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T.E.C. Travel King 11 Tests

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Varianten von Travel King

Travel King

9 Varianten

Travel King 520 LD

Travel King 520 LD

Travel King 510 TE

Travel King 510 TE

Travel King 540 GK

Travel King 540 GK

Travel King 430 TE

Travel King (2008)

Travel King (2008)

Travel King 490 DB

Travel King 510 TDF

Travel King 510 TDF

Travel King 510 TKM

Travel King 510 TKM

Travel King 730 RDK

Travel King 730 RDK

T.E.C. Travel King im Test der Fachmagazine

  • Erschienen: 11.01.2013  | Ausgabe: 2/2013
  • Details zum Test

ohne Endnote

Preis/Leistung: 4 von 5 Punkten

4 Produkte im Test Getestet wurde: Travel King 520 LD

„TEC tut etwas für Individualisten. Der 520 LD ist sicher nicht massentauglich, aber der Camper, den dieser Grundriss anspricht, dürfte davon begeistert sein. Zumal die neuen Ideen mit viel Geschmack, Sachverstand und Qualitätsbewusstsein umgesetzt wurden. Kleinere Unebenheiten in der Konzeption sollte man noch ausbügeln.“

  • Erschienen: 09.11.2012  | Ausgabe: 12/2012

Getestet wurde: Travel King 510 TE

„Die Möblierung im Travel King präsentiert sich im zeitgemäßen Design, dessen Kombination aus warmen Holztönen und hellen Fronten auf Anhieb gefällt. So entsteht neben dem modernen Wohnambiente zudem ein großzügiges Raumgefühl. ... Außen punktet der 510 TE mit serienmäßigem GFK an Bug, Heck und Dach, sowie fahrsicherem Alko-Chassis mit Schräglenkerachse.“

  • Erschienen: 21.09.2012  | Ausgabe: 10/2012

2297 von 3000 Punkten

Getestet wurde: Travel King 520 LD

„Der wiederbelebte Travel King hat nach dem Urteil der CCC-Testprofis nicht unbedingt das Zeug, in die Königsklasse des Caravanbaus aufzusteigen, aber das will er auch nicht. Er will in ganz anderen Preisregionen regieren, und das ist gut so.“

  • Erschienen: 17.07.2012  | Ausgabe: 8/2012

„Plus: Neuartiger Grundriss, modernes Ambiente; Geräumige und gut ausgestattete Küche; GfK-Ausrüstung an Bug, Heck und Dach. Minus: Querbett mit erschwertem Einstieg.“

  • Erschienen: 12.05.2010  | Ausgabe: 6/2010

Getestet wurde: Travel King 490 DB

„... Das Fahrwerk mit spurstabilem Alko Vario 4 Breitspur-Sicherheitsfahrwerk mit Stoßdämpfern und serienmäßiger Antischlingerkupplung verspricht gute Fahreigenschaften, die durch das optionale Alko ATC Trailer Bremsenkontrollsystem noch verstärkt werden können. Auch die sonstige Ausstattung in dem Preis angemessen. ...“

  • Erschienen: 15.07.2009  | Ausgabe: 8/2009

„... Abgerundet wird der insgesamt positive Eindruck des Innenraums durch die Möblierung im wohnlichen Nussbaum-Aurea-Dekor. ...“

Info:   Dieses Produkt wurde von camp24MAGAZIN in Ausgabe 6/2010 erneut getestet mit gleicher Bewertung.

  • Erschienen: 26.08.2008  | Ausgabe: 9/2008

Getestet wurde: Travel King 510 TDF

„... Alles in allem ist der neue Travel King ein pfiffiger Reisecaravan mit ansprechender Optik, viel Raum und durchdachten Details, der durch Pakete sehr komfortabel und sicher wird.“

  • Erschienen: 17.06.2008  | Ausgabe: 7/2008

2 Produkte im Test Getestet wurde: Travel King (2008)

„... Rauchmelder gehören zum Serienumfang - ein kleines, aber beruhigendes Sicherheitsdetail. Ebenfalls neu: Die Gasabsperrhähne finden sich nun bei allen Grundvarianten bequem erreichbar in der Küche. ...“

  • Erschienen: 20.12.2006  | Ausgabe: 1/2007

2233 von 3000 Punkten

Getestet wurde: Travel King 730 RDK

„... Wer Platz braucht, ein schwieriges Rangiermanöver in Kauf nimmt und mit knapp zwei Tonnen Anhängelast leben kann, bekommt mit dem Travel King 730 RDK eine Menge Wohnwagen für sein Geld.“

  • Erschienen: 18.10.2005  | Ausgabe: 11/2005

Getestet wurde: Travel King 510 TKM

„Serienausstattung: Dem Preis angemessen. Paketzukauf trotzdem empfehlenswert. Auflastung auf 1400 oder 1500 Kilogramm Gesamtgewicht für reisende Familien ebenfalls.“

  • Erschienen: 24.08.2005  | Ausgabe: 9/2005

Getestet wurde: Travel King 430 TE

„Plus: leicht rangierbar; fahrstabil; munteres Design; Rangiergriffe gut angebracht; guter Möbelbau... Minus: Hammerschlagblech am Bug schlecht zu reinigen; ausziehbarer Lattenrost springt bei einseitiger Belastung raus...“

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Mangelhafte Rangiergriffe

Passende bestenlisten: caravans.

  • Ermög­licht sehr unab­hän­gi­ges Rei­sen
  • Anschaf­fungs-​​ und Unter­halts­kos­ten weitaus güns­ti­ger als von Wohn­mo­bi­len
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  • Zusam­men mit Zelt beson­ders für Fami­lien inter­essant.
  • Tech­nisch pas­sen­des Zug­fahr­zeug erfor­der­lich
  • Fah­ren mit Wohn­wa­gen-​​Gespann braucht viel Übung
  • Füh­rer­schein­klasse BE erfor­der­lich

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‘Really disrespectful’: Older Pies ‘haven’t come to the party’ as great slams ‘really poor’ issues

An “on the up” St Kilda outfit has consigned Collingwood to the dreaded 0-3 start to the season it was desperately trying to avoid, with an AFL icon declaring the Magpies “weren’t prepared” to physically commit.

The Pies attempted a late comeback after trailing by 20 points at the final change, but it was too little too late for the reeling reigning premiers.

A miraculous and slightly controversial Jack Higgins major from the boundary line put the final St Kilda nail in the coffin of a 15-point victory at the MCG on Thursday.

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St Kilda

Collingwood’s premiership candidacy — after an eyebrow-raising pair of losses to start the year — is now well and truly in question.

The last team to start 0-3 and win the premiership was North Melbourne in 1975, while the last to start 0-3 and earn a grand final berth was also North Melbourne, just a year later in ‘76.

History is really starting to work against the black and white.

In a candid assessment of the Pies’ performance, Hawthorn legend Jason Dunstall criticised Collingwood’s physical approach to the contest.

“Collingwood, to be brutally honest, weren’t prepared to put their bodies on the line like St Kilda were.” Dunstall told Fox Footy post-game.

Dunstall also made sure to laud the Saints for their commanding effort against a formidable opponent.

“This is a significant moment for the St Kilda Football Club, to win a game like this against a high-quality opponent,” he said.

“They’re on the up ... All 23 contributed very well tonight; you’d go a long way to find a bad player for the Saints.”

Dual premiership player David King added: “I don’t know when their next opportunity (to win a premiership) is, I don’t know whether it’s this year or next year but it ain’t too far away.”

St Kilda great Leigh Montagna pointed to Collingwood’s older players as a part of the root cause of the side’s early-season issues.

“To be fair, some of veteran senior players just aren’t quite the same,” Montagna told Fox Footy post-game.

“Some of their veterans — who have been so good for them for so long — they just haven’t come to the party to start the season.

“They don’t look invested, that’s obvious ... They don’t look anywhere near as tough as what we saw last year.”

King criticised Collingwood’s defensive approach, as well as the side’s level of commitment.

“I don’t know if they’re as invested in this method of defence, or this pattern of play anymore,” King said. “They’re looking for easy kicks ... they look jittery.”

“It’s a really disrespectful way of playing, it really is. When it fails, it looks really poor — I don’t know whether they paid the price on offence or defence.”

After tonight’s result, Collingwood joins 2023 Geelong as only reigning premier to be 0-3 in the AFL era.

Still searching for their first triumph of the new season, the Pies will travel to play Brisbane next Thursday night.

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First photo of Princess of Wales since her surgery is retracted because image appeared manipulated

Princess Kate apologized Monday for confusion caused by an edited family photo released by Kensington Palace. The image of Kate with her kids was meant to address concerns about her health following her recent abdominal surgery. Instead, it had the opposite effect when multiple news agencies retracted the photo.

FILE - A view of Kensington Palace in London, Friday, Jan. 6, 2023. The first official photo of Kate, the Princess of Wales, since her abdominal surgery nearly two months ago was issued Sunday after weeks of speculation about her whereabouts. But The Associated Press and other news agencies later retracted it from publication because it appeared to have been manipulated, fueling more conjecture. (AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth, File)

FILE - A view of Kensington Palace in London, Friday, Jan. 6, 2023. The first official photo of Kate, the Princess of Wales, since her abdominal surgery nearly two months ago was issued Sunday after weeks of speculation about her whereabouts. But The Associated Press and other news agencies later retracted it from publication because it appeared to have been manipulated, fueling more conjecture. (AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth, File)

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LONDON (AP) — The first official photo of Kate, the Princess of Wales, since her abdominal surgery nearly two months ago was issued after weeks of speculation about her whereabouts.

But The Associated Press and other news agencies retracted it from publication because it appeared to have been manipulated, fueling more conjecture.

The photo issued Sunday of Kate in a chair surrounded by her three children was credited to her husband, William, Prince of Wales and heir to the throne, and was said to have been taken earlier in the week in Windsor.

“Thank you for your kind wishes and continued support over the last two months,” Kate said on social media. “Wishing everyone a Happy Mother’s Day.”

AP initially published the photo, which was issued by Kensington Palace. While there was no suggestion the photo was fake, AP retracted it because closer inspection revealed the source had manipulated the image in a way that did not meet AP’s photo standards. For instance, the photo shows an inconsistency in the alignment of Princess Charlotte’s left hand.

The Kensington Palace media office is not open on weekends and a voicemail left for a spokesperson was not immediately returned.

FILE - Britain's Prince Harry leaves the Royal Courts Of Justice in London, on March 30, 2023. Prince Harry's lawyer says the cover-up of unlawful information gathering at British tabloids owned by Rupert Murdoch went all the way to the top. Attorney David Sherborne said Wednesday, March 20, 2024 in the High Court that Murdoch was among the executives at News Group Newspapers aware of skullduggery carried out by journalists and private investigators working for the now-defunct News of the World, and The Sun. (AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth, File)

On Monday, Britain’s national news agency, PA, said it was also withdrawing the photo. PA said it had asked Kensington Palace for clarification about the image and “in the absence of that clarification, we are killing the image from our picture service.”

The release of the photo followed weeks of gossip on social media about what had happened to Kate since she left a hospital Jan. 29 after a nearly two-week stay following planned surgery. She hadn’t been seen publicly since Christmas Day.

The royal family has been under more scrutiny than usual in recent weeks, because both Kate and King Charles III can’t carry out their usual public duties due to health problems.

Royal officials say Charles is undergoing treatment for an unspecified form of cancer, which was discovered during treatment for an enlarged prostate. The monarch has canceled all his public engagements while he receives treatment, though he has been photographed walking to church and meeting privately with government officials and dignitaries.

Kate, 42, underwent surgery Jan. 16 and her condition and the reason for the surgery have not been revealed, though Kensington Palace, Prince William and Kate’s office said it was not cancer-related.

Although the palace initially said that it would only provide significant updates and that she would not return to royal duties before Easter — March 31 this year — it followed up with a statement last month amid the rumors and conspiracy theories by saying she was doing well and reiterating its previous statement.

“Kensington Palace made it clear in January the timelines of the princess’ recovery and we’d only be providing significant updates,” the palace said Feb. 29. “That guidance stands.”

At the time, royal aides told The Sun newspaper: “We’ve seen the madness of social media and that is not going to change our strategy. There has been much on social media but the Princess has a right to privacy and asks the public to respect that.”

Further questions were raised last week when the British military appeared to jump the gun in announcing Kate would attend a Trooping the Color ceremony in June, apparently without consulting palace officials.

The appearance would have been her first major official duty since the surgery, but Kensington Palace didn’t confirm any scheduled public events for Kate. It’s up to palace officials, not government departments, to announce and confirm the royals’ attendance at events.

The army later removed the reference to her attendance.

British media reported that the army did not seek approval from Kensington Palace before publishing details about Kate’s appearance in June, and announced the event based on the expectation that Kate, in her role as Colonel of the Irish Guards, would inspect the troops this year at the annual military ceremony.

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    t.e.c. travel king


  1. T.E.C. Travel King 510 TE

    Se vognen her:http://www.silkeborgcamping.dk/pages/transportdb/presentation.asp?entityGuid=1898952&siteGuid=378Denne T.E.C. 510 TE Travel King fra 2004 har r...

  2. T.E.C. Travel King 2005 Model Caravan

    T.E.C. Travel King 2005 Model Caravan

  3. TEC Travel King 440TE

    There simply isn't enough room for a budding Jamie Oliver to set to work. A four-berth German-built caravan for under £11,000 isn't easy to find, but that's exactly what we have here. Not only that, but the TEC has a five-year comprehensive warranty. So while you may not have the most gadget-laden caravan on the block, you will have ...

  4. T.E.C. Travel King 510 TDF

    Sælges for kunde. Denne T.E.C. 510 TDF Travel King fra 2005 har rundsiddegruppe og dobbeltseng. Der er højt placeret køleskab på 143 l og separat fryser på 2...

  5. TEC Travel King 535 TE

    Full review. LET'S cut straight to the chase. The real appeal of the TEC 535 TE is the bedroom's versatility. And in true German style, this one's been stuck right at the front of the body. What your eye initially sees as everyday fixed single beds, if of somewhat generous proportions, suddenly morphs into a fixed double.

  6. TEC Travel King 510TE

    The TEC 510TE offers a UK-style layout with German build quality. It's among the best fixed-twin bed caravans we've seen, and that's as you'd expect given the near-£14,000 price tag. TEC has really made great strides in taking the Travel King and other models to UK specification, and the 510TE hits the mark.

  7. T.E.C. Travel King im Test: 2,0 gut

    Habe selbst einen T.E.C. Travel King, allerdings das Modell TDF 510. Mein Problem an diesen Wohnwagen ist die Billigausführung der Rangiergriffe. Das Fahrzeug wurde 2004 neu gekauft und bereits nach ca.4 Wochen rissen mir vorne links in Fahrrichtung 2 x der Griff ab. Letztmalig riss mir der hintere Griff am 24.04.2006 ab. Dabei habe ich mich ...

  8. T.E.C. Travel King

    Datasheet of T.E.C. Travel King. In acuestas.com all the Motorhomes, Caravans and Campers on the market..

  9. T.E.C.

    T.E.C. | Billige og brugte T.E.C. campingvogne til salg. Private sælgere over hele Danmark har T.E.C. campingvogne til salg. ... TEC TRAVEL KING 510 HIE 2007 med Isabellavilla helårstelt fra juli 2019, står på stor hjørneplads hvoraf hele sæsonen er betalt. Gastestet april i år. Der er enkeltsenge, rundsiddegruppe, gasvarmeblæsere inde ...

  10. Find T.E.C i Campingvogne

    Køb og salg af T.E.C i Campingvogne på DBA. 2006 T.E.C. Travel king 510 TKM 2006 T.E.C. Travel king 510 TKM Travel King 510 Tkm, 2006, kg egenvægt 1110, dobbeltseng, køjeseng, Kategori: Brugt Egenvægt: 1110 Type: Campingvogn Totalvægt: 1600 Lagernr: B... 79.990 kr.. 7400 Herning Sørens Camping; 12. mar: 2006

  11. 2006 T.E.C. Travel king 510 TKM

    2006 T.E.C. Travel king 510 TKM Travel King 510 Tkm, 2006, kg egenvægt 1110, dobbeltseng, køjeseng, Kategori: Brugt Egenvægt: 1110 Type: Campingvogn Totalvægt: 1600 Lagernr: B 1806 K Lasteevne: 490 Installationer og tilbehør Køleskabsstørrelse: Alm med Fryser Vandtank liter: 45 L Indbygge Vand Tank Toilet: Thetford Toilet Varmesystem: Truma Gas Varme med 12V EL blæser TV-antenne ...

  12. Travel Services

    Book travel in Concur - Your travel request must be fully approved in Concur before booking. Please note your Request ID when ready to book. King County's contracted travel agency is Tangerine Travel; Tangerine Travel Help Desk: [email protected]; Immediate Assistance 24/7: 425-822-2333

  13. 2008 TEC Travel King 470 TE

    Pæn vogn med enkeltsenge i fronten og mulighed for opredning til dobbeltseng via lameludtræk. Endesiddegruppe i bagenden. Toilettet tømmes ud fra venstre sid...

  14. T.E.C. Travel King 720 RDK

    Faktisk tilbyder T.E.C. Travel King 720 RDK soveplads til 8 personer, hvis også siddegrupper omdannes til seng. En normal familie med 2-4 børn, og 2 voksne, behøver aldrig omdanne rundsiddegruppen til seng, og T.E.C. Travel King 720 RDK tilbyder derfor den perfekte ferieløsning, der ikke kræver arbejde morgen og aften, når det er sengetid.


    I August 2013 blev T.E.C. nedlagt som selvstændigt navn i campingverdenen og lagt sammen med T.E.C. - En æra som startede i 1957 var nu slut... En ting vi finder besynderligt er at LMC kvalte TEC, forbi de ikke solgte godt nok. ... fik vi øje på en meget smuk TEC Travel King 470 TE, som var samme årgang som vores egen LMC Musica - og ...

  16. TEC Nostalgia

    tec nostalgia. Velkendt T.E.C med nyt logo. Set hos LMC i Sassenberg 2016. Det var anerkendt at T.E.C var lette rejsevogne med stor laste-evne og rigtig nemme at komme rundt med... og det er de stadig! Kai & Mona Damholdt på tur med den første T.E.C... en Travel King 470 TE - årg. 2004.

  17. T.E.C Campingvogne

    T.E.C. er blandt andet kendt for deres mærker: Travelbird, Travel King, Tour, Hoch2, Weltbummler, AdvanTEC. Lige nu står der 1 brugte T.E.C. campingvogne og 0 nye T.E.C. campingvogne hos danske campingforhandlere, og du kan se dem alle sammen herunder. Pæn og velholdt TEC med enkeltsenge. Vognen er indrettet med en sidegruppe i bagenden ...

  18. T.E.C. campingvogne

    TEC Køjevogn T.E.C. 510, 2003, kg egenvægt 1050, kg totalvægt 1500, TEC Køjevogn fra 2003 SÆLGES KUN TIL FIRMA CVR NR ELLER EXPORT. Enduro mover og rejsetelt. PRISEN ER HELT FAST. 37.000 kr. 7540 Haderup IA Camping APS ; I dag: 2003 1500

  19. TEC LMC Travel King 710 TK 9,25 Meter Wohnwagen Caravan XL

    TEC TRAVEL King 710 TK. Tatsächliches Aufbaumaß 786cm !Komplettlänge mit Deichsel 925 cm !Breite 250cmHöhe 268 cmBis 7 Schlafplätze. Großes Festbett. Etagenb...

  20. Quality Affordable Luggage & Travel Gear

    Enhance Your Travel Experience: Regardless of your destination - a serene weekend escape, an important business trip, or a thrilling international adventure - our range is designed to cater to every travel scenario, making your experiences seamless, stylish, and, most importantly, affordable. Experience the Difference with TravelKing.store

  21. AFL 2024: Collingwood Magpies problems, loss to St Kilda Saints, 0-3

    An "on the up" St Kilda outfit has consigned Collingwood to the dreaded 0-3 start to the season it was desperately trying to avoid, with an AFL icon declaring the Magpies "weren't prepared ...

  22. TEC Travel King 510 TE

    About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright ...

  23. First photo of Kate Middleton since her surgery retracted

    LONDON (AP) — The first official photo of Kate, the Princess of Wales, since her abdominal surgery nearly two months ago was issued after weeks of speculation about her whereabouts.. But The Associated Press and other news agencies retracted it from publication because it appeared to have been manipulated, fueling more conjecture.. The photo issued Sunday of Kate in a chair surrounded by her ...

  24. Proposed supportive housing project draws backlash in Redmond

    In February, city leaders in Redmond voted to take the first step necessary to take on the project: transferring publicly-owned land to Plymouth Housing.The proposed site is at 16725 Cleveland Street.

  25. T E C Travel King 430


  26. Find T.E.C i

    24. feb. 1990. 1000. TEC 470 Køjevogn T.E.C. 470 TK, 2007, kg egenvægt 984, kg totalvægt 1300, sengepladser 4, køjeseng, Her er en rigtig fin køjevogn der er med siddegruppe i forende der kan laves til dobbeltseng og... 69.900 kr. 7540 Haderup.