trip, explore the app and see what options are available to you when you hit the road.

Go for a sight-seeing run

recording runs on app

One of the easiest ways to get a workout in while traveling is to lace up those running shoes and hit the pavement. Look for a local- approved running trail or find a scenic park you can take a few laps around. When checking out any parks or trails, be sure to ask about any wildlife you may need to watch out for. Safety first! And definitely do not forget the sunscreen.

Stretch it out

yoga props exercise mat, bottle of water and belt

Hours spent sitting in the car or on a plane can really cramp your active lifestyle not to mention your muscles. It may not seem like a workout, but a good stretch session can really give your muscles the attention and TLC they need after a long day of travel.

Go swimming

swimming pool

Swimming is a great low-impact workout that’s so fun it barely feels like a workout. Plus, the water is super refreshing and is a great way to wake up after a day of travel. Check out your hotel, or a nearby fitness center, to see if there is a pool near you.

Take the stairs

stairs in a park

Taking the stairs is another low-impact workout that you can do either inside or outside. Find a set of stairs in your hotel, pop in a podcast, and start to climb! If you’re near a park, playing field, or stadium, you may even have access to outdoor bleachers if you feel like getting in some fresh air and a dose of vitamin D.

Try a new studio

modern gym interior with equipment

Another great way to get a workout in while traveling is to check out a new studio. Ask about visitor memberships and see if you can purchase one for the week. If one is not available, see if you can purchase a pack of classes depending on how many times you plan on working out.

Use your body weight

woman doing plank

When traveling, sometimes getting creative means keeping it simple—like by using your own body weight for a workout. Although working out at a gym is nice, who needs a gym when you have your own body? Come up with your own circuit by incorporating basic bodyweight moves like lunges, planks, sit-ups, and squats.

Go for a Walk

woman feet running on road closeup on shoe young fitness women runner legs ready for run on the road sports healthy lifestyle concept

Walking may seem super basic, but it’s super convenient, easy, and a great workout. Whether you walk the airport terminal, the downtown city streets, or even just do some laps in the hotel parking lot, movement is movement and you’ll never regret a walk.

Headshot of Ashley Martens

Ashley Martens is a wellness writer based in Chicago. With a lifelong passion for all things health and wellness, Ashley enjoys writing about topics to help people live happier and healthier lives. With a foundation in fitness, food, and nutrition, Ashley covers it all including sexual health and travel topics. Ashley is also a NASM-certified personal trainer and group fitness instructor.

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10 Bodyweight Travel Exercises And A Quick Travel Workout

by Cori Lefkowith | Blog , Bodyweight , Exercises , Travel Workouts , Workouts | 0 comments

Bodyweight Travel Exercises

When you travel it can be hard to keep up with your workout routine.

You may simply be busy, or relaxing or without access to your usual workout equipment. But that doesn’t have to mean you fall off your workout routine.

While you can take time off on vacation, it can be useful to have some Bodyweight Travel Exercises and quick Travel Workouts on hand, especially if you travel often. These moves and exercises can be something quick you do in your off time, even if all you have access to is the space in your hotel room.

Try these 10 Bodyweight Travel Exercises and Quick Travel Workout.

10 Bodyweight Travel Exercises

These Bodyweight Exercises require no equipment and very little space for you to get in a great full-body workout. And they can help you add some variation to the basic bodyweight push ups and squats we all know.

They are perfect for when you travel or even if you want to do a quick workout at home.

Squat to Alternating Lunge – Combine the Squat and Lunge into one lower body toasting move with the Squat to Alternating Lunge. This move will work your legs and glutes while getting your blood pumping.

squat to alternating lunge

To do the Squat to Alternating Lunges, start with your feet about hip-width to shoulder-width apart. Squat down, sitting your butt back. Do not round forward as you squat down. Keep your heels down and sink your butt so that your quads are about parallel to the ground.

Then jump up and switch into a lunge stance as you land. One foot will be forward and then other will lunge back as you drop your back knee down toward the ground. Sink low in the low and keep your chest up.

In the lunge, your front heel should be down and your weight should be fairly centered.

Jump back into the squat and then lunge on the other side. Move quickly, exploding up off the ground to switch.

Beginners can start with stepping between the two moves instead of jumping.

Push Up with Toe Touch – This is a great push up variation that will work your glutes, core and shoulders even more.

Beginners can do this from their knees and simply reach back between their knees instead of toward each ankle.

push with toe touch

To do the Push Up with Toe Touch, set up in the plank position on your feet and hands with your hands under your shoulders and your feet about shoulder-width apart. Putting your feet closer together can make it harder to balance and force your core to work harder. Your body should be in a nice straight line.

Then from this plank position, reach one hand back toward the opposite ankle. As you reach back, push your butt up in the air. Reach back toward the opposite ankle and then move back into the plank position, placing your hand back down on the ground.

Perform a push up, dropping your chest toward the ground with your body moving as one unit. Press back up and then reach the other hand back toward the opposite ankle.

Push your butt up into the air every time you reach back, but make sure to come back forward into the plank position before performing the push up.

Side Plank Stars – Work your entire core, but really target those glutes and obliques with this Side Plank variation. The leg raise while in the Side Plank, challenges your core stability while engaging your glutes even more.

star planks

To do the Side Plank Stars, start in a side plank position with your elbow under your shoulder and your body in a nice straight line to your feet. You can choose to stack your feet or place your top foot in front. Beginners may need to drop their bottom knee down toward the ground.

Keeping your bottom hip up, lift your top arm up toward the ceiling as you raise your top leg up. Lift them up then lower them back down and rotate into a front plank with your elbows under your shoulders and your body in a nice straight line.

Do not let your hips sag or your butt go up toward the ceiling as you shift into the front plank. Do not touch your knees down or relax in this position although beginners may do this from their knees.

Then rotate into a side plank on the other side. In this side plank position, with your bottom hip up and body in a nice straight line, lift your top arm and leg up. Do not rotate toward the ground or rotate your leg way open as you lift.

Lower back down and rotate back into the front plank before switching to the other side.

Plank Sit Thrus – Sit Thrus are a great rotational core exercise. When you add in the hop back to Plank, you make them not only more challenging for your core, but also more of a cardio movement. Beginners will stick with the basic Sit Thru.

plank sit thrus

To do the Plank Sit Thrus, start in a bulldog position from your hands and feet, with your hands under your shoulders and your knees bent so that your knees are under your hips. Your knees should be about an inch off the ground.

Then jump   your feet back into the plank position with your hands under your shoulders and your body in a nice straight line from your head to your toes.

Jump your feet back into the bulldog position, then rotate into a Sit Thru on one side. Kick one leg under and through as you lift the opposite hand up off the ground. As you kick the leg under and through, your body should rotate so that you could “sit” on the ground with one leg out straight.

Bring the leg back under your body and place the foot back on the ground so you are back in the bulldog position. Jump back into a plank and then repeat on the other side.

You can also cut out an extra plank between Sit Thrus to make the move slightly easier. Move as quickly as possible and rotate all the way through with each Sit Thru.

Snowboard Hop Burpees – This Burpee variation is a great way to blast your legs even more while getting your blood pumping.

Beginners can step instead of hopping. You can also choose to do a jump back into plank with each hop or you can do 3 hops with a jump back (shown in the video). Adding in a few more hops works the legs even more!

snowboard burpees

To do Snowboard Hop Burpees, start with your feet in a slightly staggered stance and your back foot out in front of your front foot. Look forward over that front leg and then squat down to place your front hand down on the ground by your toe. Do not simply round over to place your hand on the ground. Squat down. Do not touch the ground if that means rounding over with your butt up.

Then jump up and rotate, switching to land in the slightly staggered stance on the other side. Touch your hand back down to the ground as you sink into a squat on that side.

Jump back up and rotate back to the first side. Then in the squat, place your hands down on the ground and jump your feet back into a plank position.

Keep your core engaged and your body in a nice straight line. Jump your feet back in and come back into the squat.

Jump and switch to a snowboard hop on the other side. Repeat 3 jumps and perform the jump back on the other side.

3-Way Squat Jumps – Squat Jumps are one of those basic bodyweight moves we all love to use, especially when we want a cardio workout that will work our legs and we don’t have much space or equipment.

However, the basic Squat Jump gets boring. That is why the 3-Way Squat Jump can be a fun way to mix things up. Plus the three different jumps target your legs in slightly different ways.

This move is a leg burner for sure!

squat jump variations

To do 3-Way Squat Jumps, start with your feet about shoulder-width apart or maybe even a little wider. Sit your butt back and squat down. Do not round over.

Then jump up and as you do bring your feet in a little bit closer so that, when you land, your feet are closer than shoulder-width apart.

Sink into a squat and then jump back up to land with your feet together. As you land, sink quickly into a squat.

Explode back up and repeat, moving back into that wide squat to start.

Square Lunge – This is a great move to work your legs from a few different angles and target not only your glutes, but also your adductors. It can be hard when you travel to really work your legs unless you have access to weights or use jumping exercises.

However, if you combine lunges, you can challenge your legs more than you would with a basic bodyweight Squat without adding weight.

square lunges

To do the Square Lunge, start to one side of the space you have to use. Then step out wide to the side, and bend the knee of the leg you stepped out with to sink into a deep side lunge. Keep your other leg straight as you sit your butt back and sink down. Keep both heels down as you sink and do not round over.

Then, drive up through the heel of your bent leg to stand up as you use your adductors to pull the straight leg in toward the leg you stepped out with. You will now be on the other side of the space from where you started.

Then lunge back. You can choose to keep the same leg working or alternate which leg works. Lunge back toward the back of your square, dropping your back knee down toward the ground while keeping your front heel down. Keep your chest up as you sink into the reverse lunge.

Drive off your front heel to push backward and come to standing. You will now be at the back of your square.

Perform another side lunge, stepping out to the side with the other foot this time. Sink down, pushing your butt back then stepping in with the straight leg.

Then lunge forward, dropping the back knee down as you keep your chest up. Step your back foot forward to come to standing and you’ve completed the square. Repeat, moving the same direction for a few more reps or alternate and reverse the square.

While this move doesn’t require a ton of space, it does require you to have a nice square of space. If you don’t, try one of these Lunge variations. ********

Rotational Reach Push Up – This is a great rotational core exercise to build core stability while working your core even more. And the Push Up is a great way to work your upper body without being the same old boring basic Push Up!

rotational reach with push up

To do the Rotational Reach Push Up, start in a plank position with your hands under your shoulders and your feet about shoulder-width apart. The closer your feet are together, the harder the move will be. But don’t place them so close together that your butt goes up in the air, especially as you rotate.

Then reach one hand under your body and rotate slightly that direction. Reach that same hand back open toward the ceiling, rotating your body into a side plank from your hand as you open up.

Rotate back closed and place the hand back down on the ground before performing a push up. Make sure your body moves as one unit as you perform the push up.

Lower your chest down to the ground then press back up and lift the other hand up to reach under and across your body before rotating open into the side plank.

Place the hand back down and perform another push up.

You can keep alternating rotational reaches on each side or you can stay on one side for a number of reps before switching.

Lateral Crawl Push Up – This is a great challenging push up and crawling exercise. It will work your entire core and really toast your chest, triceps and shoulders. Because it combines two different types of push ups (wide grip and narrow grip) it will work your upper body in different ways while your core has to work hard to keep your body in a nice straight line.

Plus, adding in the lateral crawl makes the move extra cardio!

lateral crawl push up

To do the Lateral Crawl Push Up, start in a plank position with your hands in closer together and your feet about shoulder-width apart. Perform a push up, dropping your chest down toward the ground as your body moves as one unit. Do not let your elbows flare way up by your ears.

Press back up to the top of the push up and then step to one side with your hand and foot (your “front” hand and “back” foot will move together). This should bring your hands out wider, probably wider than shoulder-width, as your feet come together. Perform another push up then step your hands back in together and your feet back out wide (this time you will move the back hand and front foot).

Keep moving toward one side, performing a push up each time you step. Then go back the other way.

Beginners can remove the push ups or even only perform a push up every other crawl.

Forearm Plank Bird Dogs – The basic Bird Dog is a great way to build core stability and activate your glutes. By doing the move from a plank position, you force your core and glutes to work even harder. Beginners may need to stick with the move from their knees while advanced exercisers can try the Forearm Plank Bird Dogs or even the Advanced Bird Dogs from their hands.

forearm plank bird dog

To do the Forearm Plank Bird Dog, set up in a plank position from your forearms and toes with your elbows under your shoulders and your feet about hip-width apart. Placing your feet closer together will make the move more challenging because your core will have to work harder to stay balanced.

Then, holding this plank position, lift one arm and the opposite leg up off the ground. Reach them as if reaching toward opposite walls. Do not rotate open or let your butt go up in the air as you reach. Also, engage your glute as you lift your leg so that your low back doesn’t take over.

Pause at the top of the lift then lower back down and lift the other arm and leg.

Move slowly and stay balanced. You can also stay on one side as that will be easier to stay balanced.

Do not rush this move or let your core wiggle a ton as you perform the arm and leg lift. You want to keep your core stabile.

Mix up your usual bodyweight travel workouts with these 10 fun moves! Try the Quick Bodyweight Travel Workout below for a great way to use them!

Quick Travel Workout

Often when we travel we are short on time. Or we simply don’t feel like spending a ton of time working out. That is why it is great to have a few short, but challenging, bodyweight workouts in your arsenal.

Try this Quick Travel Workout . It will take you under 10 minutes to complete!

Set a timer for 20 second intervals of work with maybe a few seconds of time to transition. You will complete each exercise for 20 seconds and rest 20 seconds between rounds. During this 20 seconds of rest, you can make it “active rest” by performing jumping jacks or some other low intensity exercise.

Complete 2 rounds of each circuit, resting an extra 20 seconds between circuits. Beginners may need to rest more if needed.

CIRCUIT #1: 20 seconds Snowboard Hop Burpees 20 seconds Rotational Reach Push Up 20 seconds Star Planks 20 seconds Rest/Active Rest

CIRCUIT #2: 20 seconds Squat to Alternating Lunges 20 seconds Lateral Crawl Push Up 20 seconds Plank Sit Thrus 20 seconds Rest/Active Rest

CIRCUIT #3: 20 seconds 3-Way Squat Jumps 20 seconds Push Up with Toe Touch 20 seconds Forearm Bird Dogs 20 seconds Rest/Active Rest

Stay on track and keep moving even when you travel with these 10 Bodyweight Travel Exercises and Quick Travel Workout!

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Wander Magazine

7 Best Travel Workout Equipment Pieces To Keep Fit on the Go

By Steve Theunissen

Maintaining your fitness routine while travelling can be a real challenge. Whether you’re on holiday, taking a business trip or making an emergency excursion, travel threatens to interrupt the consistency of your workout program, potentially undoing all your hard work. 

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

While bodyweight travel workouts may do the trick for some, others prefer to take their basic travel workout equipment along on their journeys. In recent years, a raft of portable workout equipment has flooded the market. 

As a certified personal trainer, I’ve enthusiastically embraced many of them, recommending them to my PT clients who travel regularly.

In this article, I’ll break down the seven best travel workout equipment pieces for on-the-go training. 

Here’s a preview of my seven key pieces of travel workout gear:

  • Suspension Trainer
  • Resistance Bands
  • Ankle Weights
  • Yoga Mat & Block
  • Foam Roller

1. Suspension Trainer

outdoor travel workout equipment

A suspension trainer is a portable fitness trainer designed to complement bodyweight training by allowing you to work at various angles. It consists of adjustable straps with handles and anchor points.

A suspension trainer will work every muscle in your body, with special emphasis on engaging the core to provide mid-air stability. By adjusting the angle that your body is moving through, you can increase or decrease the resistance. This variable resistance allows you to make your workouts progressively more challenging as you get fitter and stronger.

Suspension training requires you to keep your core engaged to stabilize your body to maintain control and balance. As a result, you’ll be working your abs, obliques, and intercostals even when your focus is on your biceps!

A suspension trainer kit is just as compact as a set of resistance bands, making it an ideal travel companion. The inclusion of a door anchor accessory, which is standard with most trainers, allows you to transform any hotel room, Airbnb, or other vacation spot into your personal gym.

Suspension trainers are also ideal for outdoor training. You can attach them to a fence post or tree and soak in the sun’s rays as you work up a sweat.

Check out this guide to find the best suspension trainers for your needs.

2. Resistance Bands

travelling gym training

Resistance bands are easily my favourite piece of travel training gear. A full set of five bands weighs just a few pounds yet allows you to perform dozens of resistance exercises.

They take up next to no room in your luggage and are highly cost-effective.

Resistance bands are usually sold in sets with a range of colour-coded levels of resistance. They also come with an anchor strap, allowing you to make use of a closed door or other anchor point to create cable pulley simulations.

This allows you to simulate nearly every piece of resistance equipment found in your local gym right in your hotel room.

Some of my clients had the mindset that you can’t get a ‘real’ workout with resistance bands. That was before I took them through an intense upper body band workout. Now they’re resistance band believers. Here’s why resistance bands are the real deal:

  • Variable Resistance: When the band is stretched during your exercise routine, it undergoes a gradual increase in resistance. This is different from free weights or bodyweight exercises, where the resistance remains static throughout the motion. As a result, resistance bands adapt to match your strength curve. This ensures that your muscles are challenged at every movement phase.
  • Focus on the Eccentric Phase: The eccentric, or lowering, phase of an exercise involves the controlled lengthening of a muscle during exercise. Resistance band training encourages a deliberate, controlled descent during exercises such as squats. The band naturally opposes the muscle lengthening, forcing you to perform the eccentric phase with more precision.
  • Explosive Concentric Phase: Band training allows you to safely use an explosive upward lifting motion with more power and speed than you can with free weights. A prime example is the band squat. In contrast to traditional barbell squats, where safety considerations may restrict explosiveness, resistance bands are designed for dynamic concentric action, introducing a dynamic dimension to your travel workout.

This resistance band guide is all you need to find the right resistance bands for you.

3. Ankle & Wrist Weights

travelling gym training

Ankle and wrist weights are weighted bands that are designed to be strapped to your limbs, providing extra resistance during bodyweight exercises. This is another compact, lightweight training device that will take up hardly any room in your luggage.

Weights are available in a range of resistances, from one pound up to 20 pounds. I recommend buying an adjustable set that allows you to add packets of resistance. These are usually in the form of iron or sand.

Ankle and wrist weights allow you to perform exercises that target your arms, like biceps curls, as well as those for the muscles of your lower body, such as donkey kickbacks. They can also be used to make your cardio and plyometric workouts more challenging.

Wearing them when you are walking or jogging will boost your endurance, elevate your heart rate, and increase your calorie burn.

sliders are the travel workout equipment

Exercise sliders are a highly underrated piece of travel workout equipment. Consisting of a pair of flat, round discs, they are designed to slide on a surface that you’re exercising on. They’re inexpensive, compact and lightweight, making them a no-brainer when it comes to travel and exercise.

In a similar way to suspension trainers, sliders create instability by allowing you to move your arms or legs while you’re doing an exercise. This brings your core into play to stabilize your body and promote balance.

A classic slider exercise is the slider push-up. In this exercise, you move your arms in and out as you do a push-up. The effect is a movement that mimics both the bench press and the dumbbell fly.

Here are half a dozen more exercises that are enhanced with a pair of sliders:

  • Mountain Climbers
  • Lateral Lunges
  • Pike Sliders
  • Single Leg Hamstring Curls
  • Plank Knee Tucks
  • Slider Leg Curl with Bridge

Sliders come in different materials to suit different surface types. If you’re working out on the carpet, you’ll want a plastic surface, while a tile floor requires a fabric covering for the best slide ability. The best sliders will have plastic on one side and fabric on the other to cover both options. 

5. Yoga Mat & Block

travelling gym training

If yoga is part of your regular practice, a yoga mat and block should be among the first things you fit into your luggage. Even if it’s not, these two pieces of gear still rank highly on your essential travel workout equipment list.

A yoga mat provides a clean, comfortable surface to do your floor work on, be it asanas or bodyweight exercises.

You never know what chemicals or other compounds are lurking in hotel and Airbnb carpets, so having a quality mat between you and it is a health necessity.

The non-slip surface of a quality yoga mat provides a stable surface to work on. They also provide cushioning for your joints, reducing the compressive stress on your ankles, wrists, knees, and hips.

Yoga blocks provide stability and support when you’re doing yoga poses so you can maintain proper alignment and balance. They also help you deepen your stretches.

You can use blocks to make your bodyweight exercises more challenging. Use them to elevate your hand or foot position on exercises like push-ups and the plank.

6. Jump Rope

jump rope for a great travel workout

A jump rope is one of the most cost-effective, productive pieces of fitness equipment you can own.

It provides you with an excellent form of cardiovascular exercise that will get your heart racing as it churns through the calories and ups your endurance level. jump

You’ll burn more calories jumping rope than almost any other type of cardiovascular exercise. A 200-pound person who jumps rope for 20 minutes will burn an impressive 362 calories .

Jumping rope will also make you stronger. That 20 minutes of rope jumping will require thousands of revolutions of the rope. That’s thousands of reps involving the quads, glutes, hamstrings, calves, shoulders, and forearms.

Your muscular endurance and explosive strength will both improve as a result.

As an added bonus, jumping rope will also make your bones stronger. When confronted with the joint impact stress of ground reaction forces, the body’s stress adaptive response kicks in. This causes your bones to grow a tiny bit stronger to meet similar stress in the future.

In one study , Olympic-level swimmers experienced significant bone mineral density improvement after 22 weeks of twice-weekly 20-minute jump rope sessions combined with vibration therapy.

7. Foam Roller

travel workout equipment foam roller

A foam roller is a cylindrical device that is usually about 18 inches long and made of a hardy form of plastic. It often features raised nodules or other patterns on its outer surface.

It is used as a self-massage device to allow you to apply self-myofascial release (SMR) in order to bring relief to specific pain points and to help with your recovery after a workout.

A foam roller is a lightweight, compact tool you can easily throw in your gym bag. You can use it in the warm-up/warm-down area of your gym straight after your workout or, if you prefer, wait until you get home.

Pack in your luggage when going on a trip, and you’ll have a portable recovery and self-massage solution to keep your muscles relaxed and pain-free throughout your travels.

5 Personal Trainer Travel Workout Tips

  • Plan Ahead: Do some research before arriving at your destination. Search for nearby fitness facilities, parks, or running trails. Knowing your workout options in advance can help you stay committed to your fitness routine.
  • Focus on bodyweight exercises: Exercises that require minimal equipment, like push-ups, squats, lunges, and burpees, should form the foundation of your workout.
  • Short, Intense Workouts: Up the intensity and reduce the time of your holiday workouts. Experiment with various types of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts that alternate between short, sharp bursts of activity with minimal rest between them.
  • Exercise Early: Get your sessions in before your day gets hectic. If you’re on vacation with family or friends, plan to train while everyone is still sleeping, and your routine won’t interrupt the vacation fun.
  • Don’t Be Too Strict: if you’re on holiday and travelling, embrace that experience without sacrificing your good habits. That goes for exercise as well as eating. It’s not the end of the world if you skip the odd workout or indulge in a treat or two. Confession time: even I enjoy comfort food once or twice each month, this corned beef stew being one of my favourite cheat meals. 

travelling gym training

Maintaining your fitness routine while travelling can be a challenge, but it doesn’t have to be an insurmountable one. With the right travel workout equipment, you can stay on track with your fitness goals no matter where your journey takes you.

The seven pieces of travel workout gear we’ve covered offer a range of options to suit different preferences and fitness levels. From resistance bands and suspension trainers for versatile strength training to ankle and wrist weights for extra resistance during bodyweight exercises, these portable tools can transform any space into your personal gym.

Don’t forget the often-overlooked exercise sliders, which add a dynamic dimension to your workouts, and the essential yoga mat and block for comfortable and hygienic floor work.

A jump rope, one of the most cost-effective and efficient pieces of travel workout equipment, provides an excellent cardiovascular workout, while a foam roller offers self-massage and recovery benefits to keep your muscles relaxed and pain-free.

Remember to plan ahead, focus on bodyweight exercises, consider short, intense workouts, exercise early to avoid disruptions, and be flexible with your routine. That way, you’ll enjoy your time away while maintaining your healthy exercise habits.

travelling gym training

Steve Theunissen joined his first gym at age 15 and, five years later, was managing his own studio. In 1987, he became the first personal fitness trainer in New Zealand, and over the past decade, he has built a freelance fitness writing career to share his fitness passion with the world.

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Home » Gear » The BEST Travel Workout Equipment – Travel Fitness Gear (2024)

The BEST Travel Workout Equipment – Travel Fitness Gear (2024)

Traveling the world helps you develop in a lot of different ways. It gives you a greater perspective, opens you up to new experiences, and might even expose you to a new way to enjoy fried chicken. One thing it’s not so good at, though, is building up your fitness.

There are endless challenges in the way of staying fit on the road. You might have a dedicated exercise space, gym membership, or weekend pick-up basketball routine at home, but there is no way to find that if you’re hitting up a new town every week. You’re lucky enough if you find a hostel with a yoga space.

Plus, half the point of traveling is all the new flavors you come across. You’ve got to eat and drink your way through every new place to get a taste of it. And any half-decent street food tastes better when washed down with a few local beers.

It can add up to a disaster. Traveling for six months can wreck years of progress in the gym, and the threat of your workout regimen being taken away can hold some people back from hitting the road.

So, we’re here today to quell those fears and get you on your way with the tools you need to stay in shape while still enjoying your trip. But first, a DISCLAIMER.

Until someone finally invents a gym membership subscription that works Airbnb style or figures out a way to make 20 lb dumbbells weigh nothing at one moment and turn on the next, the truth is that you’re travel workout routine will never look like your at-home system.

And that’s okay. The whole point of flying to Namibia is that everything is different than the inside of your apartment, anyway. That shouldn’t stop you from traveling, nor should it stop you from caring about your fitness.

Because there are ways to get great workouts on the road, and there are plenty of nearly weightless travel workout equipment that will help you reach your FITNESS GOALS. So, get warmed up and meet me on the mat!

People standing on a lifeguard tower with someone making pull-ups during sunset

Fit Simplify Loop Resistance Bands

  • Price ($) > 12
  • Packed dimensions (in.) > 6 x 3
  • Packed weight (lbs) > .1

Manduka eKO Superlite Yoga Mat

Manduka eKO Superlite Yoga Mat

HOKA Clifton 9 Road-Running Shoes

Running Shoes

  • Price ($) > Variable
  • Packed dimensions (in.) > Variable
  • Packed weight (lbs) > Variable

Trideer Stretching Strap

Trideer Stretching Strap

  • Price ($) > 11
  • Packed dimensions (in.) > 75 x 1
  • Packed weight (lbs) > .37

TRX Fitness App

TRX Fitness App

  • Price ($) > 5.99 per month
  • Packed dimensions (in.) > NA
  • Packed weight (lbs) > NA

TRX Weighted Jump Rope

TRX Weighted Jump Rope

  • Price ($) > 19.99

Bala Bangles One Pound Weights

Bala Bangles One Pound Weights

  • Packed weight (lbs) > 2

TRX Go Suspension Trainer

TRX Go Suspension Trainer

  • Price ($) > 199
  • Packed dimensions (in.) > 53 x 2

Lululemon Workout Sliders

Lululemon Workout Sliders

  • Price ($) > 28
  • Packed diameter (in.) > 7

Redify Adjustable Jump Rope

Redify Adjustable Jump Rope

  • Price ($) > 13

Gaaim Travel Folding Yoga Mat

Gaaim Travel Folding Yoga Mat

  • Price ($) > 21
  • Packed dimensions (in.) > 68 x 24
  • Packed weight (lbs) > 1.8

Travel Workout Equipment is Only The Start

Best travel fitness gear tried and tested, final thoughts on the best travel workout equipment.

While having travel fitness gear is essential, it’s only the first step. I’ve logged many trips with a jump rope in my bag; it doesn’t mean I’ve ever used it. It’s equally important to cultivate a mindset and make time for fitness. The details of that mindset are different for everyone. But generally, you should plug into the same motivation you have at home. 

If you like to rise and grind and hit the gym for a few hours before work at home, make it a part of your routine. Get your sweat on before hitting up the continental breakfast. If you’ve never gotten up early to work at home, don’t expect that you’ll magically get into it while you’re on vacation. Stick to what already works for you and do it in a different country. 

That doesn’t mean you can’t try anything new when working out while traveling . I’ve found a great way to keep up with my fitness away from my gym membership is to build my trips around exercise . When I’m in Sicily for a month, the only fitness I’m into is fitting this whole pizza into my mouth. So I try to make sure my trips include time near the beach, ski mountains, or bike routes where I know I’ll be super keen to get moving. 

A girl doing Yoga at the beach

Another great way to get into the travel workout mindset is to find a way to get moving and meet new people .

If you’re staying in a hostel full of stoked surfers, you’ll be more interested in getting into the water and giving it a shot than if you’re staying in an Airbnb by yourself. This brings me to the last and most important part of getting into the travel workout mindset: accommodation . 

Your accommodation will make or break your travel fitness goals. For example, if yoga is part of your daily routine at home and you go book a cramped dorm room in the tiniest, cheapest hostel in town, you’re going to have a bad time. 

It is absolutely worth it to splurge and book a place that provides the space and privacy you need to work out. Whether that means bike rental, a yoga shala, a fitness center, or a rock climbing wall, it’s the easiest way to set yourself up for success.  

When we discovered fitness resorts and wellness programs, it completely changed the game. We have curated this list of the best fitness retreats in the WORLD , to help you embrace a healthier travel experience.

travelling gym training

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Now that we better understand the mindset, let’s get to the good stuff: travel gear .

Life as a broke backpack doesn’t include many Instagram-worthy sunsets and fancy hotels with pools and exercise rooms with power plates. And still, with a bit of grit and the right equipment, you can have your beer with no fear.  

The fitness gear we’ll look at below all weighs less than 5 pounds and all provide a better workout than relying on pushups and sit-ups to get through your vacation.

This equipment has accompanied our team across the globe, and we’ve made room for these essential pieces of gym equipment in some absolutely tiny backpacking packing lists . 

1. Fit Simplify Loop Resistance Bands

Fit Simplify Loop Resistance Bands

  • Price ($) – 12
  • Packed dimensions (in.) – 6 x 3
  • Packed weight (lbs) – .1

Resistance bands are a versatile fitness equipment, especially when you’re packing light . They’re proof that no matter how minimalist you pack, there’s always space to bring your workout with you.

These light bands weigh less than a pair of underwear and bring a world of potential to anywhere on Earth where you can lay down a mat.

Resistance bands can help you stretch deeper and use your body weight against you, turning a simple Pilates routine into a sweat-inducing, challenging workout. While these won’t rip up your muscles like a set of dumbbells, the functional equipment has done wonders for my mobility, and resistance bands flys still leave me sore in the morning. 

There are thousands of hours of free workout content available on YouTube to show you how to make the most out of resistance bands.

If you’re heading outside the reach of the internet, spend a few weeks before your trip studying the basics and mapping out your routine, and you can keep your workouts going without missing a beat. You can always stay connected and on top of your workouts with these great travel Wi-Fi routers .

2. Manduka eKO Superlite Yoga Mat

Manduka eKO Superlite Yoga Mat

A 6 X 8 space and a yoga mat are all you need to improve your body. The only trouble is, yoga mats can be pretty unwieldy. They don’t fit easily in a suitcase, and many travel mats sacrifice your knees to save a few ounces. This Manduka option is the exception to the rule, offering excellent comfort and still weighing less than two pounds . 

While it is a super-lite mat, there is just no way to make yoga mats smaller. I usually just throw my Manduka mat into the water bottle pocket of my backpack and carry it onto the plane, and no flight attendant has ever batted an eye.

It doesn’t even count as a personal item, and the value of traveling with a yoga mat is well worth a few side eyes while I cram it into an overhead bin. 

Sure, you can always hope that your accommodation is the only hostel in all of South America that stocks fresh, clean yoga mats that don’t smell like other traveler’s sweat. Or you can bring your fortune with you and squeeze in a stretch in the bus terminal while you’re at it. It’ll feel weird, but no one cares.

3. Running Shoes

HOKA Clifton 9 Road-Running Shoes

  • Price ($) – Variable
  • Packed dimensions (in.) – Variable
  • Packed weight (lbs) – Variable

If you want to workout while traveling, a comfortable pair of travel shoes is not up for debate. Unfortunately, it’s common knowledge that the easiest way to pack light is to leave a few pairs of shoes behind. Unless you’re just rolling a suitcase from the airport to a taxi to your hotel and back again, you likely won’t have room for dedicated workout shoes.

Talk to many broke backpackers about travel shoes, and they’ll likely give you some version of this same advice! T he maximum pair of shoes you bring is 3 . Flip flops, shoes you can walk around a city and eat a nice dinner in, and one weather-resistant pair for intense hiking.   

Many hardened travelers will widdle that number down to two, either by skipping the snow hikes altogether, or deciding they don’t give a fuck, and they’re wearing hiking boots to dinner. I like to sneak my running shoes in as my everyday city pair by opting for a fashionable, rugged shoe.

My favorite recommendation for that is the Nike ACG line . This subset of shoes is usually water resistant , comfortable enough to hike in all day, and stylish enough for a night out in Budapest. I wouldn’t run a marathon in these heavier shoes, but they’ll help me sneak in a 5K on the beach. They’re stable enough for HIIT workouts. 

4. Trideer Stretching Strap

Trideer Stretching Strap

  • Price ($) – 11
  • Packed dimensions (in.) – 75 x 1
  • Packed weight (lbs) – .37

Stretching is a vital part of travel workouts. After a few long layovers and some bumpy bus rides, you might be able to get straight back onto the squat rack in your early twenties, but not forever. Sneaking in a stretch while traveling supports quicker adjustment to new time zones and builds strength.

These polyester stretching straps are more durable than the resistance bands we looked at earlier, but at the cost of some stretchability. They won’t work the same for strength-building exercises, but they will offer a more formidable hold . It’s perfect for taking your stretches deeper. 

Loop these straps around your arch and work towards greater hamstring, glute, and quad flexibility from anywhere. These bands won’t make her dance, but they will help you connect to your body in new ways, bridging the gap between your shoulder joints and helping to straighten things out.

5. TRX Fitness App

TRX Fitness App

  • Price ($) – 5.99 per month
  • Packed dimensions (in.) – NA
  • Packed weight (lbs) – NA

You can’t travel with a personal trainer, but you can travel with a personal training plan .

The TRX Fitness App is one of the best fitness apps for travelers . It provides access to the TRX training club, hundreds of hours of videos, and support to get the most out of your TRX. YouTube has some workouts, but they won’t take you nearly as far as these science-backed programs . 

The app features full-length classes from professional trainers and programs that help you build strength over weeks, months, and years. Unfortunately, the app is subscription-based because you can’t own anything these days, but that comes with its own perks. You can sign up when you hit the road and cancel when you’re back within range of LA Fitness.

Each suspension trainer purchase comes with a code for six free months of the app. If you time it right, you can use the app across your entire semester abroad without breaking out your credit card. Remember to download videos before take-off, so you can have on-demand workouts ready no matter where you are.

travelling gym training

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Now, for just $30, get a lifetime membership that entitles you to 10% OFF on most items, access to their trade-in scheme and discount rentals .

6. TRX Weighted Jump Rope

TRX Weighted Jump Rope

  • Price ($) – 19.99

Don’t let the term ‘weighted’ scare you off from this jump rope as a travel partner. Each handle of the rope only adds 9 ounces of weight. It’s one of the best travel workout equipment that feels like nothing in your pack but starts to add up after a few minutes of jumping. 

Weighted jump ropes, in addition to the obvious benefit of increased resistance, help your jump activate different muscles. With just half a pound in each handle, your arms might surrender to the jump before your legs. Each handle’s extra weight is removable to get your reps in with or without the extra oomph. 

The 10-foot cable can be adjusted to fit from armpit to armpit of any jumper. Partners can travel with one rope and find the perfect size adjustments for two workouts.

And it’s much more than a simple travel workout. I never leave the country without a solid jump rope, which also doubles as my makeshift laundry line or a keen strap for taxi roof racks. 

Renting workout equipment on-site can be a smarter choice sometimes, especially for larger and heavier gear. Let’s help you learn exactly what not to pack in your carry on !

7. Bala Bangles One Pound Weights

Bala Bangles One Pound Weights

  • Packed weight (lbs) – 2

Unfortunately, there is no way to pack dumbbells without adding serious weight to your luggage. A pound is a pound, no matter how round.

If you still want to add some extra oomph to your workouts, consider these Bala Bangles. It’s one-pound ankle and wrist weights that help you beef up body workouts without undue strain on luggage limits. 

You can even hook these bangles up to your ankles to put some extra work in on travel days. However, we can’t promise you the TSA isn’t going to have a few questions. The weight bands are pretty straightforward, coming in 1 and 2 lbs weights that hook up around your extremities.

It’s not something you can build a workout plan around, but rather use as support. One pound doesn’t sound like much, and it won’t put a significant strain on your packed weight. But strap these suckers on for a few sets of burpees and forward lunges, and you’ll really start to feel the heat. 

8. TRX Go Suspension Trainer

TRX Go Suspension Trainer

  • Price ($) – 199
  • Packed dimensions (in.) – 53 x 2

TRX has revolutionized travel workouts. As long as you can find a sturdy place to set them up, this system helps elevate bodyweight training and allows you to work your entire body anywhere on Earth. From minute back muscles to hip and pelvic stabilizers, there’s a TRX method to reach every muscle group. 

The driving force behind TRX is suspension training , which is the idea that the human body needs to move all over the place.

Many traditional training methods only focus on large muscle groups and heavy weights. They don’t really consider the stabilizing muscles, core strength, and joint strength necessary for truly functional movement. The TRX is here to address all that.

By performing normal, bodyweight exercises like pushups, rows, and shoulder presses lifted off the ground, your body will shimmy and shake before eventually locking into place. It’s a great way to work out, whether you’re traveling or not. But lucky for us, the whole system weighs less than a pound. 

9. Lululemon Workout Sliders

Lululemon Workout Sliders

  • Price ($) – 28
  • Packed diameter (in.) – 7

Who knew that two discs the size and weight of a pair of breast implants could change everything. These sliders help encourage functional movement by getting your core involved in everyday movements. It’s exactly the kind of thing you should take with you on your travels, with maximum effort at minimal packed weight. 

Deploy your sliders on carpet, wood, and linoleum, and move up and down the room without lifting your feet. There are all sorts of easy applications that help you change up a bodyweight workout. Slide instead of stepping back into the lunge position. Amp up your mountain climbers, and add movement to planks to help wake up your shoulders. 

The whole idea of the sliders is to get your body working better together. Instead of throwing your weight around, starting in your legs and arms, sliders force your core to activate each movement and build strength in your strike zone. The tools can look slightly gimmicky until you get on the floor and feel your glutes start to burn. 

10. Redify Adjustable Jump Rope

Redify Adjustable Jump Rope

  • Price ($) – 13

Jump ropes rank just under exercise bands in terms of travel-ready workout equipment. At a minimal cost and minimal additional weight, you can get your cardio in, pump up your calves, and improve your balance in 20 minutes or less.

Jump ropes are also incredibly simple workout tools, with plenty of great options well within any broke backpacker’s price range.

This Redify two-pack means you can order one for home and one for the road. You’ll be hopping and bouncing your way to a lower weight at the end of your trip no matter how many extra desserts you treat yourself to. Some exercise gurus say that 10 minutes of jump rope is equivalent to 30 minutes on a treadmill . So if you bounce around for half an hour, it’s like running a marathon!

Jump roping might seem like only a lower-body workout. That’s certainly the primary muscle group worked, bringing great strength and endurance to your ankles, calves, knees, and leg muscles. But you can’t overlook how in-tune every part of your body has to be to hit each jump in stride. This is a great exercise to improve your coordination and get your body in tune .  

11. Gaiam Travel Folding Yoga Mat

Gaaim Travel Folding Yoga Mat

  • Price ($) – 21
  • Packed dimensions (in.) – 68 x 24
  • Packed weight (lbs) – 1.8

Yoga mats are such an essential piece of travel equipment that we had to look at two options. A lot of hotels, hostels, and camping sites have extra space to work out, but not a lot of them are easy on your knees. Bringing a yoga mat helps you out with much more than a downward-facing dog. 

While a yoga mat isn’t a workout on its own, it’s quite literally the basis for every complete workout possible.

This Gaiam mat makes it happen by folding up and compacting better than most mats out there. You can easily squeeze this one on top of your carry-on backpack and it unfurls like a map to guide you toward better fitness. 

This mat is so thin that it can slide into the hydration bladder holder in most backpacking backpacks. It’s not like you had big plans for that storage space, anyway. Pack up this folding Gaiam traveler, and you’ll never be too far from a moment of recentering and rebuilding. 

travelling gym training

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A man doing calisthenics fitness training on a rock next to a small lake.

When you’re scraping together a few coins for a papi pollo, it might feel like you’re a world away from a proper exercise routine. You might not have access to a fancy gym or a spacious hotel room, but you’ve got something better! CREATIVITY and Lululemon workout sliders. 

Whether you’re on a Thai beach, wandering through the alleyways of Marrakech, or chilling in a dodgy hostel, there’s always a way to stay fit. Bodyweight exercises are your best friend – squats, pushups, and burpees don’t cost a dime, and you can do them anywhere.

The best travel workout equipment we’ve looked at is all geared towards enhancing those body workouts. And not because adding on two one-pound weights will magically turn a squat into a superset. We’re not fake gurus trying to sell you a dream.

The real benefit of traveling with workout equipment is to help break the monotony of normal bodyweight exercises . Light, portable, and inexpensive fitness gear is your ticket to maintaining your gains without breaking the bank.

Staying active while traveling on a shoestring budget might not sound glamorous. However, it’s the kind of adventure that leaves you feeling like a warrior. It’s all about embracing the grind, and there’s a certain satisfaction in not giving in to the travel slump. Sure, it’s not always comfortable or convenient, but neither is sleeping on an overnight bus. 

And the best part? Keeping up with your workout routine abroad is like a stealthy act of rebellion. You’re showing that you can live large on a tight budget while still prioritizing your well-being. It’s a big middle finger to the idea that staying fit is all about fancy gyms and pricey protein shakes. It turns a six-month sabbatical into another way of life. 

In the end, travel fitness is about flexing your imagination, not your wallet. So, grab your budget-friendly gear, adapt to your surroundings, and make space for your workout, no matter where you are. 

Now, if you’re gearing up for an awesome trip, check out the Broke Backpacker’s ultimate travel resources . They’ll help you squeeze every drop of fun out of your adventure! Cheers :))

A man pushing rocks upward in an open rural space

And for transparency’s sake, please know that some of the links in our content are affiliate links . That means that if you book your accommodation, buy your gear, or sort your insurance through our link, we earn a small commission (at no extra cost to you). That said, we only link to the gear we trust and never recommend services we don’t believe are up to scratch. Again, thank you!

Aiden Freeborn

Aiden Freeborn

The BEST Travel Workout Equipment – Travel Fitness Gear Pinterest Image

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This Test Might Be the Best Way to Track Fitness and Longevity

VO2 max has become ubiquitous in fitness circles. But what does it measure and how important is it to know yours?

photo illustration of various collaged elements; they include a person using a VO2 max machine, an arm wearing a smart watch, an EKG and heart rate chart, and some engravings of a heart and lungs

By Talya Minsberg

Talya Minsberg took a VO2 max test while reporting this story. She is already eager to see if it changes after she completes a marathon training cycle.

Fitness is full of numbers meant to help you become faster and stronger. There’s your mile run time, your resting heart rate and measures of strength and flexibility. But perhaps the gold standard is VO2 max.

A handful of years ago, the test — which tracks how much oxygen your body absorbs — was an obscure tool mainly used by elite athletes. Today, it’s touted by fitness professionals and wellness experts like Peter Attia as being a useful measure for all exercisers.

But getting an accurate number requires an expensive and exhausting lab evaluation. And estimates provided by wearable devices might not tell you much. So how useful is it to invest time and money in the full work-up , and how important is knowing your VO2 max?

For everyday people who want to be healthy and live a long time, the measurement is “the best piece of empirical information we have on health and longevity,” said Kate Baird, a clinical exercise physiologist and the coordinator of running and metabolic services at Hospital for Special Surgery in New York.

The key, she said, is acting on what the data tells you.

What is VO2 Max?

“VO2 max” is a two-digit number that expresses how effectively your body metabolizes oxygen. The measurement itself is the milliliters of oxygen consumed in a minute per kilogram of body weight.

As you exercise, your body needs ever more oxygen. The more you can efficiently consume, the more energy your muscles will have, increasing the time and intensity you can exercise. Generally speaking, someone with a higher VO2 max will be able to sustain a run or an aerobic activity at a given pace longer than someone with a lower VO2 max.

The test has participants exercise to exhaustion to measure that threshold, essentially measuring the size of someone’s internal aerobic engine.

Most VO2 max tests are conducted with a medical professional in a lab, with a specialized mask that measures the amounts of oxygen and carbon dioxide that are inhaled and exhaled. Participants then work out with the goal of reaching maximal aerobic capacity, or the point of complete exhaustion.

The same score might be considered high for one person and low for another, depending on their genetics, sex, age and body composition.

The test is difficult, which can be a turnoff for those who don’t want to push to their limits, and it costs a few hundred dollars, which is generally not covered by insurance.

What does it tell you about longevity and performance?

Studies have shown that a higher score is a strong predictor of longer life span .

Your VO2 max can decline by about 10 percent per decade starting at around 25 , but it is possible to increase or maintain it with activity. A 2021 study of 2,000 middle-aged men and women found that small amounts of activity could improve VO2 max. The more effort you put in, the higher the benefit; moderate to vigorous physical activity increased that number even more dramatically.

Testing your VO2 max annually can show you whether you are slowing that decline, Ms. Baird said. For serious athletes, proper rest and sustenance are also key for maintaining or improving your score. Measuring VO2 max before and after a few months of focused training can reveal if you are working out too hard or if you are fueling properly during your workouts, among other things, according to Luke Greenberg, a physical therapist and co-founder of MotivNY, a physical therapy and training studio.

What about VO2 max on wearables?

Not everyone can afford to spend their time and a few hundred dollars on a lab-based test. As a result, dozens of wearables have recently entered the market claiming to measure VO2 max with algorithms that use heart rate and GPS data to extrapolate the value.

Some worry that those estimates may not be accurate , but it’s difficult to assess their accuracy because the algorithms are not published, according to Dimitris Spathis, a researcher at the University of Cambridge.

In 2022, Dr. Spathis coauthored a study in which researchers developed a model to better predict VO2 max using data from 11,000 participants. He’s hopeful that most athletes will someday be able rely on wearables instead of paying for tests.

If you don’t have the time or interest to take a lab test or use a wearable device, Ms. Baird advises finding other ways of setting goals to increase your fitness. There’s a good chance that a VO2 max test would tell you information that you already know.

“The best predictor of performance is your performance,” she said. If you enjoy running, set a time or distance goal. If you are more sedentary and aiming to exercise more, start moving in a way that feels tolerable and safe, starting with a walk of as little as 10 to 15 minutes.

And above all, be patient.

“Every single person is going to respond differently to training based on their genes and other lifestyle factors,” Ms. Baird said. “It can take years to move your body in the direction you want to go.”

Talya Minsberg is a reporter covering fitness and wellness for The Times. More about Talya Minsberg

Let Us Help You Pick Your Next Workout

Looking for a new way to get moving we have plenty of options..

VO2 max has become ubiquitous in fitness circles. But what does it measure  and how important is it to know yours?

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Physical activity improves cognitive and mental health in all sorts of ways. Here’s why, and how to reap the benefits .

To develop a sustainable exercise habit, experts say it helps to tie your workout to something or someone .

Does it really matter how many steps you take each day? The quality of the steps you take might be just as important as the amount .

Is your workout really working for you? Take our quiz to find out .

Pick the Right Equipment With Wirecutter’s Recommendations

Want to build a home gym? These five things can help you transform your space  into a fitness center.

Transform your upper-body workouts with a simple pull-up bar  and an adjustable dumbbell set .

Choosing the best  running shoes  and running gear can be tricky. These tips  make the process easier.

A comfortable sports bra can improve your overall workout experience. These are the best on the market .

Few things are more annoying than ill-fitting, hard-to-use headphones. Here are the best ones for the gym  and for runners .


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How improving his fitness and a new training system helped Scottie Scheffler become world’s best player

Scottie Scheffler sits as world No. 1 in the Official World Golf Ranking. (David Cannon/Getty Images)

Scottie Scheffler sits as world No. 1 in the Official World Golf Ranking. (David Cannon/Getty Images)

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Scottie Scheffler’s incredible success over the past two seasons has been fueled by record-setting ball-striking. It’s led many to wonder what his secret is and how he’s been able to put up numbers that haven’t been seen since Tiger Woods.

Scheffler’s combination of power and accuracy explains his unmatched success since 2022. He owns eight PGA TOUR titles, including the 2022 Masters and the past two PLAYERS Championships. The 27-year-old arrives at Augusta National this week as the unquestioned favorite after back-to-back wins at the Arnold Palmer Invitational presented by Mastercard and THE PLAYERS, and a runner-up finish at the Texas Children’s Houston Open.

“Right now, he’s doing juuust fine,” said Randy Smith, Scheffler’s long-time swing coach. “... It’s really easy right now to not teach and it’s been that way, honestly, for about a year and a half.”

Scheffler led the PGA TOUR in Greens in Regulation in 2022 and 2023 and is atop that statistic again this season. This season he also leads the PGA TOUR in Strokes Gained: Approach-the-Green and Tee-to-Green after finishing first in those metrics in 2023, as well.

While Scheffler has made it look easy, there’s always a large amount of work behind the scenes that goes into such success. Scheffler is no exception. His work in the gym was key to unlocking his very best.

Getting back on track

Despite having worked with Dallas-based chiropractor and performance coach Dr. Troy Van Biezen since he was 14, like many golfers, Scheffler was more reactive in his training rather than proactive. That changed during his sophomore season at the University of Texas, when back pain forced him to withdraw from multiple tournaments.

“I think that was a wakeup call for Scottie that if you want to be a good golfer and you want to play pain-free, it’s time to start taking golf seriously and start doing a lot of things off the golf course,” Van Biezen said. “That’s kind of where it clicked. Ever since then, he’s been a beast in the gym.”

(Courtesy GolfForever)

(Courtesy GolfForever)

Woods, of course, was an influence. He brought an unprecedented focus on physical fitness to the PGA TOUR. It was crucial to his success and inspired many to follow his example. For Scheffler, his fitness regimen not only helps prevents further injury but also improves his flexibility, mobility, strength and endurance.

He and Van Biezen would do metabolic training, hypertrophy and strength training, and cardiovascular exercises like speedball work, skiers, rowers and Wattbike. The increased endurance paid dividends, especially in those crucial moments late on Sunday afternoons.

“We’ve just gotten to a point where I’ve been able to get rid of a lot of the aches and pains I used to deal with when I was in college,” Scheffler said, “and I’ve gotten to a place where my body I feel like is really healthy, and so we’ve been able to build some muscle and endurance from there. But it was a long journey to get to a point where I was in balance for a long enough period of time where we could actually start building a little bit of muscle.”

How GolfForever became part of Scheffler's routine

Looking to gain a further edge on the competition, Scheffler and Van Biezen also began utilizing GolfForever and its popular tool, the Swing Trainer, during off-weeks in 2021, leveraging the training regimen on TOUR for the first time ahead of the 2022 Farmers Insurance Open.

After finishing T20 at Torrey Pines, Scheffler liked how he swung the club that week, so GolfForever became part of his routine moving forward. He earned his first PGA TOUR victory weeks later at the WM Phoenix Open, starting an incredible stretch where he won four times in six starts, including the Masters, and reached No. 1 in the Official World Golf Ranking. Scheffler believes so heavily in the benefits of GolfForever that he is now an investor in the company.

How a new training system helped Scottie Scheffler become World No. 1

“Between the app and tools like the Swing Trainer, GolfForever is a great training system," said Van Biezen, who also serves as GolfForever’s Director of Performance. "It’s high reward, low risk, which is important because it has great benefits with a low risk of injury. It can deliver tough workouts if you’re someone like Scottie, but it’s personalized with some easy-to-do things that are perfect for golfers who don’t move well or are in pain. It’s a lot of core, a lot of glute, just a lot of stability stuff, integrated functional stuff.

“It’s challenging the body physically but also neurologically as well. It’s been good. I can’t say enough. It’s been a really cool thing for us.”

Stable Scheffler reaps benefits

Scheffler’s increased stability and mobility makes it easier for him to reach the desired positions in his swing. There are fewer manipulations or compensations. In fact, Smith declared “we’re working on nothing” ahead of the Texas Children’s Open. Scheffler was a putt shy of forcing a potential playoff in his quest for his third-straight PGA TOUR victory this season.

“I’ve got three things, maybe four, every time I check when I watch him hit balls,” said Smith, who started working with Scheffler when he was about 8. “I can’t think of too many times where I’ve even brought them up. … He does it automatically and goes back to doing exactly what he should be doing.

“Even if he’s off a little bit, his hands are so good. Best hands I’ve seen on a player in my life, bar none. They’re so good that they can correct any flaw he puts into the golf swing.”

(Courtesy GolfForever)

Scheffler’s meticulous hard work is paying off with his training in the gym, as well.

“This offseason we didn’t really do a huge focus on anything, we just maintained what we built over the last few years,” Van Biezen said. “A little bit was more or less letting him decompress because it’s been a crazy few years with him on the PGA TOUR.”

Scheffler’s hard work in the gym helped him reach the pinnacle of golf. And stay there.


Vikings continuing dialogue with justin jefferson despite workout absence, share this article.

Minnesota Vikings star wide receiver Justin Jefferson is entering his fifth season in the NFL and has quickly established himself as one of the top receivers in the league. With that stellar performance comes the desire for a new contract, and with that comes the inevitable contract dispute.

That’s where the team and the talented receiver find themselves now, with Jefferson wanting a new contract but with no agreement having been reached yet — which means Jefferson has taken the ‘ skip voluntary workouts ‘ approach to contract negotiations.

The move, however, seems to be little more than a hiccup to head coach Kevin O’Connell, as he stated Monday that he’s “had a lot of great dialogue with Justin” and that they “hope we can get him around the team”.

#Vikings WR Justin Jefferson isn't at voluntary offseason workouts, but head coach Kevin O'Connell continues to have dialogue with the star wide receiver. #SKOL pic.twitter.com/gUZDaytYZT — SKOR North – Minnesota Sports (@SKORNorth) April 15, 2024

Jefferson has certainly earned the right to advocate for a new contract with his play with the Vikings over the past four seasons. He’s been one of the most productive wide receivers in NFL history through his first four seasons . Perhaps most impressive in the growing laundry list of achievements is what Jefferson accomplished last season.

Despite missing seven games throughout the season and dealing with all the turmoil at quarterback, Jefferson still managed to top 100 yards receiving in five games and put up a 1,000-yard season.

With production like that, it’s clear that Jefferson is an integral part of the Vikings offense, and he has more than earned the right to be paid like one of the top players at his position. It’s also clear that Jefferson is going to produce regardless of his surroundings, and has earned the right to skip out on voluntary workouts. The Vikings brass seems unconcerned about his absence, and fans shouldn’t be, either.

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10 Comfy Athleisure Sets From Amazon That Double As the Perfect Spring Travel Outfits — Starting at $19

Wear them to the gym, airport, and beyond.

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Travel + Leisure / Reese Herrington

As someone who is always on the move, a versatile wardrobe is key for seamless travel. I need garments that can be worn in a variety of different ways and environments, providing functionality beyond just having a pair of pants that I just wear to the gym. That’s precisely why I love matching two-piece sets so much — particularly athleisure sets. I don't want my workout attire to be limited to just performance; I need it to provide support and comfort throughout my entire day, and, of course, have the style points to make it look like intentional, well-thought-out outfits. 

Unbeknownst to most, Amazon is bursting with comfortable and affordable athleisure matching sets that are perfectly suited for busy individuals like you and me. I’ve taken the liberty to curate a list of my 10 favorite ones for travel, going to the gym, taking in the sights of a new city, and virtually anything else. Complete with a five-piece athletic set that’s just $45 and possibly the loungewear set of my dreams , these picks are easy to style and serve as hassle-free, one-and-done outfit options. What's even more exciting is that they're all under $50, so keep reading to stock up on these stellar travel outfits ahead of your next trip. 

Darong Women’s Lounge Two-piece Set

Although this lounge set may have just hit Amazon's virtual shelves , it's already received high praise from shoppers for its “soft and buttery” feel and “comfortable and stretchy" fit. I’m a comfort queen, so as you can imagine, I placed an order for one as soon as I saw it drop. I can’t wait to wear it for all of my low-impact workouts (think: Pilates and walking) and to the airport. Plus, each of the pieces in this set are super versatile, which means that you can wear the T-shirt with your favorite bottoms and the super-soft pants to bed, for running errands, and beyond. 

July’s Song Women’s Five-piece Athletic Set

There are plenty of excellent, top-rated choices in this round-up, but few are as good of a deal as this athletic set that comes with a sports bra, T-shirt, hoodie, leggings, and a pair of spandex shorts for a mere $45 (thanks to an on-site coupon that you need to clip before checkout). It's functional, comfortable, and grants you countless mixing-and-matching capabilities. Wear the hoodie and the leggings on the trails or the shorts and T-shirt to the hotel pool — with this set, the world is yours. 

Zesica Women’s Two-piece Lounge Set

The best athleisure sets are made with materials that move with you, not against you, and this duo has exactly that with its soft and flexible polyester-spandex blend. Beyond the gym, the simple jogger pants and cropped sweater combination lends itself well to an array of environments. Available in 19 different colors, there’s a shade (or two) for everyone, but if I were you, I’d go ahead and choose one sooner than later because it's on sale for just $35 this weekend. 

Glamaker Women’s Oversized Bike Shorts T-shirt Set

Considering how many pairs of spandex shorts that I have in my closet, I may as well be the president of the bike short fan club. They’re longer and more compressive than my running shorts, which means that I feel comfortable wearing them out in public, yet still short enough to keep me from overheating compared to a full-length pair of leggings. If you don’t already have a pair in your collection, consider shopping for this set that comes with a pair of bike shorts (that go just above your knee) and a breathable T-shirt that can be worn with or without them. It's the do-it-all athleisure set that doubles as a cute outfit for a laidback travel day. 

ToBeInStyle Women’s Velour Tracksuit 

Between its luxurious velvet feel and style that's reminiscent of the early 2000s, this velour tracksuit may just be the travel outfit of my dreams. Aside from its very obvious aesthetically pleasing look, it's “ great for traveling ," according to shoppers — especially "on planes [because the] fabric is not too heavy yet comfortable and functional.” And as an extra treat, it’ll only set you back $36. 

Coofandy Men’s Sweatsuit 

Amazon also has plenty of two-piece travel outfits for men as well, starting with this on-sale duo from Coofandy. Complete with a cozy zip-up hoodie and a pair of extra-soft sweatpants, it's the exact type of outfit that you want in your wardrobe if you prioritize comfort as much as I do. It's also made with a lightweight, breathable material, so although it’ll keep you warm, you can easily add or remove layers depending on the temperature of your destination or the plane cabin thermostat. 

Uni Clau Men’s Short Tracksuit

If you have your eyes set on something that can accommodate the warm weather a bit more, then this short-sleeve and shorts set is for you. It's made with a cotton-spandex-polyester blend that’s equally excellent for gym sessions, long travel days, and outdoor adventures. I also audibly laughed when I read this review appreciating that its matching look is “easy to wear, coordinated for those clothing challenged, and great for travel.”

Pinksavior Women’s Workout Set

When I read that one shopper urged other customers to “run to buy this” matching workout set, I knew that I had found a winner. That same reviewer went on to gush over its comfortable and stretchy yet secure fit, adding that they’re already planning on buying it in a few more colors. So, follow their lead and add a set (or two) to your cart especially while it's on sale for $27. 

Lingswallow Two-piece Shorts Lounge Set

If you really want to stretch your wardrobe, then you should add this matching shorts and tank set to your cart while it's $27 thanks to an on-site coupon). Hear me out, everyone needs a go-to pair of shorts for lounging around the house or outside in the summertime, and a racerback tank is a capsule wardrobe must that can be layered or worn as is.

Nova Active Women’s Athletic Set

One of my favorite, go-to travel outfits is a pair of comfy leggings, a well-fitted sports bra, and a relaxed hoodie. This particular set includes a majority of my airport outfit staples, and according to shoppers, it surpasses even pricier activewear options in terms of performance and comfort. Available in eight different colors — ranging from eye-catching green to neutral nudes —  you really can’t beat this deal. 

Love a great deal? Sign up for our T+L Recommends newsletter and we’ll send you our favorite travel products each week.

Trains Moscow to Elektrostal: Times, Prices and Tickets

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Moscow to Elektrostal by train

The journey from Moscow to Elektrostal by train is 32.44 mi and takes 2 hr 7 min. There are 71 connections per day, with the first departure at 12:15 AM and the last at 11:46 PM. It is possible to travel from Moscow to Elektrostal by train for as little as or as much as . The best price for this journey is .

Get from Moscow to Elektrostal with Virail

Virail's search tool will provide you with the options you need when you want to go from Moscow to Elektrostal. All you need to do is enter the dates of your planned journey, and let us take care of everything else. Our engine does the hard work, searching through thousands of routes offered by our trusted travel partners to show you options for traveling by train, bus, plane, or carpool. You can filter the results to suit your needs. There are a number of filtering options, including price, one-way or round trip, departure or arrival time, duration of journey, or number of connections. Soon you'll find the best choice for your journey. When you're ready, Virail will transfer you to the provider's website to complete the booking. No matter where you're going, get there with Virail.

How can I find the cheapest train tickets to get from Moscow to Elektrostal?

Prices will vary when you travel from Moscow to Elektrostal. On average, though, you'll pay about for a train ticket. You can find train tickets for prices as low as , but it may require some flexibility with your travel plans. If you're looking for a low price, you may need to prepare to spend more time in transit. You can also often find cheaper train tickets at particular times of day, or on certain days of the week. Of course, ticket prices often change during the year, too; expect to pay more in peak season. For the lowest prices, it's usually best to make your reservation in advance. Be careful, though, as many providers do not offer refunds or exchanges on their cheapest train tickets. Unfortunately, no price was found for your trip from Moscow to Elektrostal. Selecting a new departure or arrival city, without dramatically changing your itinerary could help you find price results. Prices will vary when you travel from Moscow to Elektrostal. On average, though, you'll pay about for a train ticket. If you're looking for a low price, you may need to prepare to spend more time in transit. You can also often find cheaper train tickets at particular times of day, or on certain days of the week. Of course, ticket prices often change during the year, too; expect to pay more in peak season. For the lowest prices, it's usually best to make your reservation in advance. Be careful, though, as many providers do not offer refunds or exchanges on their cheapest train tickets.

How long does it take to get from Moscow to Elektrostal by train?

The journey between Moscow and Elektrostal by train is approximately 32.44 mi. It will take you more or less 2 hr 7 min to complete this journey. This average figure does not take into account any delays that might arise on your route in exceptional circumstances. If you are planning to make a connection or operating on a tight schedule, give yourself plenty of time. The distance between Moscow and Elektrostal is around 32.44 mi. Depending on the exact route and provider you travel with, your journey time can vary. On average, this journey will take approximately 2 hr 7 min. However, the fastest routes between Moscow and Elektrostal take 1 hr 3 min. If a fast journey is a priority for you when traveling, look out for express services that may get you there faster. Some flexibility may be necessary when booking. Often, these services only leave at particular times of day - or even on certain days of the week. You may also find a faster journey by taking an indirect route and connecting in another station along the way.

How many journeys from Moscow to Elektrostal are there every day?

On average, there are 71 daily departures from Moscow to Elektrostal. However, there may be more or less on different days. Providers' timetables can change on certain days of the week or public holidays, and many also vary at particular times of year. Some providers change their schedules during the summer season, for example. At very busy times, there may be up to departures each day. The providers that travel along this route include , and each operates according to their own specific schedules. As a traveler, you may prefer a direct journey, or you may not mind making changes and connections. If you have heavy suitcases, a direct journey could be best; otherwise, you might be able to save money and enjoy more flexibility by making a change along the way. Every day, there are an average of 18 departures from Moscow which travel directly to Elektrostal. There are 53 journeys with one change or more. Unfortunately, no connection was found for your trip from Moscow to Elektrostal. Selecting a new departure or arrival city, without dramatically changing your itinerary could help you find connections.

Book in advance and save

If you're looking for the best deal for your trip from Moscow to Elektrostal, booking train tickets in advance is a great way to save money, but keep in mind that advance tickets are usually not available until 3 months before your travel date.

Stay flexible with your travel time and explore off-peak journeys

Planning your trips around off-peak travel times not only means that you'll be able to avoid the crowds, but can also end up saving you money. Being flexible with your schedule and considering alternative routes or times will significantly impact the amount of money you spend on getting from Moscow to Elektrostal.

Always check special offers

Checking on the latest deals can help save a lot of money, making it worth taking the time to browse and compare prices. So make sure you get the best deal on your ticket and take advantage of special fares for children, youth and seniors as well as discounts for groups.

Unlock the potential of slower trains or connecting trains

If you're planning a trip with some flexible time, why not opt for the scenic route? Taking slower trains or connecting trains that make more stops may save you money on your ticket – definitely worth considering if it fits in your schedule.

Best time to book cheap train tickets from Moscow to Elektrostal

The cheapest Moscow - Elektrostal train tickets can be found for as low as $35.01 if you’re lucky, or $54.00 on average. The most expensive ticket can cost as much as $77.49.

Find the best day to travel to Elektrostal by train

When travelling to Elektrostal by train, if you want to avoid crowds you can check how frequently our customers are travelling in the next 30-days using the graph below. On average, the peak hours to travel are between 6:30am and 9am in the morning, or between 4pm and 7pm in the evening. Please keep this in mind when travelling to your point of departure as you may need some extra time to arrive, particularly in big cities!

Moscow to Elektrostal CO2 Emissions by Train


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Nike Legend Essential 3 Next Nature

Men's workout shoes.

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Nike Legend Essential 3 Next Nature Men's Workout Shoes

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This product is made with at least 20% recycled content by weight

Meet the trainer versatile enough to withstand the rigors of a fast-paced group class or a heavy day in the weight room. Equipped with a flat heel, high-abrasion materials and a flexible sole, it provides comfort and support that's ready to hit the gym. See the specks on the outsole? That means it's constructed with at least 8% Nike Grind material, made from scraps from the footwear manufacturing process.

  • Shown: Platinum Tint/White/Black/Court Blue
  • Style: DM1120-013

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  • Fits small; we recommend ordering a half size up

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How this was made.

  • This product was responsibly designed utilizing recycled materials from post-consumer and/or post-manufactured waste. One of our biggest steps on our journey to zero carbon and zero waste is in choosing our materials because they account for more than 70% of any product’s footprint. By reusing existing plastics, yarns, and textiles, we significantly reduce our emissions. Our goal is to use as much recycled materials as possible without compromising on performance, durability and style.
  • Learn more about our Move to Zero journey towards zero carbon and zero waste, including how we're working to design product with sustainability in mind and help protect the future of where we live and play.

Reviews (47)

Write a Review

Recommend for any HIIT style workout

JustinK629005200 - Mar 10, 2024

Good fit, very bouncy, upper material is light and breathable. Extremely comfy.

Too big, but felt very comfy

blakewake - Feb 28, 2024

I bought a 1/2 size bigger than I needed based on the reviews. The shoes were too big so I returned them to the store. They felt great and I wanted them to work, but they were just too big. My recommendation is to order your correct size with Nike. ...

Good for the price but still not worth it

gerardos451903723 - Feb 19, 2024

Shoes felt cheaply made was way below the ankle for a normal shoe fit didn’t like them

More Reviews

Complete the Look

Explore the Nike Legend Essential 3 Next Nature Men's Training Shoes

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Stability for Sets

The overall design helps brace your heel on top of a flat sole for stability during lifting and squats. Stacked midfoot foam adds sturdiness, so you can squeeze out another rep.

travelling gym training

Grip and Go

Grooves under the toes keep it flexible enough for agility drills. Grippy traction keeps you moving on all types of gym surfaces.

travelling gym training

Built Tough

High-abrasion honeycomb mesh and durable overlays on the back and sides give it grit to keep you going.


More Benefits

  • Plush collar helps you slip in and out of the shoes easier.
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Jan 14, 2024; Arlington, Texas, USA; Dallas Cowboys wide receiver CeeDee Lamb (88) before the 2024 wildcard round.

© Kevin Jairaj-USA TODAY Sports

CeeDee Lamb Skips Dallas Cowboys' Voluntary Workout In Contract Fight

Dallas Cowboys star receiver CeeDee Lamb reportedly won't participate in voluntary offseason workouts.

  • Author: Daniel Flick

In this story:

The Dallas Cowboys started their voluntary offseason workout program Monday - but without one of their star players.

Cowboys' All-Pro receiver CeeDee Lamb , who's been the subject of contract controversy, won't be participating in the workouts, according to the Fort Worth Star Telegram .

Lamb's absence comes three days after the Dallas Morning News reported the Cowboys haven't made any strides on negotiations for a new contract.

"CeeDee Lamb’s agent haven’t had any substantial talks about a new contract with the Cowboys, a person with knowledge of the situation said," the report stated .

The 25-year-old Lamb is set to play the 2024 season on a one-year, $17.199 million fully guaranteed contract that arose after Dallas picked up his fifth-year option last spring.

Lamb enjoyed one of the most productive years by a receiver in Cowboys history last season, posting a league-leading 135 catches for 1,749 yards and 12 touchdowns.

Cowboys owner Jerry Jones, speaking at the annual owners meetings in late March, didn't commit to a long-term future for Lamb in Dallas.

"He's out there, and he's more valuable than anybody else," Jones said of Lamb’s expiring contract. "But that valuable, to have to give up four or five players to have him, you have to get that reconciled. That's what I'm trying to say. It's a lot quicker and easier said than done."

But that value won't be seen on the practice fields or inside 'The Star' anytime soon.

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  1. 5 Travel Workouts to Keep You Fit On the Go

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  3. Stay in Shape While Traveling (5 Workouts)

    Here's how Nerd Fitness can help you get in shape while you travel: #1) Our 1-on-1 Online Coaching Program: a coaching program for busy people to help them make better food choices, stay accountable, and get healthier, permanently. Lots of our clients travel full-time, and their coach is one of the few constants they have every day.

  4. 7 Fun, Fast, & Effective Travel Workouts • Nomads With A Purpose

    Advanced Functional Conditioning Travel Workout. This is a great total body workout that can be applied to improve strength, size, or leanness depending on the rep range you choose, except for the triple threat which we recommend doing 15 reps of in each direction, and the jackknife you should do for max reps.

  5. Bodyweight Travel Workout: Easily Stay in Shape While Traveling

    This makes them an accessible alternative for travellers because you can perform good workouts without relying on gym access. You can get your workout in at a park, the beach, or right in your hotel room. Preparing for Your Bodyweight Travel Workout. Here are some things you can do to lay the groundwork for a bodyweight travel workout:

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  8. How to fit in exercise while travelling

    10 Glute Bridge - To increase difficulty position shoulders on edge of the bed and perform Hip Thrusts with feet on the floor. 20 Single Leg Bridge/Thrust (10 on each side) 10 V Ups. 20 Russian Twists. Topics. These are tips and tricks to fitting in exercise while travelling, plus an easy workout routine.

  9. Elevate Your Fitness: The Ultimate Airplane Travel Workout Guide ️‍♀️

    In addition to exercise, maintaining your overall health and comfort during air travel is crucial. Here are some tips to help you enjoy a pleasant flight: Stay hydrated by drinking water regularly. Avoid alcohol and caffeine, which can dehydrate you and disrupt sleep. Bring a travel pillow and eye mask for better rest.

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  11. 10 No-Equipment Bodyweight Travel Workouts

    This is one of Josh Bridges' go-to travel workouts. 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 repetitions for time: Handstand Push-Ups. ... Chris Castellano is a travel fitness specialist and the author of Fit For Travel. He has been featured on The Points Guy, Blacklane, and PolicyGenius, and is a U.S. Army veteran and a firefighter in NYC. ...

  12. My Bodyweight Travel Workout (No Equipment? No Problem)

    A complete workout consists of three full sets separated by 3-4 minute breaks. The number of reps can be raised once you comfortably complete three full sets with proper form. Push-Ups - 12 reps. Planks - 45 seconds center plank, 45 seconds side planks per side. Bird Dog Crunches - 50 reps (25 on each side)

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    Another option to get a workout in while traveling is to check out the community center or local park district website, and all of their social media channels. Depending on your destination, there ...

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    20 seconds 3-Way Squat Jumps. 20 seconds Push Up with Toe Touch. 20 seconds Forearm Bird Dogs. 20 seconds Rest/Active Rest. Stay on track and keep moving even when you travel with these 10 Bodyweight Travel Exercises and Quick Travel Workout! This site uses Akismet to reduce spam.

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    4. Sliders. Exercise sliders are a highly underrated piece of travel workout equipment. Consisting of a pair of flat, round discs, they are designed to slide on a surface that you're exercising on. They're inexpensive, compact and lightweight, making them a no-brainer when it comes to travel and exercise.

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    Verilux HappyLight Bright White Light. Amazon. "My No. 1 tip for staying fit while traveling is to hit the ground running with a quick morning workout followed by a nutrient-dense breakfast ...

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    These bands won't make her dance, but they will help you connect to your body in new ways, bridging the gap between your shoulder joints and helping to straighten things out. Check on Amazon. 5. TRX Fitness App. Specs. Price ($) - 5.99 per month. Packed dimensions (in.) - NA.

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    How to Turn a Bike Ride Into a Bike Workout. Cycling isn't just fun. It can also deliver big fitness gains with the right gear and strategy. 10. Biking is a great way to get outside, but it's ...

  22. What Is VO2 Max?

    The measurement itself is the milliliters of oxygen consumed in a minute per kilogram of body weight. As you exercise, your body needs ever more oxygen. The more you can efficiently consume, the ...

  23. Edgar Tomeyan

    Nov 2018 - Apr 2019: Ruby on Rails Intensive Course (goodprogrammer.ru) Sept 2018 - Nov 2018: Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python (MITx)

  24. How improving his fitness and a new training system helped Scottie

    Despite having worked with Dallas-based chiropractor and performance coach Dr. Troy Van Biezen since he was 14, like many golfers, Scheffler was more reactive in his training rather than proactive.

  25. Vikings continue talks with Justin Jefferson despite workout absence

    Vikings continuing dialogue with Justin Jefferson despite workout absence. The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported. Minnesota Vikings star wide receiver Justin Jefferson is entering his fifth season in the NFL and has quickly established himself as one of the top ...

  26. 10 Best Spring Athleisure 2-piece Sets at Amazon

    Zesica Women's Two-piece Lounge Set. Amazon. Buy on Amazon $64 $35. The best athleisure sets are made with materials that move with you, not against you, and this duo has exactly that with its ...

  27. Trains Moscow to Elektrostal: Times, Prices and Tickets

    The journey from Moscow to Elektrostal by train is 32.44 mi and takes 2 hr 7 min. There are 71 connections per day, with the first departure at 12:15 AM and the last at 11:46 PM. It is possible to travel from Moscow to Elektrostal by train for as little as or as much as . The best price for this journey is . Journey Duration.

  28. Nike Legend Essential 3 Next Nature Men's Workout Shoes. Nike.com

    Meet the trainer versatile enough to withstand the rigors of a fast-paced group class or a heavy day in the weight room. Equipped with a flat heel, high-abrasion materials and a flexible sole, it provides comfort and support that's ready to hit the gym.

  29. CeeDee Lamb Skips Dallas Cowboys' Voluntary Workout In Contract Fight

    The 25-year-old Lamb is set to play the 2024 season on a one-year, $17.199 million fully guaranteed contract that arose after Dallas picked up his fifth-year option last spring. Lamb enjoyed one ...

  30. Remix: 2024 offseason workout program

    The Green Bay Packers returned to Lambeau Field on Monday to commence their 2024 offseason workout program. These are the sights and sounds. The Green Bay Packers defeated the defending Super Bowl ...