Estádio do Maracanã

  • História do Estádio
  • Espaços e Eventos

Visita ao Maracanã

  • Como Chegar

O passeio, promovido pela empresa Inova Gestão de eventos, tem duração de 40 minutos, em média, e pode ser feito com guias bilíngues ou individualmente. O Tour Maracanã é uma das atrações mais procuradas pelos turistas que passam pelo Rio e pelos moradores da cidade.

Quem for ao estádio poderá conhecer um dos vestiários, decorado com camisas de clubes que disputam o Campeonato Brasileiro da Série A, sala de aquecimento dos jogadores e de coletiva de imprensa. No vestiário, um vídeo com lances históricos do futebol, serve de aquecimento para o ponto mais alto da jornada: a entrada no gramado. Ao chegar à beira do palco sagrado, os participantes poderão até mesmo sentar em um dos bancos de reservas. Além do gramado, os visitantes também poderão ver itens relacionados a jogadores que marcaram seus nomes na história do estádio, como Pelé, Garrincha e Zico . Estão em exposição uma camisa 7 do Brasil usada por Mané na Copa de 62 e a bola e rede do jogo do milésimo gol do Rei do futebol ( Vasco x Santos, em 1969 ).

O passeio conta com novidades, como peças cedidas por Zico que prometem fazer sucesso entre os amantes do futebol. Maior artilheiro da história do Maracanã, com 333 gols o Galinho de Quintino cedeu artigos de seu acervo particular para a reabertura do tour, como uma camisa do Flamengo usada em 1979; a faixa de campeão mundial pelo Fla em 1981; a bola do último jogo da carreira, pelo Kashima Antlers ( Japão ), em 1994; e uma chuteira que usou quando defendeu a Udinese ( Itália ).

O Tour Maracanã é um passeio para toda família e um programa especial para os amantes do futebol . Prepare-se para um universo de sonhos, explorando todos os sentidos, com vídeos, sons e diversas experiências que ficarão para sempre na sua memória.

É disponibilizado no espaço do ACERVO/RECEPÇÃO um discurso sobre a história do estádio, contada pelos Guias e Monitores. Além disso, conta com informativos e monitores para orientar os visitantes em português e inglês. O Maracanã Tour é acessível aos portadores de necessidades especiais.

O Maracanã tem agora, uma loja com produtos do estádio, da Seleção Brasileira e dos quatro grandes clubes cariocas – Botafogo, Flamengo, Fluminense e Vasco. Ainda existem várias lembranças da Copa do Mundo, chaveiros, canetinhas, canecas e por aí vai. Também é possível comprar uma foto lembrança.

Tour Maracanã

Tour Guiado Todos os dias ás 9h, 10h, 11h, 12h, 13h, 14h, 15h, 16h e 17h.

Tour sem Guia Todos os dias das 9h às 18h

Bilheteria Todos os dias das 8h30 às 17h30

Enviar pelo WhatsApp compartilhe no WhatsApp

Em dias de jogos a última visita terminará 3 horas antes da abertura dos portões. Havendo mudança de dia/horário do jogo, alguns horários eventualmente precisarão ser reagendados. Nesses casos, os clientes poderão escolher novas datas/horários disponíveis ou optar pelo reembolso. Acompanhe o calendário de eventos e dias que não haverá tour no site abaixo.

Visita ao Maracanã

Compra de ingressos

Os ingresso poderão ser comprados pela internet no site ou na bilheteria do tour ( localizada no Portão 1 ). Na bilheteria o pagamento poderá ser feito em dinheiro ou em cartão de crédito/débito.

  • Tour Guiado: R$ 60 ( meia R$ 30 )
  • Tour sem Guia: R$ 50 ( meia R$ 25 )

Crianças com menos de 5 anos e guias turísticos acompanhados de grupos e com documento não pagam.

Como chegar

A entrada para o Tour do Maracanã é pelo Portão 2. Quem optar por utilizar o metrô a estação mais próxima é a Maracanã. O Portão 2 está no lado Oeste do estádio.

  • Avenida Presidente Castelo Branco ( Radial Oeste ) s/n – Portão 2

Estacionamento O estacionamento do Maracanã fica localizado no Portão 2 na Avenida Radial Oeste – vagas em local aberto.

Valores do estacionamento: Moto, Carro ou Van: R$ 25,00 Ônibus: entre em contato para confirmar o valor.

Contato Tour Maracanã

Telefone:  (21) 98341-1949 de seg a sex das 9h às 19h e sábado das 11h às 19h, exceto feriados

E-mails Comercial Grupos: [email protected] Operacão: [email protected] Assessoria de imprensa: [email protected]

Ponto Turístico

Após ser reaberto em outubro de 2013, já passaram pelo Tour quase 730 mil visitantes. Os brasileiros foram os mais interessados em conhecer o templo do futebol. Das 159 mil pessoas que visitaram o Maracanã nos 221 dias de operação do Tour, 68% eram brasileiras, a maioria da região Sudeste.


marca TOUR 2021.png

Os ingressos poderão ser comprados pela internet ou na bilheteria do Tour (entrada pelo portão A para pedestres e para carros pelo estacionamento do portão 2) aberta das 8h:30 às 16h:30). Na bilheteria o pagamento poderá ser feito em dinheiro ou em cartão de crédito/débito.



O ticket é seu comprovante e dá acesso ao evento.Valor Válido para Bilheteria e Online.


Você será redirecionado para o site de vendas


Contato comercial para grupos, agências e escolas:

e-mail: comercial@tourmaracana

(21) 9 7250-1949 


O estacionamento disponível para tour será o que tem acesso pelo Portão 2 e é exclusivo para os visitantes do Tour. 

Carro / Van: R$ 35,00

Ônibus: R$ 45,00

Motocicleta: R$ 15,00

• Valor para o período de visitação

• Horário de funcionamento: 9 às 17h


Em dias de jogos a última visita terminará cinco horas antes da abertura dos portões. Havendo mudança de dia/horário do jogo alguns horários, eventualmente, precisarão ser reagendados. Nesses casos, os clientes poderão escolher novas datas/horários disponíveis ou optar pelo reembolso

Terão direito a  meia entrada:

​ • Estudantes que apresentarem a carteirinha e documento de identidade

• Crianças de 6 a 10 anos com apresentação de documento

• Idosos a partir de 60 anos com apresentação de documento 

• Portadores de necessidades especiais, de acordo com a Lei Estadual 4.240, de 16 de dezembro de 2003.

• Professores e Profissionais de Ensino - Rede Pública Municipal do Rio de Janeiro.

Política para gratuidade:

​• Crianças até 5 anos terão direito à gratuidade mediante apresentação de documento.

*não válido para grupos. 

• Guia de turismo que apresente documento.

Serviços complementares:

• Alimentação: Forneria e HNT Hot N´Tender

• Loja de Oficiais, Flamengo Fluminense, Maracanã.

​• Experiências: Foto Lembrança, Experiênia Maraca VR 360º, Chute ao Alvo, Chute a Gol.

Em todos serviços complementares o pagamento poderá ser feito em dinheiro ou em cartão de crédito/ débito (todas as bandeiras, incluindo cartões internacionai )

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How to visit Maracana Stadium & purchase tour tickets

Traveling to Rio and not visiting Maracana is not an option if you are a true soccer fan. Having held two World Cup Finals, Maracana is the most important soccer stadium in Brazil and one of the most iconic stadiums worldwide. In this post, you will find everything you need to know to organize your visit to Maracana, doing the full stadium tour. 

If you would also like to attend a soccer match in Maracana to see it at its full glow with the crowds present, we also have you covered. In the end, you will find the details on how to buy your tickets to a soccer match in Maracana and tips from a local who has been to many matches.

rio de janeiro maracana

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How to get to Maracana

Maracana is located in the east part of Rio de Janeiro, in a neighborhood also called Maracana. There are many ways to get to Maracana since the stadium is well connected with public transport. See below the best options:

  • Subway:  There is a subway station located right near the stadium, also called Maracana. It belongs to Line 2, which connects the suburbs with downtown Rio. If you will be boarding on Line 1, you can easily exchange lines from the station Botafogo onwards.
  • Bus : Depending on where you will be coming from, the bus will offer a nicer connection. There are many bus lines that have stops near the stadium – we recommend checking on Google Maps prior to your visit since Maps has quite an accurate schedule for Rio´s public transport.
  • Train : Departing from the Central Station in downtown Rio, you also have the option of taking the train to Maracanã. The train station is located side-by-side with the subway. However, I recommend leaving this as the last alternative since the subway ride is much faster and more pleasant.
  • Private car : If you have rented a car in Rio, you can also decide to visit Maracana Stadium by car. For the Maracana Stadium Tour, you should enter gate nr 2 to leave your car in the private parking inside the stadium. The parking price is fixed at R$ 35 for cars. However, on game days, I do not recommend driving since the tour is suspended five hours before the match and most parking places get full very quickly (especially if it is an important match).

Need to rent a car for your trip? Get a quote here!

  • Taxi or Uber : Getting to Maracana Stadium by taxi or Uber is also a very practical alternative. Just to give you a general idea, an Uber ride will cost you around R$ 27 from Copacabana to Maracana outside of peak hours. If you will be going in a group of 4 people, that is almost the price of the subway ticket.

maracana stadium tour

Prices of the Maracana Stadium Tour tickets

Maracana Stadium is open for the tour from  8h30 until 16h30  every day. There is only one option of tour available, called a “monitored tour” – this means that there will be people to guide you through the spaces of the exhibition, but every visitor takes the tour independently. Everything is explained in signs throughout the museum and the other visited areas. Below you will find the  updated 2024 prices  for the Maracana Stadium Tour tickets.

  • Full price – R$ 75
  • Half price – R$ 37,5

In Brazil, half price is offered by law to students, elderly 60+ y.o., kids between 6 and 10 years, people with any disability, and their companion. Of course, if you fit into any of these categories, you will be asked to provide your ID as proof, along with any other required documentation.

Where to buy tickets for the Maracana Stadium Tour?

The tickets to Maracana Stadium Tour can be purchased either online or at the ticket booth at the entrance. The price for both options is the same, the only difference is that you may save yourself some time on the line if you book it online.  Here is the site where you can buy your tickets to Maracana online.

How is the self-guided tour in Maracana Stadium

I have been to Maracana countless times for matches during my entire life, but 2022 was the first time I have actually taken the time to do the Maracana Stadium tour – and I am so glad I did. For any sports fan, the visit is  very worthwhile  and quite interesting. We really liked the experience and definitely recommend it if you will be visiting Rio soon. Below we will describe our personal experience visiting Maracana Stadium.

What is included in the Maracana Stadium Tour?

During the visit, you will go through the following areas:

  • Museum exhibition  with historical pieces such as shirts and autographs, a  hall of fame , and other items of memorabilia.
  • Locker room  with shirts of some of the most famous Brazilian players. In the annex, you can also enter the  warm-up room  that is used by the players during game day.
  • Access to the pitch, one of the dugouts, and a small section of the seats.  You will use the same entrance as the players to access the pitch (this was the most emotional part of the tour for me).
  • A small replica of the  interview room  for pictures.

maracana stadium tour

Maracana Stadium Tour through our eyes

The tour takes around  45 min in total , depending on how long you spend taking pictures. We were glad the tour starts with the museum part and finishes at the pitch, leaving the best for last. We weren’t expecting much from the museum, so it came as a big surprise for me that this was my favorite part of the tour. We loved seeing all the relics on display. Since this is the stadium of my childhood team, it was really special seeing all the pieces and the people that made history there.

The biggest highlight of the visit was the  entrance to the pitch . The current capacity of Maracana Stadium is 78.838 people – but back in the days, they were able to fit over 180.000 people. It is crazy to even imagine what it must feel like for the players to be surrounded by such a crowd.

If you want to experience the real Maracana, you should come back to attend a match at the stadium. The energy of the Brazilian crowd is special.

maracana tour telefone

How to attend a match in Maracana

Maracana Stadium is currently owned by two teams: Flamengo and Fluminense. The first thing you need to do is choose the match you want to attend. 

To get your tickets for a match in Maracana, you can choose one of the options below:

  • Buy your tickets using either Flamengo or Fluminense’s official websites. Depending on which team is playing, you will have to access one or the other.
  • Buy your tickets in person at the ticket booth located at Gate 1 at Maracana. You can do so in the upcoming days before the match or a few hours before – but I highly recommend buying it at least one day in advance.
  • Buy your tickets in person at the ticket booth in Clube do Flamengo, in the neighborhood called Gavea, or at one of the authorized shops. The list of available authorized shops is usually listed on Flamengo and Fluminense’s official websites before a game.
  • Try your luck with people selling at the door before the game. I don’t recommend this option as this is not exactly legal and there have been many efforts to reduce such practice, so it may be harder to find people selling.

Where to pick your seats

The seats at Maracana are split into four areas: North, South, East, and West. North is where Flamengo supporters are and South is where Fluminense usually stays. East is what we call the “neutral” seats and the section I recommend the most for visitors. It is located on the side of the pitch, so you have a great view of the game while not being in a very busy area.

The price of the ticket to attend a match at Maracana are very accessible. For most games, you will find options starting at R$ 20. However, this number can go high very quickly if you choose to buy a ticket for the VIP area, especially on important matches.

how to visit maracana

We hope you will be able to visit Maracana Stadium following our tips and have an amazing experience. This is definitely an experience to check off the bucket list for soccer fans. Let us know in the comments if you have any additional questions!

Fe & Edo

Check other tour options in Rio de Janeiro

Organizing your trip.

To help you plan your trip to Brazil, we have put together our favorite planning resources: 

  • Flights : Get affordable flights to Brazil on . 
  • Travel insurance : Make sure you are protected during your trip. We use  VisitorsCoverage  whenever we are traveling abroad. 
  • Renting a car : We always use  Discover Cars  to get the best car deals. 
  • Accommodation : Find the best hotels and apartments on . 
  • Activities : Get fun ideas of what to do and buy unique activities with  Get Your Guide.  
  • SIM Card : Stay connected during your trip with  Airalo.  

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links. This means that we get a small commission from any purchase you make, at no additional cost to you!

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Fernanda is the Brazilian half of Mauka. Originally from Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), Fernanda is also part Italian. After having lived in several countries such as the Netherlands and the UK, she ended up moving to Slovenia with Edo. Traveling is her biggest passion and she is always looking for new places to explore - be it on another continent or a hidden hike close to home.

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Tickets can be purchased on-line or at the box office of the tour (located at Gate A for pedestrians and for cars by parking at gate 2), open from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM).

At the box office payment can be made in cash or on credit/debit card.



The ticket is your receipt and gives access to the event.Valor Valid for Ticket Office and Online.

You will be redirected to the sales site


Contacts Sales Tickets Online

e-mail: [email protected]

(51) 99130-4168 whatsapp

e-mail: [email protected]

(5521) 9 8341-1949 - mobile and  WhatsApp

Agencies / Schools

e-mail Agêncies :

[email protected]


e-mail: [email protected] r

(5521) 4063-3003

(5511) 93495-1053  WhatsApp

The parking space available for tour will be the one accessed by Gate 2.

On game days the last visit will end 6 hours before the opening of the gates. If there is a change in game day/time, some visit hours may need to be rescheduled. In these cases, customers will be able to choose new available dates/times or choose to be reimbursed

The following people will be entitled to half price tickets:

​• Students who present their student's card and identity card

• Children who are between 6 and 10 years old, upon presentation of document

• Senior citizens who are 60 years old or more upon presentation of document

• People with special needs, according to State Law 4.240, December 16th, 2003.

Polcy for free tickets:

• Children under 5 will be entitled to free tickets upon presentation of document. *not valid for groups

• Documented Tour guides.

Additional Services:

• Vending Machines

• Souvenir Shop

​• Photo souvenir

For all services, payment can be made in cash or by credit/debit card (all brands, including international cards)

Maracanã Stadium

  • Things to do

Maracanã is the maximum soccer Brazilian temple.

Maracanã has already been the scenery of the most important Brazilian soccer classic and earned historical moments of the international soccer. Monumental facts, like the thousandth goal of king Pelé, in 1969, also happened in the grass of the soccer Brazilian temple.

Inaugurated in July 16th , in 1950, has already received the World cup games of that year and some matches of the World championship 2014. Also hosted the Confederations cup of 2013, opening and closing ceremonies of the pan American games of 2007 and the Olympic and Paralympic Games, in 2016, Besides the sport competitions, Maracanã has already been a stage for important events, like Madonna, Rolling Stones, Paul McCartney, Tina Turner shows and camp mass, of the Pope João Paulo II, in 1980 and 1997.

Maracanã had a big reform and had the total capacity to 78,838 supporters. The new Maracanã has been modernized and today fills international security items, logistic and sustainability. The use of solar energy and rainwater collection, reused in the 292 bathrooms and 4 dressing rooms, are important measures of economy and responsibility. More 360 security cameras keep the surveillance permanent of the stadium, that received two new ramps of access, besides the traditional Bellini and UERJ, beyond 12 escalators and more elevators, today, the total number is 17 of it.

New bars and snack bars give more comfort to the public, who are waiting for retractable chairs shared per colors and produced with certified material, with plastic bottle. Divided in five levels on the north, south, east and west sectors, Maracanã bets in divisions to facilitate the access and location of the supporters. Gate, sector, block, level, queues and chair are the subdivisions that will allow the supporters to localize their place with more comfort and more safety. There are also sits to obese, reserved area for people with special necessities and tactile floor for the visually impaired.

How to get there

– By metro/SuperVia: To the West access of the stadiums (UERJ ramp and entrances A, B, C), disembark on Maracanã station. To the East access of the stadium (Bellini ramp and entrances D, E, F), disembark on São Cristóvão station.

Maracanã Tour

Reopened in June 2017, the Maracanã Tour takes the audience behind the scenes of the most famous stadium in the world. Visitors are aware of the permanent exhibition that brings together important pieces of Brazilian football history, such as Garrincha’s uniform at the 1962 World Cup, as well as the footmarks of idols such as Roberto Dinamite and Pelé. The press room and the iconic lawn are also part of the tour, which can be accompanied by bilingual guides or individually made. The tour features news such as pieces provided by Zico that promise to be a success among fans and enthusiasts of Flamengo, including the 1981 world champion track and the shirt used by Galinho in the 1979 team triumph.

Tickets can be purchased at the ticket office at Gate 1, which runs from 8:30 am, or at .

* On game days the last tour will leave 3 hours before the gates open. * It is necessary that only one of the visitors acquires the ticket with parking right. Others will be able to buy the basic ticket. * Children under the age of five do not pay. Students, children from 6 to 12 years old and seniors over 60 pay half-entry.

Attention! Visit the official website to check programmin and operation!

maracana tour telefone

Avenida Presidente Castelo Branco, s/n Gate 2 - Maracanã Rio de Janeiro - RJ 20271-130

+55 21 2334-1705

Para entrar em contato conosco, envie um e-mail para [email protected] ou preencha o formulário abaixo.

City of Rio de Janeiro

Mayor Eduardo Paes


Presidente Ronnie Aguiar Costa

Organization and Editing

Bianca Garcia (jornalista responsável - MTB 36714) e Marcio Formiga

Marcio Formiga, Fábio Machado e Tiago Bandeira

Reportagem, edição e revisão

Bianca Garcia, Jéssica Vidal e Tiago Bandeira


Alexandre Macieira


Cléa Cortez, Marisa Pinheiro, Vera Von Jess e Wanda Rocha

Web Support

Pedro Braconnot

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  • Maracanã • 5 min walk

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Detailed Reviews: Reviews ordered by recency and descriptiveness of user-identified themes such as wait time, length of visit, general tips, and location information.

Magdalena A

Also popular with travelers

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Maracanã - All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (2024)

  • Skip the Line: Maracanã Stadium Entrance Ticket (From $20.51)
  • Football Match in Rio de Janeiro (From $129.00)
  • Maracana Stadium Tour: Behind-the-Scenes Access (From $25.00)
  • Full Day: Christ Redeemer, Sugarloaf, City Tour & Barbecue Lunch (From $83.00)
  • The Best of Rio in a Full Day Tour - Corcovado, Sugar Loaf, Selaron and more (From $94.50)
  • (0.26 mi) OYO Arena Maracana
  • (0.28 mi) Casa Da Celeste B&B
  • (0.27 mi) Aquarela Cama & Cafe
  • (0.74 mi) Maraca Hostel
  • (0.33 mi) Maracana Hostel Vila Isabel
  • (0.36 mi) Bar do Bode Cheiroso
  • (0.34 mi) Os Renatos
  • (1.14 mi) Costelao do Cadeg
  • (0.91 mi) Domenica Pizzaria Artesanal
  • (0.35 mi) Classicos Do Maraca
  • (0.02 mi) Museu do Futebol
  • (0.23 mi) Gilberto Cardoso Gymnasium Maracanazinho
  • (0.59 mi) RG Transfer e Turismo
  • (0.25 mi) Pedro G. Landsberg Jewish Tour Guide
  • (0.26 mi) Transparada

Rescheduling and cancellation flexibility in all our tours and programs

Gradas del Estadio de Maracaná

Tudo sobre o tour do Maracanã

Viajar para o Rio de Janeiro e não visitar o Maracanã não é uma opção se você é fã de futebol como eu. É claro que a maioria dos turistas prefere ver o Maracanã em dia de jogo, em toda a sua glória – e admito, em dia de jogo o estádio é muito mais emocionante. Mas para quem gosta mesmo de futebol, vale muito a pena visitar o Maracanã através do tour. Nesse artigo, vou explicar tudo o que você precisa saber para visitar o Maracanã em 2023.

Pular para:

  • Como chegar no Maracanã
  • Ingressos para o tour do Maracanã: preços e descontos
  • O que está incluído na visitação do Maracanã
  • A nossa opinião pessoal – afinal, vale a pena visitar o Maracanã?

Como chegar no Maracanã para o tour

Para quem é novo no Rio e não entende muito bem a localização de tudo na cidade, vou tentar explicar de forma simples. O estádio do Maracanã fica num bairro também chamado de Maracanã, na Zona Norte do Rio. O estádio é super bem conectado com o transporte público carioca, então existem várias formas de chegar ao Maracanã.

Estas são as melhores opções de transporte para chegar ao Maracanã:

  • Metrô: A linha 2 do metrô tem uma estação chamada Maracanã que para bem do lado do estádio. Essa é uma ótima opção para chegar ao estádio do centro do Rio ou da Zona Sul. Se você pegar o metrô de Ipanema ou Copacabana, terá que fazer baldeação da linha 1 para a linha 2.
  • Ônibus : Dependendo de onde você estiver hospedado, pode ser mais rápido chegar ao estádio usando ônibus. Existem dezenas de opções de ônibus que fazem parada nos arredores do estádio. Eu recomendo usar o Google Maps para ver a opção que melhor te atende, pois vai depender muito de onde você está.
  • Carro: Se você preferir ir com o seu próprio carro até o Maracanã, existe a possibilidade de estacionar dentro do estádio. Basta entrar pelo portão número 2. O preço do estacionamento para visitação é fixo e custa R$ 35 para carros. O estacionamento é relativamente grande, estava bem vazio quando fomos, então não precisa se preocupar com o limite de vagas.
  • Taxi ou uber: Ir até o Maracanã de uber também pode ser uma ótima opção, principalmente se estiver em grupo. Para dar uma ideia de preço, uma corrida de Copacabana até o Maracanã custa em torno de R$ 27 (fora de horário de trânsito). Ou seja, se você estiver num grupo de 4 pessoas, sai quase o mesmo preço de pegar o metrô e vai ser bem mais rápido.
  • Trem: Junto da estação de metrô, o Maracanã conta também com uma estação da linha de trem. Essa é uma opção para quem está vindo, por exemplo, da Central do Brasil no centro do Rio. No entanto, eu particularmente prefiro o metrô e deixaria essa como a última opção, mas estou listando aqui para vocês poderem ter a visão geral das opções.

Quanto custa visitar o Maracanã? Preços do ingresso

A visitação no Estádio do Maracanã está aberta diariamente, das 8h30 às 16h30. Desde a reabertura em 2021, só existe uma opção de ingresso e tour disponível, que é um tour chamado de “tour monitorado”. Isso significa que cada um faz a sua visita de forma independente , mas ao longo do caminho, existem ajudantes que vão te guiar entre as salas da exibição para garantir que você está no caminho certo. Dessa forma, eles conseguem garantir que todo mundo tenha uma experiência boa na visitação, enquanto respeitam as regras de distanciamento social.

  • Preço do ingresso inteiro – R$ 60
  • Preço do ingresso meia-entrada – R$ 30

A meia entrada é oferecida para estudantes, idosos a partir de 60 anos de idade, crianças entre 6 e 10 anos, e deficientes físicos com acompanhante. Não se esqueça de levar identidade e comprovante de estudante.

Onde comprar ingresso para visitar o Maracanã?

O ingresso para a visitação do Maracanã pode ser adquirido online ou diretamente na bilheteria do tour. O preço é o mesmo entre as duas opções, a única diferença é que comprando online você evita a fila da bilheteria.

Se você decidir comprar o ingresso online, utilize este site que é o oficial do Maracanã.

visita ao maracana rio

O que está incluído na visitação do Maracanã?

Durante o tour do Maracanã, você terá acesso:

  • Ao museu que exibe peças históricas como bolas, ingressos, medalhas, caminhas e assinaturas de craques.
  • Ao Hall da Fama, com a pegada de nomes importantíssimos para o futebol brasileiro.
  • Ao vestiário, com camisas dos principais times brasileiros que competem na Série A com jogadores históricos. Em anexo, você vai poder entrar também na sala de treinamento/aquecimento.
  • Ao gramado, um dos bancos de reserva e uma pequena parte da arquibancada. Não é permitido andar em campo livremente, o acesso é só numa pequena área demarcada entre a entrada e o banco de reservas.
  • À uma pequena sala de imprensa para tirar fotos.

Quanto tempo demora o tour do Maracanã?

A visita ao Estádio do Maracanã demora cerca de 45 minutos no total , mas é claro que depende de quanto tempo cada um leva para fotos.

Quando fomos, não estava muito cheio e conseguimos visitar tudo em 50 minutos no total.

visita ao maracana tour

Afinal, vale a pena visitar o Maracanã? – A nossa experiência

Para ser bem objetiva: sim, achamos que valeu muito a pena visitar o Maracanã.

Sou carioca e flamenguista desde criancinha. Já estive no Maracanã incontáveis vezes para ver o meu time jogar, mas foi só em 2022 que fizemos o tour do estádio. Sinceramente, não sei por que demorei tanto tempo.

Se você é fã de futebol, então eu definitivamente recomendo que faça os dois – visite o Maracanã através do tour e depois vá a um jogo no estádio. Dessa forma, você vai realmente poder sentir o que é a energia de um jogo no Maraca, e também sentir um pouquinho do que é a emoção dos jogadores de entrar nesse gramado icônico.

A parte que eu mais gostei do tour foi a entrada para o gramado . Depois de já ter visto a entrada pelo túnel na televisão em milhares de jogos, foi emocionante atravessar aquele túnel também (mesmo com o estádio vazio). Não consigo nem imaginar o que os jogadores sentem ao percorrer esse mesmo caminho com o barulho da torcida no estádio. Deve ser eletrizante.

Em resumo, a visita ao Maracanã vale muito a pena – e eu espero que este artigo possa ajudar vocês a programarem a sua visita também!

Continue lendo sobre o Rio de Janeiro:

  • 10 ideias de passeios diferentes no Rio de Janeiro
  • Cervejinha na Mureta da Urca, um passeio tipicamente carioca
  • Café da manhã de domingo no Forte de Copacabana
  • Como Chegar na Cascatinha Taunay, Parque da Tijuca

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Oi, prazer! Sou carioca, engenheira por formação, mas viajante por paixão. Fiz minha primeira viagem sozinha aos 18 anos quando saí para um intercâmbio e, desde então, já morei no Canadá, no Reino Unido e na Holanda. Sou a criadora do blog e do Instagram Cachos Aventureiros, onde busco compartilhar fotos, dicas e minhas vivências pessoais dos lugares que passei.

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Odyssey Magazine

Maracana Stadium 3-Hour Behind-the-Scenes Tour

‘Behind every great football match lies a world of untold stories waiting to be uncovered. Step into the legendary Maracana Stadium in Rio de Janeiro with a 3-hour Behind-the-Scenes Tour that promises a journey through the beating heart of Brazilian football.

From the hallowed grounds to the inner sanctums where champions prepare, this experience offers a rare glimpse into the magic that defines this iconic venue. But what truly sets this tour apart is the chance to witness firsthand the secrets that have shaped the dreams of players and fans alike.

Are you ready to discover the hidden gems of Maracana’s illustrious past?’

Maracana Stadium 3-Hour Behind-the-Scenes Tour - Key Points

  • Exclusive access to locker room, warm-up room , and field
  • Dive into Maracana’s rich history and iconic matches
  • Live guides offering insights into stadium’s past and legends
  • Learn about legendary players like Pele, Garrincha , and Zico

Here's some more nearby experiences we've reviewed

  • Rio De Janeiro Ferris Wheel Ticket – Yup Star
  • Day Tour in Rio – Christ the Redeemer, Sugarloaf Mountain, Lunch and City Tour
  • Private Custom Full-Day Highlights in Rio: Only the Best Sights!
  • Favela Tour Rocinha and Vila Canoas in Rio De Janeiro

Tour Duration and Highlights

Maracana Stadium 3-Hour Behind-the-Scenes Tour - Tour Duration and Highlights

The Maracana Stadium Behind-the-Scenes Tour offers a comprehensive 3-hour experience that includes exclusive visits to the locker room, warm-up room , and the iconic field.

Tour highlights encompass exploring the inner sanctums where legendary soccer players prepare for matches, feeling the energy in the warm-up room, and setting foot on the hallowed ground where historic moments unfolded.

Visitors explore the rich history of Maracana, seeing the stories of iconic matches and Brazilian soccer stars like Pele, Garrincha , and Zico .

The tour experience provides a deep understanding of the stadium’s significance in world football, making it a must-visit for sports enthusiasts and history buffs alike.

Live Tour Guides and Ticket Inclusions

Maracana Stadium 3-Hour Behind-the-Scenes Tour - Live Tour Guides and Ticket Inclusions

Enjoy the Maracana Stadium Behind-the-Scenes Tour with knowledgeable live tour guides available in multiple languages, enhancing your exploration of this iconic venue.

These interactive experiences offer behind-the-scenes access, allowing you to explore the stadium’s rich history and significance in world football. Gain exclusive insights into the lives of Brazilian soccer legends like Pele, Garrincha, and Zico, as you visit areas such as the locker room, warm-up room, and the field.

Your tour guides will provide detailed information about famous matches and share stories about the stadium’s past. Plus, you may have the opportunity to see stadium memorabilia up close, further enriching your visit to the legendary Maracana Stadium.

Pricing, Requirements, and Cancellation Policy

Maracana Stadium 3-Hour Behind-the-Scenes Tour - Pricing, Requirements, and Cancellation Policy

Discover the pricing options, tour requirements , and cancellation policy for the Maracana Stadium Behind-the-Scenes Tour.

Pricing details for this 3-hour experience start from $118.09 per person. To participate, a minimum of 2 passengers is required for the tour to operate.

Enjoy the flexibility of a free cancellation option up to 24 hours in advance, ensuring peace of mind when booking. Plus, there’s a convenient reserve now and pay later option available for your convenience.

In the event of needing to cancel or modify your booking, the refund policy allows for a full refund if done within the specified timeframe. This transparent approach to pricing and cancellation ensures a hassle-free and enjoyable planning process for visitors.

Maracana History and Soccer Insights

Maracana Stadium 3-Hour Behind-the-Scenes Tour - Maracana History and Soccer Insights

Explore the rich history and insights of Maracana Stadium, delving into the legacy of Brazilian soccer legends and the stadium’s prominent role in world football. Maracana has been the stage for legendary matches and iconic moments in soccer history, attracting fans from around the globe. Brazilian soccer legends like Pele, Garrincha, and Zico have graced this hallowed ground, leaving an indelible mark on the sport. From thrilling comebacks to heart-stopping finals, Maracana has witnessed it all. Enjoy the stories behind the famous matches that have defined the spirit of soccer in Brazil and beyond.

Booking Process and Departure Details

Maracana Stadium 3-Hour Behind-the-Scenes Tour - Booking Process and Departure Details

Curious about how to secure your spot for the Maracana Stadium Behind-the-Scenes Tour and receive your departure details hassle-free? Here’s what you need to know:

  • Booking Process :
  • Reserve online to secure your spot
  • Minimum of 2 passengers required for tour operation
  • Pricing starts from $118.09 per person
  • Free cancellation up to 24 hours in advance

Departure logistics are crucial for a smooth experience. Specific departure times are confirmed upon reconfirmation, and pick-up details are sent via email if outside the designated zone. Remember to check availability online before booking to ensure a seamless process. Enjoy your tour knowing that group size restrictions ensure an intimate and informative visit to this iconic stadium.

Customer Reviews and Feedback

Maracana Stadium 3-Hour Behind-the-Scenes Tour - Customer Reviews and Feedback

The diverse customer reviews provide valuable insights into the Maracana Stadium Behind-the-Scenes Tour experience , offering a multifaceted perspective on the tour’s various aspects.

While some visitors praised the knowledgeable guides for their in-depth explanations of Maracana’s history and significance in world football, others had mixed feedback on guide knowledge and tour duration. Despite this, many positive reviews highlighted the enjoyable experience and the engaging insights provided by the guides.

Customers appreciated the opportunity to learn about Brazilian soccer stars like Pele, Garrincha, and Zico during the tour. The reviews suggest that guide knowledge significantly impacts tour enjoyment , emphasizing the importance of having well-informed guides to enhance the overall experience.

Here's a few more nearby tours and experiences we think you'll like.

  • Rio De Janeiro Helicopter Tour – Christ the Redeemer
  • Christ the Redeemer, Sugarloaf, Lunch and Small Group City Tour
  • Sunset Sailing Tour in Rio De Janeiro – DDRio
  • Arraial Do Cabo Tour From Rio De Janeiro
  • Rio De Janeiro Full-Day Sightseeing Tour (Mar )
  • Hang Gliding in Rio De Janeiro

Common questions

Maracana Stadium 3-Hour Behind-the-Scenes Tour - Common questions

Can Visitors Access the Players’ Tunnel and Dugouts During the Tour?

Access restrictions during the tour may apply to certain areas like the players’ tunnel and dugouts. However, visitors can still enjoy tour highlights like exploring the locker room, warm-up room, and field , learning about the stadium’s rich history.

Are There Any Opportunities to Interact With Former Brazilian Soccer Legends During the Tour?

Visitors have the chance to interact with former Brazilian soccer legends during the tour. Opportunities may include player autographs or legend meet and greets, providing a memorable experience for fans of the sport.

Is There a Minimum Age Requirement for Participants on the Behind-The-Scenes Tour?

There is a minimum age requirement for the behind-the-scenes tour, ensuring safety and appropriateness for all participants. Tour accessibility is carefully considered to provide an inclusive experience for visitors of varying ages and interests.

Are There Any Special Events or Matches That May Affect the Availability of the Tour on Certain Dates?

Special events or matches may impact tour availability and scheduling. It’s advisable to check for any restrictions beforehand. Plan ahead to ensure a seamless experience. Stay informed to avoid any inconveniences during your visit.

Is Photography Allowed During the Tour, and Are There Any Restrictions on What Can Be Photographed Inside the Stadium?

Photography is allowed during the tour, but there may be restrictions on certain areas like locker rooms. Visitors can capture the highlights of the tour, including the field , warm-up room, and historical spots.

Not for you? Here's more of our most recent tour reviews happening neaby

  • Rio De Janeiro: Private and Personalized Tour
  • 01 – 1-Hour Samba Class in Rio De Janeiro
  • Half Day Private E-Bike Tour in Rio
  • Pedra Da Gávea Hiking (Private Groups)
  • Rio De Janeiro Museum of Tomorrow Visit With Transportation
  • CITY TOUR – a Day in Rio (TOURist Guide Transportation)
  • Private Transfer Rio De Janeiro and Airports X Angra Dos Reis (10 Max)
  • 20 – Guided Tour to AquaRio and Olympic Boulevard
  • Skip the Line Christ the Redeemer Admission Ticket
  • Explore the History and Culture of Favela Da Rocinha
  • Shared Transport Rio De Janeiro Ilha Grande
  • Christ the Redeemer, Copacabana and More: What an Amazing Tour!
  • Brazil Tijuca Forest Guided Tour – Rio De Janeiro
  • Ticket to Football at Maracana Stadium – Rio De Janeiro
  • Samba Crash Course in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil

Maracana Stadium 3-Hour Behind-the-Scenes Tour - Last Words

Experience the magic of Maracana Stadium like never before with the 3-hour Behind-the-Scenes Tour. From the locker room to the field, learn about the rich history and passion of Brazilian football.

With live guides, skip-the-line tickets , and a price starting from $118.09 per person, this unforgettable journey is a must for any soccer fan.

Book now and walk in the footsteps of legends at this iconic stadium in Rio de Janeiro.

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  1. Contato

    ATENDIMENTO TOUR MARACANÃ: Diariamente, de 09 as 17hs . Operacão: [email protected] (21) 98341-1949. VENDAS. Contatos Vendas Ingressos On-line. e-mail: [email protected] (51) 99130-4168 atendimento via whatsapp ... CEP 20271-130 - Maracanã - Rj. Contato. Realização:

  2. Inicio

    Tour Maracanã . Visitação turística aos bastidores de um dos estádios mais famosos do mundo. Compre online e evite filas Tour Maracanã . Visitação turística aos bastidores de um dos estádios mais famosos do mundo. ... CEP 20271-130 - Maracanã - Rj. Contato. Realização: bottom of page ...

  3. Contato

    Telefone Estádio Maracanã. Tel: 0800 062 7222; Horário de Funcionamento Maracanã. Tour Maracanã: todos os dias das 8h30 às 17h30. Outras Informações. Site: CNPJ Estádio Maracanã: 10.565.000/0001-92

  4. Start

    The Tour. Experiences. Goal Kick; Kick to target; Photo Souvenir; Maracanã VR - 360º Glasses; Birthday on the Tour; Tickets. Get Directions. Contact us. Q & A. Veja Mais. On match days, exceptionally, there will be changes to the opening hours of the Tour Maracanã, check it out: ... CEP 20271-130 - Maracanã - RJ. Contact. Achievement ...

  5. Contact us

    Avenida Presidente Castelo Branco, s/n. gate 2. West Radial. CEP 20271-130 - Maracanã - RJ

  6. Maracanã Tour

    Point of Sale without Convenience Fee: Maracanã Tour Ticket Office. Address: Pedestrian access through Gate A and for those driving through Parking Gate 2 - Av. Pres. Castelo Branco, Gate 3 - Maracanã, Rio de Janeiro - RJ - 20271-130. Opening hours: Monday to Saturday from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm. Contact: (51) 9 91304168

  7. Ingressos

    e-mail: [email protected]. (21) 9 7250-1949. ESTACIONAMENTO: O estacionamento disponível para tour será o que tem acesso pelo Portão 2 e é exclusivo para os visitantes do Tour. Carro / Van: R$ 35,00. Ônibus: R$ 45,00. Motocicleta: R$ 15,00. • Valor para o período de visitação. • Horário de funcionamento: 9 às 17h.

  8. How to visit Maracana Stadium & purchase tour tickets

    Below you will find the updated 2024 prices for the Maracana Stadium Tour tickets. Full price - R$ 75. Half price - R$ 37,5. In Brazil, half price is offered by law to students, elderly 60+ y.o., kids between 6 and 10 years, people with any disability, and their companion.

  9. Tickets

    Tickets can be purchased on-line or at the box office of the tour (located at Gate A for pedestrians and for cars by parking at gate 2), open from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM). ... TOUR MARACANÃ. The ticket is your receipt and gives access to the event.Valor Valid for Ticket Office and Online. I WANT TO. BRL 37.50. PENALTY EXPERIENCE. BUY ONLINE. You ...

  10. Maracanã Stadium

    Maracanã Tour. Reopened in June 2017, the Maracanã Tour takes the audience behind the scenes of the most famous stadium in the world. Visitors are aware of the permanent exhibition that brings together important pieces of Brazilian football history, such as Garrincha's uniform at the 1962 World Cup, as well as the footmarks of idols such as ...

  11. Maracanã

    According to Tripadvisor travelers, these are the best ways to experience Maracanã: Skip the Line: Maracanã Stadium Entrance Ticket (From $20.51) Football Match in Rio de Janeiro (From $129.00) Maracana Stadium Tour: Behind-the-Scenes Access (From $25.00) Full Day: Christ Redeemer, Sugarloaf, City Tour & Barbecue Lunch (From $83.00)

  12. Maracanã Guided Tour

    Price. Adult: R$ 190 per person. Child (age 5 to 10): R$ 90 per person. Infant (age 0 to 4): for free. We will gather at our meeting point to begin this Maracanã Guided Tour. The Maracanã Stadium is one of the most famous football stadiums in the world, it is the largest stadium in Brazil and was also the largest in the world for a long time.

  13. Como Visitar o Maracanã em 2023

    Mas para quem gosta mesmo de futebol, vale muito a pena visitar o Maracanã através do tour. Nesse artigo, vou explicar tudo o que você precisa saber para visitar o Maracanã em 2023. Pular para: Como chegar no Maracanã; Ingressos para o tour do Maracanã: preços e descontos; O que está incluído na visitação do Maracanã

  14. #Maracanã

    When planning your visit to Maracanã, ensure a seamless experience by familiarizing yourself with the booking details. For tour guide interactions, rest assured that live guides are available in English, Portuguese, and Spanish to enhance your understanding of the stadium's history and significance. Plus, transportation options are convenient with pickups included from various locations ...


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  16. Maracana Stadium 3-Hour Behind-the-Scenes Tour

    Tour Duration and Highlights. The Maracana Stadium Behind-the-Scenes Tour offers a comprehensive 3-hour experience that includes exclusive visits to the locker room, warm-up room, and the iconic field. Tour highlights encompass exploring the inner sanctums where legendary soccer players prepare for matches, feeling the energy in the warm-up room, and setting foot on the hallowed ground where ...

  17. maracana tour telefone

    Os ingressos poderão ser comprados pela internet ou na bilheteria do Tour (entrada pelo portão A para pedestres e para carros pelo estacionamento do portão 2) aberta das 8h:30

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